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    Akeneo Amazon S3 Integration

    In Akeneo Amazon S3 Integration users can connect their Akeneo platform with AWS Cloud Storage S3 for storing their catalog data. Users can provide their Amazon S3 credentials in the Akeneo settings panel and do the integration easily.

    • Instead of file storage integrate Akeneo catalog storage to use Amazon s3.

    • To connect to Amazon S3 provide S3 credentials in the settings on Akeneo.

    • With the help of Akeneo Amazon S3 integration users will get unlimited storage.

    • Stored files and Images can integrate with Akeneo.
    • Users can generate URLs for the product images and files.
    • For catalog storage, the user can set the prefix.


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    Akeneo Amazon S3 Integration: Connect your Akeneo platform with AWS Cloud Storage S3 for storing your catalog data. You can provide your Amazon S3 credentials in Akeneo Settings panel and do the integration easily. All the Akeneo product files and images will now be saved on the AWS bucket.

    Please Note:

    Akeneo Amazon S3 Integration

    Highlighted Features

     Manage Amazon S3 credentials on Akeneo

    With this module, you can integrate and manage Amazon S3 credentials in the Akeneo setting.

     Unlimited storage

    Amazon S3 provides unlimited storage of files and images. You can manage the files and images in Akeneo.

     Generate the Asset web link in Akeneo

    With this module, you can generate the asset web link of images and files in Akeneo. You can check the asset visibility in the browser.

     Change media visibility in Akeneo

    In the module, you can change the asset visibility with asset visibility button.

     Globally Access

    In this module, if you have provided the access to the assets then it will be accessible over the internet anywhere.

     Reduce System Storage

    With this module, the image and files will be stored in the S3 Bucket directly and it will reduce the system storage.

    Reduce System storage

    Akeneo Amazon S3 storage is a cloud-based storage system which helps you to store the images and files on the server and provide you to reduce your system storage.

    If you running an online webshop then it is very troublesome to manage the system storage.

    Akeneo Amazon S3 integration provides you scalability, reliability, and security for your storage system. With this connector, all the files and images will be stored in AWS bucket.

    • You can reduce the system storage with this module
    • You can share the images and files link
    • It automatically stores all the data at Amazon S3 bucket
    Reduce System storage

    Manage S3 credentials on Akeneo

    After the successful installation of the Akeneo Amazon S3 module, you can manage your AWS S3 credentials in Akeneo.

    You can set your AWS credentials in Akeneo and it automatically uploads all the files and images on AWS S3 storage.

    You can create multiple buckets in S3 and map to Akeneo. You can create folders in the bucket for managing the files and images.

    • You can manage S3 credentials at Akeneo end.
    • You can set the region and bucket name in the credentials
    • You can customize the prefix in the catalog storage prefix.
    Manage S3 credentials on Akeneo

    Change Files visibility

    Akeneo Amazon S3 integration provides you to change the visibility of the file from the public to private and private to the public using the product page.

    If you set the visibility public it can be accessible for everyone and if you set private then only you can see the files and images.

    You can also get the product files and images URLs from the product page. This connector makes to manage the product easier with the assets URL.

    • You can change the files visibility 
    • You can associate the images and files link with products
    Change Files visibility

    Complete Features List

    • Integrate Akeneo catalog storage to use Amazon s3 instead of File storage.
    • Provide S3 credentials in Settings on Akeneo.
    • There is no storage problem by using this.
    • Store the file and Images and integrate it with Akeneo.
    • Generate the URL of the product images and files.
    • The prefix can be according to you for catalog storage.
    • Added Aws visibility icon and message according to the Aws visibility.
    • Change visibility option on media view. It works only when the PutObjectAcl is given to Bucket.
    • Visibility will change private or public.

    Akeneo 7.0.x Compatible -

    • In Akeneo Version 7, SKU is no longer mandatory to create a product and now UUID is the new product identifier. (CE, EE).
    • Smoother mapping and faster importing. (CE, EE).
    • Tailored export can help to improve the readability of your product information export by defining rounding operations for measurement values. (EE)
    • In Akeneo Version 7, you can now map columns in your source data to additional attribute types. (EE)
    • Tailored imports help you to clean up your HTML Characters (EE).
    • Using Tailored imports, we can find and replace specific words in Text and Text Area Attributes. (EE).
    • Now we are creating a table attribute you can take advantage of measurement. (EE).
    • Now we can use reference entities as a column type in the table attribute(EE).
    Akeneo 7.0.x Compatible

    Other Useful Akeneo Extensions

    Webkul is the largest supplier of building a growing list of Akeneo extensions (add-ons and connectors). You can check out below modules for further enhancing the capabilities of your Akeneo PIM and managing your catalog better.

    See the complete list of Akeneo modules developed by Webkul-


    For any query or issue please create a support ticket here


    Product Version4.0.0
    Released6 years ago
    Last UpdatedNovember 15, 2024 (1 month ago)
    Supported VersionsAkeneo  2.x.x  3.x.x  4.x.x  5.x.x  6.x.x  7.x.x  
    Rating 5.0
    based on 3 reviews

    Recent Reviews

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    Excellent Work

    Posted On - June 28, 2024

    Webkul have set up Akeneo on an AWS server for us. This went very smoothly. Great overall communication, very professional and friendly. Fast service, great result

    Professional Developer Team

    Posted On - July 14, 2019

    Customize their software to meet my needs and were very responsive with technical help when we had issues.

    Fast and appropriate support

    Posted On - June 20, 2019

    I've bought 4 modules on Webkull for Akeneo and had some problems installing them. They solved all my problems very quickly and in a good fashion.

    Very happy with the products and service!

     Frequently Asked Questions

     What is Amazon S3?
    Amazon S3 (simple storage service) is a scalable, high-speed, and web-based cloud storage device. You can store and retrieve any amount of data over the internet.
     I currently don't know how to install Akeneo Akeneo Amazon S3 Integration module. Can I buy this connector in this case?
    If you have purchased this module and don't know how to install then you can follow the user guide ( You can also purchase the module installation features. In this case, we will install it on your server and assist you.
     How can I use this module in Akeneo?
    You can install the module in Akeneo and manage the Amazon S3 server. You can generate the URL of the product images and files. You can access these files anywhere over the internet.
     Can I manage the Amazon S3 server with Akeneo?
    Yes, you can manage the Amazon S3 server with the Akeneo. You can change the visibility option on media view on the Akeneo product page. It works only when the PutObjectAcl is given to Bucket.
     Which files type supported by Amazon S3 in Akeneo?
    Amazon S3 supports asset like images, pdf, and docs in Akeneo.
     Can we export the images and files to different eCommerce channel with this module?
    Yes, With this module, we can integrate different eCommerce channels like Magneto2, Shopify, WooCommerce, PrestaShop, BigCommerce and many more.
     How many Akeneo instances we can connect with this module?
    You can install this module on only one Akeneo instance. For more instances, you have to purchase this module. Please read our license policy -
     Can we have public URLs for all current images that are in our database so other platforms can use our images?
     Can the images would move from EC2 to S3 but can still be uploaded via the Akeneo interface?
    In the case of S3, images will be uploaded directly on S3 and a URL will be generated. URL can be public/private.
     Can the URLs can be retrieved from the Akeneo-database on the product (sub)model level as a separate attribute?
    Yes, you can export AWS image URLs to CSV or XLSX files.

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    Default Configuration Details of Server

    • 1 GB RAM
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    * Server Configuration may vary as per application requirements.

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    Get Started with Cloud
    • + Features
    • - Bugs
    Version 4.0.0
    • +Compatible with Akeneo 7. x CE.
    • +Added a button to set the default visibility of new products to either public or private.
    • +Credentials are now saved in the config.yml file.
    • +Added the ability to export AWS image URLs to CSV or XLSX files.
    • +Improved the migration process to be faster and more efficient.
    Version 3.0.0
    • +Support for Akeneo 6
    • +Added Support Tab
    • +Added Composer Installation
    • +Improved the Manual Installation
    • +Added Uninstallation Command
    Version 2.0.0
    • + Compatible with Akeneo 5
    Version 1.1.0
    • + compatible with Akeneo 4
    Version 1.0.6
    • + compatible with Akeneo 3.2.
    • + Added AWS visibility icon and message according to the AWS visibility.
    • + Visibility of images on AWS can be visible in the visibility icon.
    • + Updated Flash message on visibility change.
    Version 1.0.5
    • - Fixed compatible Issue in the command move_existing_asset_files for Asset transfer.
    • + Added Documentation Tab.
    Version 1.0.4
    • + Support Akeneo 3.0.x
    Version 1.0.3
    • + Support Akeneo EE Assets, Asset move from local storage to AWS S3
    • + Acl for Aws setting
    Version 1.0.2
    • + Change visibility option on media view. works only when PutObjectAcl is given to bucket.
    Version 1.0.1
    • + Migrate existing files data from storage on the server to Aws bucket
    • + Show viewable Amazon s3 url on the product page
    Version 1.0.0
    • + Integrate Akeneo catalog storage to use Amazon s3 instead of File storage
    • + Provide S3 credentials in Settings on Akeneo