Odoo 2c2p Payment Acquirer
Easily integrate the 2c2p payment method in Odoo!!
- Use 2c2p Payment Acquirer for your Odoo e-commerce to enhance your business.
- Allow your customers to pay through 2c2p payment services.
- Redirect your Customers to the 2c2p payments page to complete the transactions.
- Redirect back to your website after successful payment.
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Odoo 2c2p Payment Acquirer - 2c2p offers the customers to make payments online on the Odoo website itself. They can just log in to their 2c2p account and use the details saved into their accounts.
With 2c2p Express Checkout, the customers are redirected to the 2c2p site and the payment gets completed. This facilitates quick order placement on the website.
Bring the security and ease of 2c2p to your website in Odoo
The Odoo 2c2p Payment Acquirer module connects your Odoo website to the 2c2p payment gateway. 2C2P offers online payment gateway solutions to businesses and merchants for e-payment processing.
Even if you're not expanding internationally, using two or more payment gateways makes good business sense. This payment option is ideal if you want to provide excellent service to your customers.
- 2c2p is the most used payment gateway worldwide as it is safe and trusted by many users.
- The smooth payment method attracts new users resulting in increased sales.
- Generates a sense of security in your valuable customers and helps to retain them.
- Customers have the leverage to allow 2c2p for customers to make payments.
- Increases customers' trust thus, generating more traffic on your Odoo website.
Odoo 2c2p Payment Acquirer Features
Enable 2c2p Payment Gateway On Your Odoo Website
- Facilitates single-step integration of 2c2p with the Odoo website.
- The customers can pay using 2c2p for their Odoo website orders.
- You can enable this reliable payment gateway on your Odoo website and provide ease to your customers.
Safe And Reliable Payment Gateway
- Redirect your Customers to the 2c2p payments page to complete the transactions.
- Redirect back to your website after successful payment.
- Provides smooth end-to-end payment flow.
Support Different Cards For Payment From Customers
- Odoo 2c2p payment gateway supports Mastercard, Visa, Maestro, and many other cards for payment from customers.
- 2c2p payment gateway provides better security management using card verification code.
Manage The 2c2p Payment Method From The Odo Backend
- From the back panel, you can easily enable/disable the 2c2p payment method.
Manage the configuration from the backend
- Facilitates single-step integration of 2c2p with the Odoo website.
- The customers can pay using 2c2p for their Odoo website orders.
- You can enable this reliable payment gateway on your Odoo website and provide ease to your customers.
- From the back panel, you can easily enable/disable the 2c2p payment method.
- Provides smooth end-to-end payment flow.
- Customers have the leverage to allow 2c2p for customers to make payments.
- Increases customers' trust thus, generating more traffic on your Odoo website.

Select 2c2p as payment method at checkout page in Odoo

- Use 2c2p Payment Acquirer for your Odoo e-commerce to enhance your business.
- Allow your customers to pay through 2c2p payment services.
- Redirect your Customers to the 2c2p payments page to complete the transactions.
- Redirect back to your website after successful payment.
- Odoo 2c2p payment gateway supports Mastercard, Visa, Maestro, and many other cards for payment from customers.
- 2c2p payment gateway provides better security management using card verification code.
Also, check other Odoo Apps-
Odoo 2c2p Payment Acquirer
Webkul's dedicated support provides you with the customizations and troubleshooting solutions for Odoo 2c2p Payment Acquirer.
For any query or issue please CREATE A TICKET HERE
You may also check our other top-quality Odoo Extensions.
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In our default configuration we will provide tremendous configuration for your eCommerce Website which is fast to load and response.
Default Configuration Details of Server
- 1 GB RAM
- 1 Core Processor
- 30 GB Hard Disk
- DB with 1 GB RAM and 1 Core Processor
* Server Configuration may vary as per application requirements.
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