Working for OpenCart since 2010 and contributed to latest stable release v3.0.3.7
Opencart Marketplace Multi Tenant Auction
Opencart Marketplace Auction : Opencart Marketplace Auction module will enable the auction feature for your Marketplace using which sellers and admin can add auction in their product and the buyer can bid on their product.With the use of this module, admin and sellers can add auction products. Customers can place four types of auctions which are standard, incremental, automatic, and reserve auction.
Working for OpenCart since 2010 and contributed to latest stable release v3.0.3.7
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Opencart Marketplace Auction :Opencart Marketplace Auction module will enable the auction feature for your Marketplace using which sellers and admin can add auction in their product and the buyer can bid on their product.With the use of this module, admin and sellers can add auction products. Customers can place four types of auctions which are standard, incremental, automatic, and reserve auction.
Important Note - This module is an add-on of Marketplace Module . To use this module you must have installed first WebKul Opencart Marketplace Module.
You can also check our module Opencart Marketplace Customer reverse Auction wherein a customer can request for a product according to their requirement. Once a request is approved by admin, sellers of the marketplace can place the bid for that request to fulfill the request of the customer. Now a customer can choose lowest bid to purchase the product. He will accept the bid and purchase product from the seller on lowest price.
Highlighted Features
Automatic Auction
The admin and seller can add the automatic bid option to their respective products. The customer can place a bid for the same.
Incremental Auction
The admin and seller can add the Incremental bid option to their respective products. The customer can place a bid for the same.
Reserved Auction
Admin and seller both can check the reserved bid of the customers.
Auction Details
Seller and admin can check the auction details on their respective panels.
Why do we need Opencart Marketplace Auction?
With the help of an auction, the admin can maintain the bidding in their panel for each product. So the customer can place the bid and win the product bid according to the set rule. Auction is a useful feature in the marketplace where admin and seller both will earn the additional benefits on their products.
Opencart Marketplace Auction module helps admin and sellers to create three types of auctions on their products. It will be automatic, incremental, and reserved. The customer can place the bid and win it and receive the winning notification for the same.
Journal Theme Compatible
Our Opencart Marketplace module is compatible with ultimate Journal opencart theme. You can boost your sell with this awesome theme and you can also provide an excellent user experience to your customers.
Webkul provides Journal theme patch (directory) in the module zip. While installing the module, click on the Journal folder and you will get "Catalog" folder. Just upload the "Catalog" folder into your Opencart Root Directory for the proper functioning of the Module with the Journal Theme.
Applying Auction Feature on products
Admin can apply Auction feature on any particular existing product or while adding any new product. For applying this feature on the existing feature, admin will select the particular product and then edit it. Under the “Auction”, tab admin can do the setting for applying auction.
- Admin can add auction for that particular product by selecting Yes or No.
- Admin will enter Auction product name, set minimum and maximum price for auction.
- Admin will set the time and date duration.
- Admin will set “Product Quantity Limit”.
- Admin will set “Voucher Time Limit”.
Auction Management (Admin's End)
There will be another option called “Auction Bids”, where admin can view Current Bidding and Auction History. Admin can view Product name, “Auction start and end” date and Total Bids. Admin can also view the bidder details. Admin can filter the bid by product name, date. In the Auction History, admin can view winner of the auction and their details like winning bid amount, name and auction duration.
- Admin can view current auctions and its details.
- Admin can filter the bid by product name, date.
- Admin can view the winner of the Auction.
Applying Auction on products (Seller's End)
The seller can also enable the auction feature on their products. There is a tab called “Add Auction”, under “My Account”, from here seller can add auction feature. Seller will enter details like “ Auction product name, set minimum and maximum price, set the time and date duration”. Seller will also set “Product Quantity Limit” & “Voucher Time Limit”.
In the “Products in Auction”, seller can view auction products with Product name, “Auction start and end” date. In “Auction Bids”, seller can view “Product name, “Auction start and end” date and Total Bids”. In “Winner History”, seller can see the winner with winning bid.
- Seller can filter the bid by product name, date.
- Seller can view the winner of the Auction.
- Seller can add auction on any product.
- Seller can delete any existing auction.
Auction products on Product Page (Customer's End)
The customer can see the auction feature on the product on which admin/seller has added the auction feature. There will be “Timer”, tabs for “Bid details” and “Bid List” and box for entering the bidding amount. For bidding user will do the login. In the click on “Bid details”, where they will get info like total bids, minimum/maximum amount, closing time. In the “Bid List”, bidders details will come up.
- User can view info like total bids, minimum/maximum amount, closing time under “Bid List”.
- User will see bidders details under “Bid List”.
- User will see the timer on the product page.
- Alert message will pop-up if customers makes any mistake while bidding.
Auction feature on Various Front-page
Customer can see the Auction option on the header of the homepage. On clicking on it, user will be re-directed to Auction product page. Here customer can view timer with product name and image. There is a hover function by which other details appears like minimum/maximum amount, duration.
The customer can see the recent winner under Recent Winner tab with winner name and winning bid. Customer can search auction products on category list also.
- The customer can see the Auction option at the header.
- The customer will be re-directed to Auction product page after clicking on that option.
- The customer can view Auction details for Auction product.
- The customer can see the recent winner under Recent Winner tab.
- The customer can search auction products on category list also.
Opencart Marketplace Auction Features -
- Sellers can add the automatic auction.
- Sellers can add reserved auction.
- Sellers can add the incremental auction.
- Customers can place automatic auction.
- Customers can place reserved auction.
- Customers can place incremental auction.
- Admin can add the automatic auction.
- Admin can add reserved auction.
- Admin can add the incremental auction.
- All types of action can be applied to a single product.
- Admin has the option to show current bid.
- Admin has the option to show all the bidders and their price.
- Admin has the option to show bidder name, bid and details under automatic bidding.
- Admin/customers can see the auction bid list and automatic auction bid list.
- Admin can see the winner name for the auction.
- A notification email will be sent to the winner after an auction is complete to purchase the product.
Opencart Marketplace Mobile App
This is a technology based era where everything is simplified even the online shopping. We all know about shopping apps and its advantages-how it reduces and makes our shopping experience hassle proof. So it is very important for all the Store owner to have a shopping app for providing more convenient way to shop from their online store and now Webkul's has launched its new app Opencart Marketplace Mobile App.
Opencart Marketplace Mobile App converts your marketplace store for Opencart into a mobile app. Your customers can easily purchase products on the go. They don't need to have a laptop or desktop, they can easily explore your store through their smart phones. It will not only benefit the store owner and customer it will benefit the seller's too. Sellers can see their dashboard, order history through the mobile app. So what are you waiting for, you must now have a Opencart Marketplace Mobile App to be a step ahead.
- Seller list.
- Seller Collection.
- Seller Profile.
- Seller Dashboard.
- Seller Order History.
- Customer can contact to the seller.
- Market Place Sell Page
- User can review seller.
- Seller Location is mentioned on map.
Opencart Marketplace Auction Support -
For any query or issue please create a support ticket here
You may also check our quality Opencart Extensions.
Recent Reviews
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Good Support
Frequently Asked Questions
Move to Cloud Today
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In our default configuration we will provide tremendous configuration for your eCommerce Website which is fast to load and response.
Default Configuration Details of Server
- 1 GB RAM
- 1 Core Processor
- 30 GB Hard Disk
- DB with 1 GB RAM and 1 Core Processor
* Server Configuration may vary as per application requirements.
Want to know more how exactly we are going to power up your eCommerce Website with Cloud to fasten up your store. Please visit the Cloudkul Services.
Get Started with Cloud- + Features
- - Bugs
- * fixed all page auction time layout issue in v2.3 and v3
- * Resolved undefined variable error at product page for v2
- * Fixed auction layout not working issue for v3
- * Resolved git issues.
- + Added J3 theme patch for v2.3.
- * Resolved git issues.
- * Resolved git issues.
- * Resolved git issues for Opencart all Versions
- * Journal 3 ocmod changes fixed
- * v3 mail issue fixed
- + Added journal theme Ocmod file and fixed ocmod issue
- * Fixed issue, Auction menu was not showing in mobile view (OC3.x.x.x and journal2 theme)
- * Fixed issue, Auction menu did not show at header in OC3.x.x.x and journal2 theme
- * Fixed design issue
- + Theme patch was added for Journal2
- + Module was updated for OC Version 3.0
- + Converted Marketplace Auction Module to Opencart Version 3.x.x.x
- + Auction Based on Reserve price.
- + Incremental Auction and Automatic Auction type added.
- + Changed Auction module design.
- + Changed seller and Admin auction listing and edit auction layout with auction normal bid and automatic bid listing.
- + Normal and automatic bidding listing at the front end.
- - Removed Coupon Based Auction.
- First release