PrestaShop Marketplace Sponsored Products
PrestaShop Marketplace Sponsored Products module offers sellers of the marketplace to promote their products from the designated promotional section of the store.
- Offer your sellers to promote their products.
- Let them buy clicks in order to list their products in the promotional section.
- Clicks correspond to each click of customers on the products.
- Products will be visible in the promotional section up to the time the clicks are remaining.
- Details of the remaining clicks & clicks utilised by customers on each product are available to the seller.
- Details of products sold via advertisement are also available to the seller.
- Show promotional products section on multiple pages of the store.
- Helps sellers to do paid promotion of the products in order to increase sales.
Note: PrestaShop Marketplace Sponsored Products module is compatible with PrestaShop 8.x.x
This module is MultiShop compatible.
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PrestaShop Marketplace Sponsored Products - The module offers sellers of the marketplace to sponsor their products & show them in a separate advertisement section of the store.
Sponsored products are those products that are highly promoted by the store in order to increase sales. Now, this functionality is also available for the sellers of the PrestaShop Marketplace.
The sellers can buy sponsorship plans which basically translates to buying clicks. These clicks can then be assigned to each product individually. Upon each click by a customer on the sponsored product, the number of remaining clicks will decrease.
The time up to which the clicks are remaining, the sponsored products will be visible under the advertisement section. After the clicks for any product get over, the product will no longer be visible under the advertisement section.
And, the seller will need to buy more clicks in order to keep the product active under the advertisement section.
Note: This module is an add-on to a marketplace module. To use this module, you must install PrestaShop Advanced Multi-Vendor Marketplace first.
Prestashop Marketplace Sponsored Products module is MultiShop Compatible with PrestaShop Advanced Multi-Vendor Marketplace version 5.4.0/3.4.0 and above.

Highlighted Features
Sponsor Products
Sponsor products by displaying them in a separate advertisement section of the store.
Customize Advertisement Section
Make use of various customization options to make the advertisement section aesthetically appealing.
Sponsorship Plan
Offer sellers to buy clicks in order to keep their sponsored product active in the advertisement section.
Increase Sales
Separately advertised products attract customer attention and thus help in increasing sales.
PrestaShop Marketplace Sponsored Products Features
- Allow sellers to sponsor the products on the store.
- Let sellers display sponsored products under the advertisement section.
- Choose to show the advertisement on multiple pages of the shop.
- Let sellers buy clicks for the products.
- Assign clicks to products.
- Products will display under advertisement until the clicks for the product is remaining.
- Create multiple click ranges & define the price for each click range.
- Show products under advertisement either in list mode or grid mode.
- Upload an image to show for advertisement plan.
- Select the pages to show the advertisement plan.
- Select the orders statuses on which seller sponsorship plan will activate.
- Also, choose to add/assign clicks to the seller from the backend.
- Details of the remaining clicks to assign on a product is available on the seller as well as admin end.
- The details of the remaining click for each product & product sold via advertisement is also available on the seller as well as admin end.
- Details of all the sponsorship plans active for each seller is available under the “Sponsorship Plan” tab.
How sponsoring the products help sellers?
These days, there are many sellers & they have many products that they are offering on the marketplace. Cause of such large availability of products there is not a good chance that customers will see every product of each seller. That's why it's necessary to sponsor the products to get ahead from the competition.
- Product sponsorship helps sellers to list their products in a separately advertised/promoted section of the store.
- Such sections of the store easily manage to grab the attention of the customers.
- Sponsoring the products help to improve the visibility of the products.
- The better the visibility of products better will be its chances to be sold.

How sponsorship plans work?
In order to sponsor a product, a seller needs to buy clicks from the shop owner i.e., admin. Here's how the whole process works.
- Firstly, a seller needs to buy clicks from the admin.
- On getting the order of clicks & payment, an admin can update the order status of clicks to "Payment Accepted".
- After the approval, the clicks become available to the seller.
- Now, seller can assign clicks to products.
- After the clicks are assigned on the products, products start showing under sponsored product section.
- Now, whenever a customer buys any product by clicking on the product visible under the sponsored section, number of available clicks for that product gets updated.
- As soon as the clicks for any product is over, the product will be removed from the sponsored product section.

PrestaShop Marketplace Sponsored Products Support
For any query or issue, please create a support ticket here http://webkul.uvdesk.com
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