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Odoo Marketplace Seller Profile Tabs


Odoo Marketplace Seller Profile Tabs - Whenever customers search for a product on your Marketplace, they look for their product along with its detailed descriptions of it. It basically satisfies them about the product functionalities that compels them to go for instant purchase. Therefore, increased sales leads you to generate adequate revenues.

Sellers can easily create their own profile tabs for their products and publish them on your Marketplace website. These different tabs illustrate additional details on the seller's profile and is the finest way to attract new users and retain the old customers. It can let sellers make their page look more attractive and informative. That in result increases customer’s trust on your Marketplace too.

Advantages of Odoo Marketplace Seller Profile Tabs

  • Enables sellers to present their product's description to customers.
  • These tabs can illustrate additional details on the seller's profile.
  • Creating profile tabs is the perfect way to attract new users and retain the old customers.
  • Customers can know the product information in detail that can help to resolve their queries
  • Quick query resolution leads to instant purchase of product by customers.
  • Enables you to increase sales and profits on your Odoo Marketplace.
  • It let sellers make their page look more attractive and informative.

 Prerequisites For Odoo Marketplace Seller Profile Tabs

Odoo Marketplace Seller Profile Tabs works in conjunction with the following modules:

You would need to install this module for Odoo Marketplace Seller Profile Tabs to work properly.

 Odoo Marketplace Seller Profile Tabs For Product Features

Create tabs for seller’s profile on Odoo Marketplace from the backend

  • Sellers can create Tabs for their own Profile and can publish it on the website.
  • You can create different types of tabs, give it the name and make it active to be used by the seller.

 Manage the configuration of tab from the backend

  • You can set the configuration whether to allow a seller to create tabs for their own profile or not.
  • You can even select sellers and allow them to create tabs instead of allowing all the sellers on your Odoo Marketplace.

Profile tabs displayed on the seller’s profile frontend

  • All the tabs created for a particular seller will be displayed on the website in the seller's profile.
  • Sellers can create the profile tabs as per their needs.

 Make profile page look more informative than usual

  • They can make their profile page look more attractive and informative to customers.

Create the profile tab for the sellers

  • Fill the name of the profile tab from the backend.
  • Check the active field to make it visible for the seller.
  • Enables sellers to present their product's description to customers.
  • These tabs can illustrate additional details on the seller's profile.
  • Creating profile tabs is the perfect way to attract new users and retain the old customers.
  • Customers can know the product information in detail that can help to resolve their queries

 View the list of profile tabs for different sellers

  • All the profile tabs will be visible on the profile tabs page of different sellers.
  • You can create new tabs and also can inactivate them whenever you want.
  • Quick query resolution leads to instant purchase of product by customers.
  • Enables you to increase sales and profits on your Odoo Marketplace.
  • It let sellers make their page look more attractive and informative.

Seller profile tabs visible at frontend

  • The newly added seller profile tabs will be visible on the profile page of the sellers.
  • You can publish or unpublish them accordingly from the backend.
  • All the tabs created for a particular seller will be displayed on the website in the seller's profile.
  • Sellers can create the profile tabs as per their needs.
  • They can make their profile page look more attractive and informative to customers.
  • You can set the configuration whether to allow a seller to create tabs for their own profile or not.
  • You can even select sellers and allow them to create tabs instead of allowing all the sellers on your Odoo Marketplace.

Odoo Marketplace Seller Profile Tabs

Webkul's dedicated support provides you with the customizations and troubleshooting solutions for Odoo Marketplace Seller Profile Tabs.

For any query or issue please CREATE A TICKET HERE

You may also check our other top-quality Odoo Modules.

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