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    Official OpenCart Gold Partner and Core Code Contributor
    Working for OpenCart since 2010 and contributed to latest stable release v3.0.3.7

    OpenCart Google Maps Pin Address

    OpenCart Google Maps Pin Address allows the customers to insert or edit the address with the help of Google Maps. The customer can pinpoint their current location on google maps to automatically add their address.

    • Customers can pin their address at checkout, signup page, & while adding/editing an address.

    • Admin can set the default address type as current or custom address.

    • The admin can set the custom address using the Google auto-address suggestion.

    • Custom addresses can be displayed to customers while they are changing their address.

    • The current location pin option is available for customers on google maps.

    • Admin can set the Google Map API key.

    • Multi-store is supported by the module.

    • It works for both guest users and logged-in customers.

    • The maps are updated in real-time and adjusted according to the screen size.

    Official OpenCart Gold Partner and Core Code Contributor
    Working for OpenCart since 2010 and contributed to latest stable release v3.0.3.7

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    OpenCart Google Maps Pin Address: With the help of this module, the customer will be able to add the address fields by moving the pinpoint on Google Maps. The customer can use this feature to fill the address fields in the registration, address book, and checkout.

    This module will allow the customer to place the checkout at a much faster rate, thus increasing the sale rates and by smoothing the process and eliminating any resistance during the checkout. Both the logged in and the guest user will be able to use the google maps at the time of checkout.

    Please Note -

    • This module supports all templates and themes including the Journal theme.
    • Opencart Google Map Pin Address module supports the Multi-Store feature of default Opencart.
    OpenCart Google Maps Pin Address

    Highlighted Features

    Automatic Address Filling

    The module will allow the customer to fill up the address fields automatically by moving the google pin.

    Zoom Map and full-screen view

    The customer can zoom in to the Google Map and can even open the map in full screen to get an accurate address.

    Autofill Billing and Delivery Address

    Along with the shipping address, the customer can also insert the billing and Delivery address by using the google map.

    Autofill Adress at Registration

    The module makes it convenient for the new user to register by skipping the adding of the address field, which is auto-filled by google maps.

    Why should you use this module?

    In the era of e-commerce, where the world is moving at a lightning speed customer does not want any halt or lag of any kind. Using this module, the store owner can provide the customers with a faster and speedy checkout at the time of order placing.

    Not only the checkout but also the lengthy process of adding the address field in registration like the street, lane, state, country, pin code, etc. can be escaped easily by setting the Google Pin to the right place. Thus reducing the time frame of customer’s registration and increasing the count of registrations.

    Note: You can integrate this module with the Shipping Extensions for inserting the address.

    Integrating the Google Pin Address

    The admin can configure the module by just filling up the following section mentioned below.

    • The admin can enable or disable the Google pin address module
    • The admin needs to fill the Google API Key for the module to function.
    • The admin can select from default address type which includes a Default Address or Current Location in the dropdown according to the preference which will then be displayed at the customer end.
    • The admin can set the default location which can be searched and selected from the dropdown.
    Integrating the Google Pin Address

    Google Maps at Registration Page

    While using this module, the customer needs not to fill the entire address to register.

    • The customer can enter only the primary details like the first name, last name, email, and password while the address details get auto-filled through the map.
    • The admin can zoom in and can even view the map in full screen for setting the location.
    • The customer can make use of the google map only for inserting the address by just pinpointing the exact address.
    • These google maps are responsive in nature and adjust according to screen size.
    Google Maps at Registration Page

    Checkout Page

    Attaining maximum sales is the prime goal of every e-commerce business. Providing the customer with the swifter and convenient checkout can play a significant role in the success of the website.

    • All the customers have a single motive to place the order in just a few clicks without feeding too much information.
    • Both the logged in and the guest user can use the google map pin address.
    • The Google Map Address will work with the billing and delivery detail section by auto-filling the address fields of the checkout.

    Note: There may be scenarios where the following address set may not have the Pincode, so it may not get updated in the address fields.

    Checkout Page

    Address Book

    The customer can save the new address in his address book by using this module.

    • This saved address helps the customer to place the address without wasting time to insert a new address again at the time of checkout.
    • The customer can select the address from the address book for the billing and delivery details during checkout.
    • The customer can use the google map to insert the address in the address book.
    • The google maps will also appear while editing any address from the address book.
    Address Book


    For any query or issue, please create a support ticket here

    You may also check our quality Opencart Extensions.


    Product Version1.5.3.0
    Released5 years ago
    Last UpdatedOctober 10, 2023 (1 year ago)
    Supported VersionsOpenCart  3.x.x.x  
    Rating 5.0
    based on 1 reviews

    Recent Reviews

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    Excellent Products & Support Services

    Posted On - November 19, 2021

    Excellent support, very fast, and solves problems if any. Thank you from the heart.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    How will the address field like pin code be filled if the countries like The Bahamas or Aruba are selected, which are having no pin code?
    The remaining address details will be fetched and will get filled. The pin code will be left blank, which the customer can add manually.
    Will the customer be able to save the google address at checkout?
    The customer will not be able to save the address at the time of checkout, but the customer can add the address through the address book.
    Can we enter the address manually and by using the google map at the same time?
    Yes, the customer can enter the Zip code, State, and Country manually and then can use the google map to pin the exact location of the address.
    Does this module fetch the coordinates automatically by just pointing the pin to any address using the API, or we need to enter the few details first to fetch the coordinates?
    Yes, this module automatically fetches the coordinates by just pointing the pin to the address in the google map. Also, the customer can enter the address manually then also the coordinate fetches by itself.
    Which module offers the best and fast way to add the address during checkout and registration?
    The Opencart Google Map Pin Address module will work best for the store owner who wants to provide the customer fast way to add the address during checkout and registration.

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    • + Features
    • - Bugs
    • + Added the current location feature.
    • + Added setting to select the default address(Current Location/default location)
    • + Added the compatibility code for xtensions checkout.
    • + Added the compatibility code for d_quickcheckout extension.
    • * Resolved map issues with j3 theme Quick checkout.
    • * Resolved map was not showing for customer register
    • + Added the compatibility code for Single Page Checkout extension.
    • + Added so-emarket ocmod in oc3.x.x.x
    • + Added the Module in version 2.1.x.x
    • * on guest checkout map was not showing for guest shipping address
    • + Implemented one git suggestion
    • + added journa3 theme patch for oc version 2.3.x.x and 3.x.x.x
    • + added journa2 theme patch for oc version 2.3.x.x and 3.x.x.x
    • + added for oc version 2.3.x.x and 3.x.x.x