Odoo Print Payslip Excel Report
Manage Employee Payslip Reports in Excel directly from the backend in Odoo!!
- Print Payslip Reports in excel individually for each employee.
- Generate a detailed excel(Xls) report of employee Payslip records.
- All the details in Odoo payslips reflect on the XLS report automatically.
- Generate the excel form of the Payslip to download it directly to your system.
- Group and Print Payslip Excel Reports on the basis of date.
- Print Payslip Excel Report on the basis of payslip batches.
- Generate Employee Payslip Excel Report by selecting desired payslip(s).
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Odoo Print Payslip Excel Report: Single click step to generate all payslips together in Excel!!
Payslip is an important document which contains the salary that a person draws from the employer. Hence, it is necessary to keep track of employee payslips.
Generate Payslip in Excel form at different levels
- Print unique Payslips Excel Report for each Employee.
- Group and Print Payslip Excel Reports on the basis of date.
- Print Payslip Excel Report on the basis of payslip batches.
- Generate Employee Payslip Excel Report by selecting desired payslip(s).
You can simply create salary rules to add more fields in the Payslip Excel Report. There is no limit for generating salary rules which means you can create as many as you want. The rules will be reflected in the Excel form of the payslip fields.
Odoo Print Payslip Excel Report Features
Generate XLS Format of payslips in Odoo
- Odoo Print Payslip Excel Reports generate XLS Format of Employee PaySlip Records In Odoo.
- It enables you to print Employee PaySlip Reports in Excel on the basis of payslip batches.
Select payslips need to be printed in Odoo
- Print Payslip Excel Report by selecting payslip(s).
- Create New Salary Rules to add more details in the Payslip Excel Report.
Generate the excel report from the Odoo backend
- Odoo Print Payslip Excel Reports generate XLS Format of Employee PaySlip Records In Odoo.
- It enables you to print Employee PaySlip Reports in Excel on the basis of payslip batches.
- You can view the period for which the excel report will be generated.
- Print unique Payslips Excel Report for each Employee.
- Group and Print Payslip Excel Reports on the basis of date.
- Print Payslip Excel Report on the basis of payslip batches.
- You have to simply click on the download button to generate the report in excel report.
Generate the payslip report in excel format
- Generate Employee Payslip Excel Report by selecting desired payslip(s).
- Print Payslip Excel Report by selecting payslip(s).
- Create New Salary Rules to add more details in the Payslip Excel Report.
- Payslip is an important document which contains the salary that a person draws from the employer.
- As shown, the excel report is generated along with all the payslip details.
- Hence, it is necessary to keep track of employee payslips.
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Odoo Print Payslip Excel Report
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You may also check our other top-quality Odoo Modules.
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