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    Laravel eCommerce Marketplace RMA extension

    Laravel eCommerce Marketplace RMA extension: module allows the customers to return and replace the products that have been ordered by them by creating an RMA request. Buyers can create RMA request with return reasons that are created by the admin and the admin will also be able to see the conversation between the seller and customer.

    Laravel eCommerce Marketplace RMA extension Laravel eCommerce Marketplace RMA extension Laravel eCommerce Marketplace RMA extension Laravel eCommerce Marketplace RMA extension Laravel eCommerce Marketplace RMA extension Laravel eCommerce Marketplace RMA extension Laravel eCommerce Marketplace RMA extension Laravel eCommerce Marketplace RMA extension Laravel eCommerce Marketplace RMA extension
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    Laravel eCommerce Marketplace RMA extension: Laravel eCommerce Marketplace RMA module allows the customers to return and replace the products that have been ordered by them by creating an RMA request. Buyers can create RMA request with return reasons that are created by the admin and the admin will also be able to see the conversation between the seller and customer.

    Note:-This module is an add-on of Marketplace Module. To use this module you must have installed the first Laravel Marketplace.

    Highlighted Features

     RMA Request Creation

    Customers can easily create RMA requests from their profile.

     RMA Reason Creation

    The admin can create RMA reasons for the customers.

     Customer and Seller Communication

    The module allows the customer and seller communication regarding the RMA request.

     RMA Request Visibility

    The admin can easily view all RMA requests generated by the customers.

     Days allowed to generate RMA request

    The admin can set the “Default Allowed Days” to create RMA request for their customers.

     Allow Guest Users

    The admin can also allow guest users to create an RMA request. Guest users need to input their order id and email id to generate RMA request.

    What is the need for RMA?

    This feature can help to improve the customer's satisfaction.RMA provides the freedom to the customer to replace, refund and cancel the orders.

    Some of the main advantages of RMA are:-

    • Increases customer's satisfaction.
    • Increases customer's trust for the eCommerce store.
    • Increases the sale of an eCommerce store.
    • Increases the value of an eCommerce store.

    What is the difference between Exchange order and Replace order?

    Exchange:- Under the exchange, the product will be exchanged with the new identical product with different size and color.

    Replace:- The product will be replaced with new identical one if the previously delivered product is damaged or spoiled.

    Managing RMA reasons:-The admin can easily create RMA reasons from their panel and these RMA reasons can be used by the customer while generating RMA request.

    • The admin can create RMA reasons.
    • The admin can enable or disable the RMA reasons
    • The admin can also edit RMA reasons.

    Creating RMA request

    Customers can create the RMA request for the refund, replace and cancel the orders if they are not satisfied with the order delivered to them within a limited period of time.

    • The customer can select RMA reasons from the drop-down.
    • The customer can add additional information and images for the wrongly delivered products.
    • The customer can also select the order status from the drop-down.
    • The customer and select any product if there is more than one product.
     Creating RMA request

    Marketplace RMA list

    Whenever a customer will create RMA request the seller will get the notification about the RMA request through an email. The seller can see the list of RMA request in his profile.

    • The sellers can see all the RMA request under the RMA section.
    • The seller can view the details of all RMA requests by selecting any RMA request from the RMA list.
    • The seller can easily check all the details regarding RMA request such as customer name, order reference, RMA status, and RMA request date.
    • The seller can also filter the RMA request by RMA Id, Customer name, RMA request date and order reference.
     Marketplace RMA list

    RMA Seller Management

    By selecting any RMA from the RMA list, the seller can view the complete information regarding an RMA request including the messages sent by the customers. The seller can also see the images of the product if the customer has sent the images of the product under this section.

    • The seller can change the status of the RMA request.
    • The seller can send a message to the customer regarding the RMA.
    • The seller can also check the order information regarding, order id, product price and quantity.
    • Resolution type for the order requested by the customer is also visible to the seller.
     RMA Seller Management

    RMA Admin Management

    All the RMA requests created by the customers are visible to the admin and the admin can check all RMA requests under the RMA section along with RMA id, Order reference, Date and Status.

    • The admin can also proceed with the RMA request just like seller where the RMA request is generated for the admin products.
    • The admin can see all the details of any RMA request.
    • The admin can see all the conversations between the sellers and customers by selecting an RMA request.
    • The admin can also check the RMA status, Seller status, order status and resolution type.
     RMA Admin Management

    Chat Board

    The customer and seller can chat with each other regarding the RMA request through messages.

    • All Conversation between the seller and customer are visible with respective date and time.
    • All conversation can be seen between the seller and customer by selecting a particular RMA.
    • The admin can also see the conversation between the seller and the customer.
     Chat Board

    RMA Email Notification

    The customer and seller both will get the RMA notification on the generation of the RMA request.

    • The guest user will also get the notification for RMA generation through email.
    • The RMA email notification consists of the entire details about the RMA.
    • The customer will get a notification at the time of the RMA status change
     RMA Email Notification

     Complete Features List

    • Customers can request RMA to cancel the order.
    • Customers can generate RMA for Return/Exchange.
    • Dynamic selection of items for an order for making RMA request.
    • Admin will create RMA reasons.
    • Admin will be able to see the seller-buyer conversation history.
    • Admin can see the list of all the RMA.
    • Admin can solve the Requested RMA for his products.
    • RMA history for buyers and sellers with pagination.
    • The guest user can request an RMA to cancel the order.
    • The guest user can generate RMA for Return/Exchange.


    For any issue related to this module, please create a support ticket here at - or send an email to [email protected]

    You may also check our quality Bagisto Extensions.


    Product Version1.4.5
    Released5 years ago
    Last UpdatedFebruary 10, 2023 (1 year ago)
    Supported VersionsBagisto  1.3.x  1.4.x  
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    • + Features
    • - Bugs
    Version 1.4.5
    • [feature] Compatiblity issue with bagisto v1.4.5 [Enhancement]
    • Now compatable with new release Bagisto v1.4.5 [Enhancement]
    • RMA return option should be available on the header at the front end.[Enhancement]
    • Admin should also generate RMA for the customer. [Enhancement]
    • Image should be visible when the admin / seller clicks on the image. [Enhancement]
    • Pagination should be visible at the admin as well as seller side.[Enhancement]
    • Created by option should be available in the reasons at the admin end inside RMA. [Enhancement]
    • Seller and Admin messages should be visible in the chat format. [Enhancement]
    • RMA return option should be available on the header at the front end. [Bug]
    • In Seller Login URL, when we replace it with Guest login URL it is redirected to customer RMA section. [Bug]
    • Getting Exceptional Error in Guest login for checking All Guest RMA. [Bug]
    • In Admin RMA - Action Button -> Additional Information Text is Overlapping. [Bug]
    • Mail Details related to the messages need to be checked and Update. [Bug]
    • Getting an exception while deleting all the reasons through mass delete at the admin end inside rma resons. [Bug]
    • Validation error message is visible when the seller edit reasons. [Bug]
    • Pending status should be visible on the excel sheet file at the admin endss. [Bug]
    • One More Seller Admin Product when added to the cart from Admin End, then RMA request appears in Seller Profile not in Admin End.
    Version 1.4.4
    • [feature] Compatiblity issue with bagisto v1.4.4 [Enhancement]
    • Now compatable with new release Bagisto v1.4.4
    Version 1.4.3
    • [feature] Compatiblity issue with bagisto v1.4.3
    • [Enhancement] Now compatable with new release Bagisto v1.4.3
    Version 1.3.3
    • [feature] Compatiblity issue with bagisto v1.3.3.
    Version 1.3.2
    • [Fixed] Compatiblity issue with bagisto v1.3.2.
    Version 1.3.1
    • [Enhancement] Now compatable with new release Bagisto v1.3.1
    • [Bug] Fixed composer.json error.
    • [Bug] Fixed the Warning of ModuleHelper.
    • [Bug] Align the button of Create Rma.
    • [Bug] Product Image Issues.
    • [Bug] marketplace id error when storing the reason via seller end.
    • [Bug] Fixed the Issue related to Admin Reason Datagrid.