AMi2 is an independent referencing center created in 1994. AMi2 offers the best suppliers to buy everything with confidence and the best price in food and non-food.
Since April 2013, has implemented his website an online ordering platform, named as "myAMi2" with monitoring of trades between members and suppliers.
AMi2 offers the services that help you to manage your business:
- An online order site
- A tariff audit service
- The contract purchase serenity
AMi2 is a company that provides the longest food suppliers in France. Its mission is to negotiate food and non-food tariffs with it's 150 national, regional and local suppliers for its 2,800 members.
AMi2 is known as Central SEO is a company that selects suppliers on behalf of its members. They buy the food products at prices as negotiated by the plants.
The company does not make purchases on behalf of the members like a central purchasing office. They are working with the referenced suppliers.
Romain Renou from AMi2 bought the PrestaShop Akeneo connector but initially, he got some problems while configuration the module. He raised the ticket about the problem at Webkul Support.
Webkul responded to their tickets and solve their problems. After configuration, he also finds some problems in mapping attribute and product export problem. Webkul solves all the problems and finally, he shared with us his experiences.
Nice product
I bought this connector few days ago and I'm very satisfied of it. The support team is great and quick.
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