Laravel eCommerce B2B Marketplace
Laravel eCommerce B2B Marketplace extension converts your Bagisto online store into a B2B Multi Supplier Marketplace.
- Each supplier will also have a separate microsite.
- Supplier verification process Supplier can add their social channels Supplier Policies.
- The supplier can add banners, shop logos, and Custom HTML text.
- Customers can create a quick order.
- Feedback and review system with interactive star rating.
- Contact Supplier support is provided.
- Supplier dashboard for analyzing sales, reviews, and customers.
- Interactive Supplier Dashboard.
- Send quotation requests to the supplier.
- Featured products section.
- Supplier / Vendor enable disable from the admin of the store.
- This module also provides an attractive landing page with the top 4 Supplier with their top 5 products.
- Allow to Supplier to edit the shop URL for the Profile page, collection page, review page, and location page.
- Admin can also do the Landing page setting.
- Product Edit and Delete option on Supplier panel.
- Latest order at Supplier dashboard and order management.
- Supplier/Vendor transaction report at supplier panel.
- All currencies Supported.
- Description
- Reviews
- Customers ()
- Specifications
- Cloud Hosting
- Changelog
Laravel eCommerce B2B Marketplace converts your Bagisto store into a B2B Marketplace like Alibaba, or Indiamart.
Bagisto B2B Marketplace will create an online platform where business buyers and suppliers around the globe can connect and do business transactions with each other.
The B2B Marketplace extension has various built-in features such as a separate Supplier Microsite, RFQ, Quick Order, Contact Supplier, Supplier Reviews, Contact Supplier, supplier product collection, order management, and much more.

Highlighted feature of Laravel eCommerce B2B Marketplace
B2B Bulk Order Management
The customers can place bulk orders and suppliers can manage a large number of products.
Order Approval
The supplier won't be able to see the orders if the order approval option set as 'no' by the admin.
Supplier Review & Rating
This will allow only the authorized buyers to get the review to the suppliers.
B2B Quotation Management System
The customers can request a quotation for any quantity of products to the suppliers.
Supplier Approval
The admin can approve and disapprove of the supplier according to the requirements.
B2B Marketplace Landing Page
The admin can do the landing page setting that will reflect in the front end.
Social Channel Links
The suppliers can also add their social channels.
Restrict Supplier Categories
The supplier can also select product categories on which they deal.
Supplier Microsite
Each supplier will also have a separate microsite.
Supplier Dashboard
Supplier dashboard for analyzing sales, review, and customers also
Why Need Laravel eCommerce B2B Marketplace?
B2B marketplaces can be set up easily as compared to the physical stores.B2B marketplace is an effective way to reach new customers which include customers which include retailers, wholesalers, distributors, and traders, etc.
- Laravel Marketplace B2B module will convert the Bagisto store to a B2B marketplace, by which suppliers sell their products to other business owners.
- Due to a large number of products, the price is also less. The B2B eCommerce business model has more market stability.
- The customers can order the product in bulk quantity and quick order functionality is also available in the Laravel marketplace B2B module.
- The supplier and Customer message feature is also available that can play a crucial role in the B2B marketplace.
- The customers can request a quote regarding the products.
- In the B2B marketplace, the suppliers got the buying leads that can be converted into an opportunity.
- Adding eCommerce to your selling strategy allows B2B merchants to provide a better experience with the customers.
- B2B marketplace can be a fast and efficient way of trading.
Supplier Registration & Verification
A separate section is available for the suppliers to do login and registration. The registration process of becoming a supplier is really easy.
- Separate login and registration for suppliers
- The supplier can set their shop name
- The supplier can set custom shop-URL
- Supplier email verification
- Receive verified supplier badge

Supplier Dashboard
The supplier dashboard gives a complete overview of business performance. A supplier can check different metrics and graphs for analyzing performance and improving the operations.
- Customers count
- Order status
- Total payout
- Recent activities
- Supplier reviews

Supplier Microsite
Each supplier gets its exclusive section in the B2B marketplace where separate web pages are available displaying all the products, reviews, contact information, policies, and other necessary information.
- Supplier profile page
- Supplier reviews
- Featured products section
- Product collection page
- Company contact information
- Social media links
- Shipping and return policy details
- Supplier contact card

Message Supplier
Business customers can easily find and reach out to the right supplier and ask a quick question. Suppliers and customers can send and receive messages to each other including file attachments.
- Send an inquiry to a supplier
- View response rate and response time
- Supplier customer messaging system
- Email notification of new message and reply

Quick Order
Quick Order functionality allows a customer to quickly purchase the products without visiting the individual product pages.
- Find products using the name
- Set quantity View sub-total
- Estimate Shipping & taxes

Request a Quote
The customer can send a quote request to a supplier mentioning a detailed description with the expected price. Request a quote option is available on the supplier microsite.
- Add sample product images
- Mention detailed quote description with the subject title
- Customer can mention its contact information
- The supplier can approve or reject a quote
- Approved quotes can be completed using Add to Cart functionality
- Supports file attachment

Benefits of B2B Marketplace for Suppliers
B2B marketplaces can be very beneficial for the suppliers. As it makes easier for whole sellers to search for potential customers and to complete the sales cycle. B2B marketplace allows whole-sellers/suppliers to reduce their operating costs.
- It also helps the supplier to increase the long term sales.
- B2B marketplace provides access and visibility to thousands of sellers across the globe.
- This will reduce the effort of your supplier's business to be known to some buyers and will give instant promotion in the international market also.
- The supplier can display the information for their products in different languages, this will help the supplier to sell their products globally.
- B2B marketplace provides a better opportunity for the suppliers to speed up their order fulfillment processes using an eCommerce platform.
- Adding eCommerce to your selling strategy allows B2B merchants to provide a better experience with the customers.
Features List
- Each supplier will also have a separate microsite.
- Buying leads option work only if Suppliers have selected categories prior to the Supplier settings.
- Supplier verification process
- Social channels of suppliers also.
- Supplier policies
- The supplier can add also banner, shop logo custom HTML text.
- Customers can create a quick order. Separate seller’s product collection.
- Feedback and review system with interactive star rating. Contact Supplier support.
- Supplier dashboard for analyzing sales, review, and customers also.
- Interactive Seller Dashboard.
- Send quotation request to the supplier.
- Featured products section.
- Supplier / Vendor Enable disable from the admin of the store.
- This module also provides an attractive landing page with the top 4 Suppliers with their top 5 products.
- Allow to Supplier to edit shop URL for Profile page, collection page, review page, Location page.
- Admin can also do the Landing page setting.
- Product Edit and Delete option on Supplier panel.
- Latest order at Supplier dashboard and order management.
- Supplier/Vendor transaction report at supplier panel.
- All currencies Supported.
For any issue related to this module, please create a support ticket here at - https://webkul.uvdesk.com/en/customer/create-ticket/ or send an email to [email protected]
You may also check our quality Bagisto Extensions.
Frequently Asked Questions
Move to Cloud Today
AWS Free tier hosting for one year by amazon web services, for more details please visit AWS Free Tier.
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Azure free tier hosting for one year with 25+ always free services, for more details please visit Azure Free Tier.
In our default configuration we will provide tremendous configuration for your eCommerce Website which is fast to load and response.
Default Configuration Details of Server
- 1 GB RAM
- 1 Core Processor
- 30 GB Hard Disk
- DB with 1 GB RAM and 1 Core Processor
* Server Configuration may vary as per application requirements.
Want to know more how exactly we are going to power up your eCommerce Website with Cloud to fasten up your store. Please visit the Cloudkul Services.
Get Started with Cloud- Features
- Bugs
- + Module is compatible with bagisto v2.0.0
- + Please remove the tab for categories and verification from the supplier admin section.
- + In the Supplier shop, the Shipping, Return, and Privacy section should be shown as a drop-down.
- + Please improve the UI for the Order page on the supplier ends.
- + Please improve the UI for add product page on the supplier ends.
- + Please hightlight the contact supplier and report product on the supplier shop site.
- + Please change the contact button name to a contact supplier button on the supplier shop page.
- + When writing the reviews, please set the title word limit is 100 words and the comment word limit is 250 words.
- + The search bar box should appear on only the products page so please remove the search bar box from pages [ about the company, Quick Order, Request for Quote, Reviews, contact].
- + Missing the notification button on the supplier admin panel.
- + Please keep space between the sentences on the supplier verification page.
- - By default, images should be displayed in the sell section on front.
- - In Supplier admin -> Order section -> Shipping section -> not visible the Product details.
- - In B2B Marketplace -> order section -> Show the incorrect details.
- - In the supplier order section, When applying the Shipping change then it is shown the shipping charge on the supplier order section.
- + Module is compatible with bagisto v1.5.1
- + Only the Verified Suppliers should get the RFQ or Buying Leads requests.
- + Supplier Individual approval functionality should be available.
- + In Supplier and Customer both end message attachments need to be updated.
- - Unable to see product clicking from admin -> B2B marketplace -> Products when clicking of product name.
- - After creating a new supplier, then we can see that the logged in supplier profile is opened.
- - We are able to place RFQ for the product with more price then the product price.
- - Unable to Login Supplier without the login of Admin.
- - Able to fetch the other Supplier Invoice details after changing the Invoice id
- - Able to fetch the other Supplier shipping details after changing the shipping id
- + In the Message Chat System we can also add the feature to send Attachments.
- + Like Bagisto Core functionality, there should be an option where we can add the icons and images to the Supplier Page.
- + Review and Rating at the Supplier end can be improved.
- + In the Supplier Panel, when the customer sends a message, then the message at the Sidebar should show the message information.
- + In Supplier Store Page -> Member Since Details need to be updated. Need to Add Month Details.
- - When we assign the Same Product to the Supplier and then check the Price detail at the Checkout from both suppliers, there we can see the Price Issue.
- - Incorrect Details of Product QTY is reflected in the Supplier End after the Purchase of the Product.
- - Unable to put the quotation to Add to Cart after the quotation is finalized from the customer end.
- - When the supplier fills in the details of the product on the edit controller for the first time then it is not saving the product properly
- - In Supplier Product, Store Details vanish when we disable the Report Product configuration from the admin.
- + Compatibility issue with bagisto v1.4.3
- + Now compatible with new release Bagisto v1.4.3
- - There is no need for a quantity section when we add downloadable products in the cart.
- - There should not be a UI issue in the quantity section on the checkout page.
- - Supplier's products should be visible on their mini websites.
- - Product names should be visible in the quick orders and requests for quotes at the supplier's mini-site.
- + Admin can allow all or specific category to supplier's and for there leads.
- + Admin can disable and enable the module from the backend configuration.
- + Customer can flag products.
- + Customer can flag suppliers.
- + Guest can flag suppliers.
- + Customer can flag products.
- - Not getting an option to message supplier if the product is created by admin and assigned to the seller.
- - Responsive - Not able to chat in mobile view (both i.e at supplier's and customer's end).
- - supplier did not fill the information then these fields should not visible at the front end
- - When creating a custom role for a supplier, the categories in the settings are not showing up
- - When creating a custom role for a supplier, the categories in the settings are not showing up.
- - Favicon issue in supplier page
- - UI issues in supplier and customer messages
- + Bagisto Version v1.3.x.
- + Compatible with bagisto v1.3.11 version
- + Added products supplier info and item-seller-info
- + Added Product Copy Feature at supplier end for supplier product.
- + Supplier Product video for supplier product.
- - Distorted Ui on frontend after installation.
- - Getting incorrect expected price and expected total.
- - Layout issue on the search field of message supplier.
- + Compatible with bagisto v1.3.0 version
- + Added products supplier info and item-seller-info
- + Added Product Copy Feature at supplier end for supplier product.
- + Added product out of the stock feature.
- + Supplier Product video for supplier product.
- - Fixed Supplier verification email notification.
- - Fixed forgot password email notification.
- - Alert should be updated when email verification is enabled.
- - Product status is disabled at seller end after admin approves the seller product.
- - Update the hand icon on the send button.
- - CSS issue in Velocity UI.
- - CSS Issue at the customer profile.
- - Getting exception when enable show popular seller from admin b2b configuration.
- - The orderlist search field is not working in the supplier panel.
- + Compatible with bagisto v1.2.0-BETA1 version
- + Added products seller info and item-seller-info
- - Not able to Quote in decimals.
- - Added product for Quote request should be available in the Request Quote section of Customer so that he can request a quote for that product later.
- - Getting exception when admin paying to the supplier.
- - Correct the spelling of the Summary in My Requested quote.
- - Correct the spelling of Expected in Supplier RFQ.
- - Increase the width of the sidebar in the Supplier admin panel.
- - Ui issue in Message at both customer and supplier end.
- - Add padding in the message field.
- - Fix the layout issue on the seller review page.
- - Seller Unapproved products are showing in front.
- - Review content hides in the slider when the seller has multiple reviews.
- - Getting unauthorized access 401 error when supplier logs in.
- - Correct the translation price when assigning a configurable products to suppliers.
- - Getting exception when supplier creating a new product.
- - Getting exception when customers search RFQ.
- - Account information drop-down issue at customer panel.
- - Fix the Remove Image button on the edit product page for the supplier.
- - Layout issue on the cart page.
- - Updates for RFQ list in the admin panel
- - Updates in Add attachment for RFQ section at a customer panel
- - Sidebar layout issue at customer panel when scrolling up
- + Compatible with bagisto default theme version 1.1.0.
- + Compatible with bagisto velocity theme version 1.1.0.
- - Show alert message when guest_customer message to the seller.
- - Disapprove supplier functionality is not working.
- - Request for a quote is not working.
- - Main configurable product stock should show 0 in the supplier grid.