Odoo Website Cookie Consent
Enable or disable cookies with Odoo Website Cookie Consent!!
- Show disclaimer on the website regarding cookie consent.
- Enable/disable the GDPR law strip on the website.
- Users can request data removal or download.
- Admin can create the GDPR data template.
- Message customization for banner, GDPR law, and requests.
- Admin can view and approve/decline any removal or download request.
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Collect user behavior and preference data with Odoo Website Cookie Consent!!
Data protection is one of the things that concerns users the most. Hence, the EU created a GDPR law. Also, make it compulsory for websites to get user consent for collecting their data. Cookie consent helps users to reflect whether they want their data to be used or not. Most users don’t agree to share their data with websites over the internet.
The module aims to bring you one step closer to Data protection adherence laws by asking permission from customers to allow cookies on their internet browsers.
The internet cookies are small data files that websites store on the browsers to collect small information that they can use for marketing and analysis of business and customers' shopping habits on your website.
The module adds a banner on the website which shows your cookie policy to the visitors, so they read it and accept it on their accord willingly.
Benefits Of Using Odoo Website Cookie Consent Module
- Allow transparency to your customers.
- Make the visitors aware of what data you are collecting and why.
- Bring your website closer towards adherence to data protection laws such as GDPR.
- Add an automatic banner to the website which shows your data collection/cookies policy to the customers.
- Give users control over their data on the web.
- Permits users to decide whether the business can collect their data or not.
Prerequisites For Using Odoo Website Cookie Consent Module
Odoo Website Cookie Consent Module works in conjunction with the following module:
You would require to install the above module first for Odoo Website Cookie Consent to work perfectly.
Odoo Website Cookie Consent Features
Configuring The Module In The Odoo Backend
- The admin can enable/disable the feature from the Odoo backend.
- You can enable/disable the GDPR banner on the website.
- Also, You can add the details of the privacy policy and cookie policy of your website. To allow customers to read them before accepting the data cookies on their browsers.
Users Can Create Requests For Data Download And Removal
- Users can check which of their data is stored by the admin.
- They can request for their data download.
- Additionally, they can submit requests for data removal.
- Users can also check which requests they have created and which of them are approved and which are pending.
Display The Cookie Consent Banner On The Website
- The cookie consent banner is shown on every website page unless the user has accepted it.
- If enabled, users can also view the GDPR law strip on the website.
Customize Messages From The Odoo Backend
- Use the default messages present in the backend.
- Or customize your messages for each section as per requirement.
Enable or Disable Cookies from Odoo Backend
- The module allows you to enable or disable the cookies from Odoo Backend.
- You can add your message so that visitors can accept it after reading it.
- The collected information helps retarget the customers to improve traffic and conversion on your website.
- You can also enable or disable the GDPR messages on the website.
- Customize messages as per your requirement or use the default messages.
- Choose which data to collect from users on the website.
Cookies Option for Audience in Odoo Website
- The customer can accept the cookies when they visit the website.
- The internet cookies are small data files that websites store on the browsers to collect small information. This collected information can be used to gather user insights and data about customer browsing habits on your website.
- Data can be tracked like Which pages does the customer browse the most, the products added to the cart or wishlist, etc.
- Users will view the cookie consent banner on each page if they haven't accepted cookies.
- Users can request to download or delete their data from the backend.
- Users can read the cookie policy and privacy policy from the link available in the cookie consent banner.
Other Odoo Website Modules-
Odoo Website Cookie Consent -
Webkul's dedicated support provides you with the customizations and troubleshooting solutions for Odoo Website Cookie Consent.
For any query or issue please CREATE A TICKET HERE
You may also check our other top-quality Odoo Extensions.
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Default Configuration Details of Server
- 1 GB RAM
- 1 Core Processor
- 30 GB Hard Disk
- DB with 1 GB RAM and 1 Core Processor
* Server Configuration may vary as per application requirements.
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