Odoo POS Show Discounted Price
Odoo POS Show Discounted Price : If you are planning to have some special discounts on products in your ‘Point of Sale’ and want to show the actual price along with discounted price, then this module is very useful to you. Using this module along with Point of Sale module, we can create pricelist, attach the same price list to the point of sale and show both discounted price as well as the actual price of the product in Point of Sale. In this way, cashier has the knowledge that the product`s price has been deducted and he/she can tell to the customer as well.
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Odoo POS Show Discounted Price- Providing a discount to a customer on your POS store is a perfect marketing technique to increase sales efficiently. It makes your customers feel special but also attracts for future purchase. However, sometimes customers are unable to know the discounted price of the product they purchased.
Show your discounted prices and make customers feel special!!
Odoo POS Show Discounted Price allows you to show the discounted price of the products to your customers on the POS store. You can even create a price list and attach it to the POS. In this way, the cashier has the knowledge that the product`s price has been deducted and he/she can tell the customer as well. This will enable you to show the difference between the actual price and discounted price that will make customers satisfied and happy.
Odoo POS Show Discounted Price Features
Create price list from the backend in Odoo
- The Odoo POS Show Discounted Price module allows you to create a price list from the back-end.
- The price list shows both ‘Actual’ as well as ‘Discounted’ price of products in your POS.
Set discount in POS on the products accordingly
- The Discount can be set in POS on all products from the backend.
- Admin can even set the discount in POS specifically for some products also.
View the prices in the running POS Session itself
- The cashier can know both the prices in the running POS session itself.
- He/She does not need to check the back-end for the prices.
Create a new pricelist from the Odoo backend
- Create a new price list here or you can configure the existing price list too.
- While creating the price list click on ‘Price Rules’ and add the line for applying this price list in POS.

Front end view of the product

- In this view you can see both prices i.e. The ‘Actual’ price and price after deduction or discount in POS front-end.
- Customers can also see these discounts in their receipts too.
Other POS Modules
Odoo POS Show Discounted Price Support -
For any query or issue please create a support ticket here http://webkul.uvdesk.com
You may also check our other top-quality Odoo Apps.
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Default Configuration Details of Server
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