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    Odoo POS Stock Double Validation

    Odoo POS Stock Double Validation : When you are working on multiple POS Sessions at a time then sometimes this situation occurs that product which you have added to POS Cart for placing an order is already been sold on another session and gone out of stock and you didn't get any notifications of that. So in order to solve this problem, we have introduced our module Odoo POS Stock Double Validation. Using this module a POS User is notified if the selected product goes out of stock during a running POS session. This would be the best module to manage the product's stock efficiently when there are more than one POS sessions running simultaneously and you need to keep track of the available product's quantity.


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    Odoo POS Stock Double Validation - When you are working on multiple POS Sessions at a time then sometimes this situation occurs when the product which you have added to POS Cart for placing an order has already been sold on another session and gone out of stock and you didn't get any notifications of that. So in order to solve this problem, we have introduced our module Odoo POS Stock Double Validation.

    It happens when different POS users are working on different POS sessions at the same time. This can lead the selected product to go out of stock during the running POS session without informing the other POS user too. Odoo POS Double Stock Validation provides a tight control on the validation and management of stock.

    It avoids the havoc which generally comes while using multiple sessions on POS. This will be the best module to manage and validate your stock efficiently while working on multiple POS sessions.

    Odoo POS Stock Double Validation

    Note:This module is dependent on Odoo POS Stock in order to use Odoo POS Stock Double Validation module you need to purchase this module also.

     Odoo POS Stock Double Validation Features

    Validate the product stock in the running POS session

    • The Odoo POS Stock Double Validation module implements a second quantity validation check in the POS Stock module.
    • You can easily keep the track of the available product's quantity in the POS.

     Manage the product’s quantity in POS easily

    • A user has the authority to manage the product’s quantity in POS when multiple sessions are running at a time.
    • The POS User gets the notification if the selected product goes out of stock during a running POS session.

    Products get validated at payment page in POS

    • The stock will be validated when the user presses the Payment button or the Validate button at POS end.

    Manage the configuration from the Odoo backend

    • Set the stock validation option from the backend.
    • Allow the stock double validation option from the backend as shown.
    Google map

     View the product stock at the frontend in POS

    Google map
    • As shown, POS users can check the product quantity at the time of placing order in POS.
    • The POS users can double check the product stock easily.

    Odoo POS Stock Double Validation -

    For any query or issue please create a support ticket here

    You may also check our other top-quality Odoo Apps.


    Product Version1.0
    Released6 years ago
    Last UpdatedDecember 18, 2024 (1 month ago)
    Supported VersionsOdoo  11.x  12.x  14.x  15.x  16.x  17.x  
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