Odoo Survey After Signup
Conduct customer surveys after signup!!
- Create a survey for a new user from the Odoo backend.
- Embed the survey on the registration page of the website.
- The survey helps you to know users' preferences and behavior.
- Every survey record is saved in the backend.
- Get survey results with just a click.
- Surveys allow you in making products better and improving the user experience.
- They help in increasing the conversion on the website.
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Odoo Survey After Signup: Customer Surveys is a power-tool to read the mind of your target audiences.
Survey Form in Odoo provides you with the opportunity to engage your buyer and website visitors. Design your surveys in Odoo to get feedback and suggestions directly from them.
Benefits of Designing Surveys for the Odoo website:
- Lower cost than any other sample data collection medium.
- They are easier to design and implement
- Can be embedded on a website for your target audience.
- It takes a few seconds for the customers to complete a survey.
How To Use of Survey on Your Odoo Website:
- Ask them about their experience on your website
- Ask them about their expectation
- Learn how they shop on your website
- Ask them the channels they used to know about you to strengthen your marketing strategy
- Ask them about existing and new services.
- Ask them what products they buy on a regular basis to combine it with the discount strategy and increase sales.
Gather these answers, study what your customers want, and Implement the changes to render a satisfying experience to them to improve your business and build up your revenue stream.
Odoo Survey After Signup Features
Collect customer survey after successful registration
- The module integrates the survey feature to the website signup form.
- If enabled, the new registering customers can be shown a survey form to fill.
- They can answer the displayed question and submit the survey.
Create survey and attach them to website sign up page
- The admin can create and select a survey (in progress) to add it to the signup page.
- When a customer fills the signup form the survey shows automatically to the customer.
Make Survey Mandatory or optional with a click
- You can make the survey mandatory or optional for the customers.
- The feature is managed from the setting with a click.
- If mandatory, the customer needs to fill the survey to complete it.
- If optional, he can skip the survey altogether.
Pending unsubmitted survey reminder in My account page
- If a customer skips a mandatory survey, a notification bar is shown to the customer.
- The reminder notification shows up in the My Account Page of the customer.
- The customer needs to complete the survey to close the notification bar.
Thank you popup after submission of survey form
- A thank you page shows up after submission of Odoo signup survey.
- The page can be configured from the Odoo backend.
- Moreover, a thank you notification bar will also show in My Account page for 1 day.
Saves submitted survey in corresponding partner form in Odoo
- The submitted survey is auto saved in the customer’s form in Odoo.
- You can open the form directly from the res.partner form.
Create Simple & Direct Questions For customers
- You can create different question types for your surveys in Odoo.
- The questions can be single line answer type, multiple choice, numerical values, etc.
- Create and use questions for each survey separately.
Different Kind of Survey Your can embed on Odoo Website
- Surveys to get suggestions about new products and services
- Feedback on the current products.
- Questions regarding customers’ experience on the website.
- Surveys about ease of using your services.
- Post-sale service experience.
- Newsletter subscription survey
- General suggestions and feedback

Mandatory and Optional Surveys In Odoo

- The survey can be set as mandatory or optional for the customers.
- If optional the customers can choose to skip it after successful registration.
- If set to mandatory, the customer needs to complete the survey after signing up.
- For mandatory surveys, the customer will see the notification bar in his website account until he completes and submits the survey
Other Odoo Survey Modules-
Odoo Survey After Signup -
Webkul's dedicated support provides you with the customizations and troubleshooting solutions for Odoo Survey After Signup.
For any query or issue please CREATE A TICKET HERE
You may also check our other top-quality Odoo Extensions.
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In our default configuration we will provide tremendous configuration for your eCommerce Website which is fast to load and response.
Default Configuration Details of Server
- 1 GB RAM
- 1 Core Processor
- 30 GB Hard Disk
- DB with 1 GB RAM and 1 Core Processor
* Server Configuration may vary as per application requirements.
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