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    Stock Photo Marketplace for Magento 2

    Stock Photo Marketplace for Magento 2: Magento 2 Stock Photo Marketplace facilitates the admin and the sellers of the site to create stock photos or licensed images. These images are configured with watermark text (a company’s name) or images (company’s logo). The sellers of the site can also create multiple sample images which are configured with the watermark images or texts which serve as an effective marketing tool.

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    Stock Photo Marketplace for Magento 2: In order to retain the integrity of the content, it is essential to integrate effective marketing strategies. This can be achieved by integrating Watermarks which exhibit the products and services through an image or small attractive texts which may be a company’s name, the company’s logo, copyright, etc.

    The watermarks are configured in any part of the sample image. Through Magento 2 Stock Photo Marketplace, the admin and the sellers of a site can add watermark in the form of texts or image. The watermark also secures the data from theft and market the product in a more effective and convenient way hence reaching out to the right customer crowd and generating real revenue for the site.

    Please Note-

    Highlighted Features

     Allow Stock for Sellers

    The admin allows/ not allow the Manage Stock Products option for the sellers.

     Watermark Type Selection

    The admin, as well as the sellers, may choose the Watermark Type as Text or Image and set the configurations accordingly.

     Visibility of the Watermark Text

    The visibility of the watermark text can be set as Transparent or Solid Color.

     Watermark Positioning

    Multiple options for the watermark position are given, such as the top, top-right, top-left, bottom, etc are given, from which the admin/ sellers can

    Accent of Marketing using Watermarks

    Watermarks have become as one of the most desirable aspects of any online business. An easy peasy procedure to market the product and services and reach out to the right customer crowd.

    For instance, a photographer uses the name or a logo in the photographs he clicks, so that the photographer increases the horizons of his brand name and set a mark in the photography world.

    Similarly, an image which is associated with a company includes the company’s logo or name of the company which serves as a marketing strategy and also secures the data from theft.

    Accent of Marketing using Watermarks

    Text and Image Configurations: Admin End

    Once the Magento 2 Stock Photo Marketplace is successfully installed, the admin can configure the settings for the Text or the Image Watermarks.

    Watermarks are short and concise texts or images used for marketing a brand name. It also enhances the search engine rankings, hence, adding to the conversion rates.

    • The admin has the leverage to allow/ disallow the sellers with the option of the manage stock products.
    • The admin can add resolutions for different variations for the image and the text watermark type.
    • The admin may set a position of the watermark. If chosen Tile, the watermark shall display on the complete image.
    • An opacity of the watermark is defined by the admin.
    • On choosing either text or image as watermark type, the admin needs to set the configurations, respectively.
    Text and Image Configurations: Admin End

    Seller-End Configurations: Text and Image Watermark Type

    The sellers of a site can also use the watermark images or texts for the branding of their products and services. The sellers can create watermarks only if the admin has enabled the “Allow Sellers to create stock photo product”.

    • Once the sellers' login to their accounts, the Manage stock photo Product option is present in the sellers “My Account” page.
    • The sellers can set the Watermark Configurations or create stock photo product.
    • The seller can configure the watermark’s type, position, and opacity.
    • For the Text Configuration, the seller may set the text, resolution, size, type, color.
    • For the Image Configuration, the seller may set the watermark image, width, and height.
    • The attribute set for creating the stock photo product includes the list selected by the admin.
    • The sellers can even choose to “Use the Admin End Configuration” where the admin defines the resolutions while setting the configurations.
    • The admin can define a number of downloads allowed for the customers.
    • The seller adds a sample image on which the sample image displays.
    Seller-End Configurations: Text and Image Watermark Type

    Reaching out to the Right Customers

    Watermarks help market products and services in a simple but effective way. Watermarks target to reach out to a specific customer crowd, in turn, helping the business to generate real sales conversions.

    • The customers can purchase a downloadable product with a watermark image or text.
    • The customers need to log in order to do the checkout before making a purchase.
    • The customers can create a new account for the checkout process.
    • When the order status is complete, the downloadable products purchased shall be visible under My Downloadable Products.
    • The downloadable image or products can be downloaded without the watermark image.
    Reaching out to the Right Customers

    Complete Features

    • The admin can enable/disable the stock photo marketplace module for sellers.
    • Watermark type may be chosen as Text or Image by the admin.
    • Admin can set configurations for both the image and text watermark types.
    • The admin sets the resolutions for the image and text watermarks.
    • The seller can use default image types and resolutions.
    • The seller can add customer image type as well.
    • Sellers can set configurations for both the image and text watermark types.
    • For stock sample images, the images or text watermarks are allowed.
    • The watermark text can be set as Transparent or Solid color.
    • Any position for the watermark can be chosen by the sellers and admin from the given dropdown list.


    For any query or issue please create a support ticket here

    You may also check our quality Magento 2 Extensions.


    Product Version5.0.0
    Released5 years ago
    Last UpdatedOctober 26, 2023 (1 year ago)
    Supported VersionsMagento  2.0.x  2.1.x  2.2.x  2.3.x  2.4.x  
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     Frequently Asked Questions

     How can we customize the watermarks?
    Text watermarks can be customized in terms of its color, resolutions, size, and the height, width, opacity for an image watermarks can be customized.
     What is a Watermark? How many types of Watermarks does Magento 2 Stock Photo Marketplace support?
    Watermark is an image (a company's logo) or a text (e.g. a name of a company), copyright, etc which is configured on any part of a sample image, used for branding purpose. The Magento 2 Stock Photo Marketplace supports text and image watermarks.
     Are the sellers allowed to add the watermarks and create stock photo products?
    If the admin enables the stock photo for the sellers, then only the manage stock product tab option shall be visible on the seller dashboard.
     What is the purpose of the “Use Admin Default Configuration,” visible while the seller creates a stock photo product?
    If the seller checks the “Use Admin Default Configuration,” the sellers can use the admin defined resolutions for creating the sample images. If unchecked, the seller can create the desired resolutions.
     What is the importance of watermarks in e-commerce?
    It helps to retain the integrity of the company’s data and also is an effective tool to market product and services in the form of attractive texts and images.

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    Default Configuration Details of Server

    • 1 GB RAM
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    * Server Configuration may vary as per application requirements.

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    • + Features
    • - Bugs
    Version 5.0.0
    • + Version Upgrade for Magento 2.4.* and Marketplace 5.0.* version.
    Version 3.0.0
    • + Version upgrade for Magento 2.3.x.
    Version 2.2.0
    • + Compatible with Magento 2.2.x and Marketplace 2.3.x version.
    Version 2.1.0
    • + Compatible with Magento 2.3.x
    • + Admin can enable/disable the iStock module for the seller.
    • + Admin can set default image types and their resolutions.
    • + Admin can save watermark configuration.
    • + Seller can use default image types and resolutions.
    • + Seller can add customer image type as well.
    • + Sellers are allowed to save watermark configuration.
    • + Image or text type watermark allowed for iStock sample images.
    • + Watermark text can be a transparent or solid color.
    • + Multiple watermark positions are there.
    • + Image resolution displays on product view.