Laravel eCommerce Table Rate Shipping
Laravel eCommerce Table Rate Shipping extension allows the admin to create custom offline shipping methods and provide shipping rates using a CSV file. Shipping rates are calculated based on the product price, country, state, zip range, postcode, and weight.
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Laravel eCommerce Table Rate Shipping module allows the admin to create custom shipping methods. By using these methods the admin can easily set the custom superset rates and shipping rates of their products.
The entities involved in the calculation of the shipping cost depend upon- Country code, Region code, Weight, Zip Code Range, Numeric Zipcode, and Alphanumeric Zipcode.
Highlighted Features of Laravel eCommerce Table Rate Shipping
Supersets/Shipping Methods
The admin can easily add the superset methods to customize shipping.
Adding Shipping Rates/Uploading CSV
The admin can add the shipping rates by uploading the CSV file.
Shipping Rate For Specific Country
The admin can easily set the shipping rate for a specific country by using the county code.
Alpha Numeric Zip Code
This module supports alpha-numeric zip codes.
Shipping Rates Calculation
The shipping rates will be calculated based on the zip code and the weight of the product.
Support Unicode Transformation Format - 8
Table rate shipping support UTF - 8 which provides multi-language support.
Why Should we use Laravel eCommerce Table Rate Shipping Extension?
Table rate shipping is an integral part of Bagisto shipping management, Shipping is an integral, and a must-have feature for any e-commerce, table rate shipping give admin tons of options from managing order to invoice generation.
By using these methods the admin can easily set the custom superset rates and shipping rates of their products.
Module Layout
The admin can easily configure this module by navigating to configure>>sales>>shipping methods>>table rate shipping.
- Table Rate Shipping module allows the admin to create custom superset rates and shipping rates for their product.
- The shipping price is calculated based on CSV entered by admin.
- The admin can add superset methods.
- The admin can assign shipping rates.
Create Custom Shipping Methods/Supersets
The admin can add the superset rates for their customers. If there are two or more shipping methods available to a customer, in this case, the superset rate will get priority.
- Enter the price range (Price from, Price to).
- Select the shipping type as - fixed or free.
- Select the superset method.
- The admin can also create superset rates.
- Set the price of the shipping method.
- The admin can edit/delete superset rates.
Manage Shipping Rules/Superset Rates
Under the table rate shipping, the admin can easily add the custom shipping methods to manage the shipping CSV.
- Enter the unique code of superset.
- Enter the superset name.
- Select the superset status active/inactive.
- The admin can edit/delete the supersets.
- By choosing these supersets methods admin can add their custom superset rates and shipping rates.
Upload Shipping Matrix Rates/CSV
Under the “table rate shipping,” the admin will upload the CSV file containing “country code,” “zip from," “zip to,” “price”, “weight from,” “weight to” and "alphanumeric code".
- The admin can upload the table rate shipping via the CSV file.
- The admin can easily download the sample CSV file.
- The admin can give the superset method names for Table rate shipping.
- CSV file support alphanumeric zip codes.
- The admin can also export the table rate shipping in CSV or XLS format.
Customer Checkout Process
After the successful installation of the module by the admin, the table rate shipping method will be displayed to the customer at the checkout page.
- The shipping price is calculated based on CSV file containing “country code”, "region" “zip from”, “zip to”, “price”, “weight from”, “weight to”.
- The customer will have the table rate shipping methods on checkout if their shipping address matches the CSV ( zip code, country, weight).
- If the multiple shipping methods are matched with the customer's Zip code and weight, in this case, all the matched table rate shipping methods will be displayed to the customer at the checkout page.
Creating Invoice and Shipment
The admin can easily create an invoice and shipment for the order that has been placed. Under the sales option, the admin can perform the following actions:-
- The admin can easily create the invoice for the orders from their dashboard.
- The admin can set the tracking id and shipping detail.
- The admin can download and print the invoice.
- The admin will provide the carrier title details.
- The admin will select the inventory source of the product.
Features List
- Admin can add shipping rates using CSV file for table rates.
- Admin can create sub-methods for Table Rate Shipping.
- The admin can create Super Shipping Set.
- The shipping cost is calculated based on the product price.
- Shipping will be calculated based on the Postcode and the Weight of the product.
- The Admin can confirm the order and can set the tracking ID for the order.
- Shipping rates will populate based on CSV during checkout.
- Option to export a shipping CSV file from the back-end.
- Ability to download Invoice & Shipping slip easily.
- The codes are open, so it can be customized easily.
- Table Rate Shipping supports alphanumeric zip codes.
For any issue related to this module, please create a support ticket here at - or send an email to [email protected]
You may also check our quality Bagisto Extensions.
Frequently Asked Questions
Move to Cloud Today
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In our default configuration we will provide tremendous configuration for your eCommerce Website which is fast to load and response.
Default Configuration Details of Server
- 1 GB RAM
- 1 Core Processor
- 30 GB Hard Disk
- DB with 1 GB RAM and 1 Core Processor
* Server Configuration may vary as per application requirements.
Want to know more how exactly we are going to power up your eCommerce Website with Cloud to fasten up your store. Please visit the Cloudkul Services.
Get Started with Cloud- + Features
- - Bugs
- + Compatible with Bagisto v2.1.2.
- + Compatible with Bagisto v2.0.0.
- + Compatible with Bagisto v1.4.3.
- + Compatible with Bagisto v1.3.3.
- + Compatible with Bagisto v1.3.2.
- + Compatible with Bagisto v1.3.1.
- + Admin can add shipping rates using CSV file for table rates.
- + Admin can create sub-methods for Table Rate Shipping.
- + The admin can create a Super Shipping Set.
- + Shipping cost be calculated based on the product price.
- + Shipping will be calculated based on the Postcode and the Weight of the product.
- + The Admin can confirm the order and can set the tracking ID for the order.
- + Shipping rates will populate based on CSV during checkout.
- + Option to export shipping CSV file from the back-end.
- + Ability to download Invoice & Shipping slip easily.
- + The codes are open, so it can be customized easily.
- + TableRate Shipping supports alphanumeric zip codes.