PrestaShop Marketplace Block Product
PrestaShop Marketplace Block Product module helps sellers of the marketplace to restrict customers from accessing or buying products based on their country or IP address.
- Restrict customers from buying products of the shop.
- Block customers of certain countries or of some IP addresses from viewing or buying products.
- Choose to restrict customers of multiple countries.
- Add as many IP addresses as you want to restrict those particular IP users.
- Customize the message to show to customers when a certain product is blocked for them.
- Choose to allow or restrict customers from viewing the product details page of blocked products.
- The module is multi-shop compatible.
Note: PrestaShop Marketplace Block Product module is compatible with PrestaShop 8.x.x
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PrestaShop Marketplace Block Product - The module offers sellers of the marketplace to restrict customers of certain locations or with IP addresses from buying the product.
Customize a message to notify your customer about the unavailability of the product. The module also offers to determine the location of a customer based on either shipping address or the IP address.

Note: This module is an add-on to a marketplace module. To use this module, you must install PrestaShop Advanced Multi-Vendor Marketplace first.
Benefits of Marketplace Block Product Module-
Blocking the products according to the customer geolocation prevents online customers from accessing and purchasing products from a website based on geo-location if the product is not available at their IP address or shipping address.
Customers can see and purchase only those products that are available at their shipping address or at their IP address.

Module configuration-
- We have given an option through which admin can decide whether to show the product detail page or not to the customers of the blocked products.
- Admin can set the default message for the blocked product that will be visible for the customers.
- Admin will have the option to decide whether to block the product on the basis of the customer address or customer IP address.

Module Flow-
- After a successful installation, the seller will get a new tab on the add/update product page to block the product for the single/multiple countries or for any IP address.
- Go to marketplace account -> product tab, from there you can update/add any product. On product add/edit page you will find a new tab named as “Block Product”.
- From the “Block Product” tab seller can block that product for particular/multiple countries or even for an IP address. But to do so seller has to save the basic details of the product first.

PrestaShop Marketplace Block Product Features
- Block products either country wise or IP address.
- Admin can enable/disable the display of the product page.
- Admin can configure the message which will be displayed on the product page when the product is not available in the country.
- Seller can select single or multiple countries to block the product.
- Seller can specify the single or multiple IP addresses to block the product.
- Admin can also block seller products for single/multiple countries or IP address.
- Customer will be warned by the alert message on the product page.
- Customer will be able to know the availability of the product in their country.
- The module is multi-shop compatible.
PrestaShop Marketplace Block Product Support
For any query or issue, please create a support ticket here http://webkul.uvdesk.com
You may also check our other top-quality PrestaShop Modules.
Recent Reviews
Write a reviewI recommend Webkul for their responsiveness and professionalism
I recommend Webkul for their responsiveness and professionalism. They are always listening and very competent.
Very simple and practical
Hi installed this module in projection of future openings in other countries for our website. It is indeed very useful, tested it with other contacts abroad to make sure it worked and it's fairly simply and very practical.
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