PrestaShop Marketplace Mangopay Payment
PrestaShop Marketplace MangoPay Payment module offers customers to pay via MangoPay payment for the admin as well as seller's product.
- Use the module either in Test Mode or Live Mode.
- Let sellers manage refunds as well as a payout from the module itself.
- 3DS2 compliant to ensure maximum security of the transaction.
- Sellers can submit their KYC documents to MangoPay from the module.
- The module is compatible with PSD2.
- A list of all the transactions done via various modes is available separately.
- Sellers can add as many bank details as they want.
- Helps sellers to provide a safe & secure payment gateway to the customers.
Note: PrestaShop Marketplace Mangopay Payment module is compatible with PrestaShop framework version 8.x.x.
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PrestaShop Marketplace MangoPay Payment - The module offers admin/sellers to accept the payment through MangoPay payment gateway
This allows the buyers to pay through credit cards, direct debit payment and bank wire. This module is useful when admin wants the payment split as soon as the buyer pays.
This module also provides the functionality to choose whether you wan your customers to make payment by redirecting to the third-party page or without redirecting to the third party page.
With this module, an admin and seller can also manage the refunds. The admin as well as the seller can even payout the wallet amount to their bank account.
An Important Note
- This module is an add-on to a marketplace module. To use this module, you must install PrestaShopAdvanced Multi-Vendor Marketplace first.
- PrestaShop Marketplace MangoPay Payment module is compatible with PSD2.
- Click here to see the list of countries where your company must be registered in order to use the MangoPay.
- Click here to view the list of authorized countries where you can process the payments.
- The module is 3DS2 compliant.
- Admin & seller both can upload the KYC documents from the module.
Highlighted Features
Test/Live Mode
Use the module either in test mode or live mode.
3-D Secure
Facilitates 3-D secure transactions to ensure an extra layer of security to transactions.
Manage Refunds
Sellers can manage refunds of the customer from the module itself.
Add Multiple Bank Accounts
Sellers can add multiple bank accounts to make payouts from the wallet.
PrestaShop Marketplace MangoPay Payment Features -
- Customers will get the option to pay through credit card, bank wire & direct debit payment methods.
- The seller has to save their country for MangoPay wallet in admin’s MangoPay account.
- Admin will have the option to allow customers to pay in different card types.
- While paying through the Card, a customer can redirect to the third-party page or can pay without redirecting to the third-party page as set by the admin.
- At the time of payment, the amount will credit to the seller’s wallet and admin’s wallet.
- Wallets generate at the MangoPay end as per the currency selected in the “allowed currency” in configuration. A single user may have multiple wallets.
- Admin can see the list of transactions made via credit card, direct debit and bank wire.
- Select transaction order status either as “payment accepted” or “delivered” to manage the MangoPay transfer from customer/PayIn wallet to admin’s/sellers wallet.
- Allow/disallow sellers to payout their wallet amount to their bank account.
- Allow or disallow sellers to refund the order amount.
- Allow/disallow sellers to provide their bank account details.
- Admin can manage refund as well as payout process through the module.
- Admin can manage refund from MangoPay PayIn and MangoPay Transfer while sellers can manage the refund from MangoPay transfer only.
- Both admin & the seller can add multiple bank account details.
- Admin can add bank details for sellers from the back-end.
- Admin can view the list of all the bank accounts added by sellers on the seller detail page.
- To add bank details, an admin/seller has to select the account type from the predefined list.
- Depending on the account type, fields will display to the admin/seller to fill on the add account page.
- Using the “MangoPay Payout” tab, an admin can transfer the wallet balance to their account.
- Using the “MangoPay Wallet Cash Out” tab sellers can payout their own wallet amount to their saved bank accounts.
- Using the “Manage Seller Payout” button on the “Manage Seller Bank Details”, the admin can pay out the sellers wallet amount to a sellers bank account.
- The list of transactions of “admin’s wallet & “Payin wallet” is available to admin.
- Depending on the “transaction order status”, the order amount will add to the list of transactions of “admin’s wallet” and “Payin wallet”.
- Admin can refund the admin’s/seller’s wallet amount to Payin/customer wallet from the module.
- Admin can also refund the full/partial amount from Payin wallet to customer account.
- Enable/disable the field to delete the MangoPay data at the time of un-installation of the module.
- Use the module either in the test or live mode.
- Sellers can also refund the order amount to the customer’s MangoPay wallet.
- Sellers can also refund the order amount to the customer’s card.
- The seller gets a mail when the admin makes the refund.
- Admin also receives the mail when the seller makes the refund.
- Admin can view transactions of the seller or admin wallet for every order separately.
- The seller can deactivate their bank accounts anytime.
- Admin can deactivate the bank accounts for both seller and admin.
- The seller can also upload their KYC documents from the module.
- A seller can also track the current status of the KYC document(i.e., whether it’s accepted or not) & accordingly make changes.
MangoPay Technical partner
MANGOPAY helps you accept and organize your payments to grow and internationalize faster and smarter.
Enjoy the benefits that MANGOPAY offers you when you apply through the WEBKUL Partner Portal. Sign up now to get partnership package benefits.
- Special Pricing - Benefit from discounted rates depending on your business type and model. This will differ per platform and you will need to discuss with your account manager.
- Dedicated Technical Account Manager - MANGOPAY Technical Support team will be at your disposal in English, French, and German to help on integrations where needed.
- Social Media Mentions - When your platform goes live with MANGOPAY, they can share it on different social media channels to boost traffic to your website.
- Blog Exposure - MANGOPAY is always looking for new content to share and write about. Do you have a story about your platform or journey to share?

New Features in Current Version -
- Customers will have the option to pay through BankWire Payment method.
- Customers will have the option to pay through Direct Debit Payment method.
- Sellers can also refund the order amount to customer's Mangopay wallet.
- Sellers can also refund the order amount to customer's card.
- If enabled by admin, the seller will receive the mail when the refund is made by admin.
- If enabled by admin, when the refund will be made by seller admin will receive the mail.
- Transaction in seller/admin wallet for every order can be viewed by admin separately.
- Seller can deactivate their bank accounts anytime.
- Admin can deactivate the bank accounts for both seller and admin.
Payment options through the Marketplace MangoPay payment module
Customer will have various option to pay through this module as given below-
- Mangopay Card payment: In this, customers will have the option to pay through the Credit card of different types.
- Mangopay Bank-wire payment: By this, the customer will have the option to pay by transferring the amount to the admin's/seller's account.
- Mangopay Direct Debit payment : Customer will have to fill their account detail in order to make the payment.

Credit Card types that are available for the customers
In the Card payment, option customer will have various types to choose the card type as listed below:
- Visa
- Mastercard
- Carte Bleue
- Maestro
- Diners

Configuration to redirect at the time of card payment
In the Card payment option, you can allow customers to whether they will have to pay by redirecting to the third party page(PayIn Web) or they can pay without redirecting to any third party page(Direct Payment).

Refund Process for Sellers
The seller can refund the money to customer wallet(Mangoapay wallet). At the back-end, admin can view that the seller has refunded the order the amount and then can proceed to transfer the customer wallet amount to the respective bank account using PayIn process.

Payout Functionality
The seller can transfer the MangoPay wallet amount to their bank account that is added in the back-office.

PrestaShop Marketplace MangoPay Payment Support -
For any query or issue, please create a support ticket here http://webkul.uvdesk.com
You may also check our other top-quality PrestaShop Modules.
Recent Reviews
Write a reviewI recommend Webkul for their responsiveness and professionalism
I recommend Webkul for their responsiveness and professionalism. They are always listening and very competent.
Nice module and support
We successfull integrate this module with their marketplace. The support is competent and prompt to resolve the problem. I recommand.
Quality and assistance
The support is very competent and the problems are resolved on average within 24 to 48 hours. Wonderfull

Quality module and assistance
I bought the MangoPay module and the assistance service in the event of a problem and indeed the support is very competent and the problems are resolved on average within 24 to 48 hours. The development team does a marvelous job so congratulations

Frequently Asked Questions
- Mangopay Card Payment
- Mangopay Bankwire Payment
- Mangopay Direct Debit Payment
- Direct Payment – Where the customer can pay without redirecting to the third-party page.
- PayIn Web – Where the customer will redirect to the third-party page for making the payment.
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