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    Magento 2 Etsy Connector

    Magento 2 Etsy Connector provides easy sync of all the products with variations and orders from the Etsy store to the Adobe Commerce Website.

  • Connect multiple Etsy seller accounts.

  • Import Etsy products – active and expired.

  • Select the default order status for Etsy orders.

  • Import Etsy orders according to selected dates.

  • Select the Attribute Set ID for each Etsy account.

  • Assign imported products to the correct Magento category.

  • Export all or select Magento 2 products to the Etsy listing.

  • Supports mapping of products with variations and options.
  • Technology Partner Awards.
    Top Selling Extension Winner
    2 times in a row
    Magento 2 Etsy Connector Magento 2 Etsy Connector Magento 2 Etsy Connector Magento 2 Etsy Connector Magento 2 Etsy Connector Magento 2 Etsy Connector Magento 2 Etsy Connector Magento 2 Etsy Connector Magento 2 Etsy Connector Magento 2 Etsy Connector
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    Magento 2 Etsy Integration allows the store owner can sync its products, categories, and orders from the Etsy store to the Magento 2 store. It also allows exporting of products from Magento 2 to the Etsy store.

    Also, the admin will be able to manage the general, product sync, and order sync settings from the backend configuration. The admin will set the location and status of the products that are being synced from the Etsy store. Whenever a product is synced, all the related details will be synced that is product title, description, details, price, etc of the product.

    It is very important to map the categories of the Etsy store with one of the Magento Category, as there must be a way present that can be used to sync the products and orders.

    Please Note - You must contact the Etsy team to get the Etsy credentials.

    Etsy Connector for Magento 2

    Highlighted Features of Magento 2 Etsy Integration

     Product Import/Export with Etsy Store

    The products can be simply exported or imported between Etsy and Magento stores.

     Product/Order Synchronization Available

    The orders and products can be synced with just a click.

     Etsy To Magento Order Import

    The orders with any order status can be imported from Etsy to the Magento store.

     Choose Status and Categories for Imported Product

    The admin will select the status and category of the Magento store for the imported products.

    Why do we need Magento 2 Etsy integration ?

    Magento 2 Etsy integrationd connects your Magento 2 store to your Etsy store. The business owner may sync hundreds of products, categories, and orders from their Etsy store to their Magento 2 store with this extension.

    It also allows you to export products from Magento 2 to your Etsy store. The principal objective of the Etsy connector module is to nurture a higher sales pace. Currently, it combines the Etsy store with the Magento 2 store. Since it is most important to list the product on as many websites and stores as possible in today's business area.

    • Multiple Etsy seller accounts can be linked together.
    • Import Etsy orders based on the dates you specify.
    • Assign imported items to the appropriate Magento category.
    • For exporting products, create a default shipping template.

     Manage Product and Order Import

    After the installation, the admin needs to do the Etsy Connector configuration. In the module configuration, the admin will be entering the Etsy API credentials - OAuth Consumer Key and OAuth Consumer Secret. The following options will be available:

    • Select the default store for order sync.
    • Select Etsy import orders status.
    • Set the order status of imported orders.
    • Manage the product's automatic renewals.
    • Select the default website for product sync.
    • The admin can also import associated images of the product.
    Manage Product and Order Import

     Connect Multiple Etsy Stores with Magento 2

    Magento 2 Etsy integration allows you to integrate multiple Etsy stores with Magento 2 store. The admin can add, edit, and manage various Etsy seller accounts and synchronization products and orders. The admin will set the following options in the accounts

    • Select the default attribute set ID.
    • Enter the Etsy store name.
    • Select the default shipping template.
    Manage Multiple Stores

     Categories Mapping

    The admin can map the Etsy category with the Magento 2 category. It will help the store owner to assign the right products to the right category. The mapping table will show the Etsy category name, store category name, and Etsy category ID with the date created.

    • Map new categories.
    • Select parent and sub-category.
    • View mapped category records.
    • Delete mapped category records.
    • Assign categories mapped products
    Categories Mapping

     Import Products

    With the help of Etsy Connector, the store owner can import hundreds of products from Etsy listing to the Magento catalog. All the basic information will be imported such as name, price, images, description, stock, weight, tax, etc. The following options are available:

    • Select Etsy's active or expired products.
    • View the imported products list.
    • Delete synchronized products from the list.
    • Convert product variations into custom options.
    • View the sync date and time.
    • Use filter options to find mapped products.
    • View the importing process result.
    Import Products

     Order Synchronization with Magento 2

    Etsy Connector allows you to sync orders from Etsy to the Magento 2 store. The admin can import all the details in the orders from Etsy to Magento 2. The imported orders are added to the Magento 2 orders list.

    • Import selected orders according to dates.
    • Delete mapped order records from the list.
    • View import order process results.
    • Magento order ID is created automatically.
    • View the order sync date and time.
    • Find mapped orders using filters.
    Order Sync

     Export Products to Etsy

    The store owner can export hundreds of products from the Magento catalog to the Etsy listing. After running the profiler, the products are added to the Etsy listing with all the basic product information such as - name, images, price, stock, weight, etc.

    • Select all or a few products for export.
    • Mention Etsy product specifications and listing details.
    • Supports configurable product types.
    • View the exporting process result.
    Export to Etsy

    Compatible With MSI Feature

    With Magento 2 Etsy connector it became easier to sync thousands of products, categories, and orders of Magento 2 stores with the Etsy store and vice versa.

    • While managing the module configurations, the admin needs to add the sources for importing the products and orders.
    • The admin can select the default source as it is present by default.
    • But the MSI feature provides the leverage to select among multiple sources.
    • This means the products can now be imported from multiple sources and from multiple sticks.
    • Because MSI allows the admin to create multiple sources under the inventory section.
    • The created list of sources will be visible to the admin while managing the configurations.
    Compatible With MSI Feature

    Inventory Sync B/W Etsy and Magento

    • This module manages the inventory on both platforms.
    • When the order is placed on Magento at the same time stock quantity will get updated on Etsy.
    • Also, when any order is placed on Etsy and the order is imported to the Magento store through cron the same time stock quantity will get updated on the Magento end.
    Inventory Sync B/W Etsy and Magento

     Features of Etsy Connector for Magento 2 -

    • Map Etsy categories with Magento categories.
    • Select the default website for importing products.
    • View mapping process result after execution.
    • Delete record entries from the product and order sync list.
    • Set a default shipping template for exporting products.
    • Automatically imports orders from Etsy via cron.


    For any query or issue please create a support ticket here

    You may also check our quality Magento 2 Extensions.


    Product Version4.0.2
    Released8 years ago
    Last UpdatedJanuary 29, 2025 (7 days ago)
    Supported VersionsMagento  2.0.x  2.1.x  2.2.x  2.3.x  2.4.x  
    Rating 5.0
    based on 2 reviews

    Recent Reviews

    Write a review

    Excellent support and services

    Posted On - April 27, 2023

    Bought the Etsy Magento Extension from Webkul. We had a few startup issues and it working great now. The support is really stood out. They were extremely responsive and addressed any issues without hesitation A+++

    Great support from Webkul

    Posted On - September 3, 2020

    Great support from Webkul with the Etsy extension for Magento 2. Worked with us on a couple of sites and helped with every request.

    Great support, great company

    Frequently Asked Questions

     What information is synced while product import/ export?
    The product information like name, image, SKU, price, and quantity gets exported along with the product.
     Which product types are supported for the product import from the Etsy store?
    The module export Simple, Configurable, Bundled, and Grouped product types. The bundle and grouped products will be created as a product with variations in the Etsy store after the export.
     How has the category been chosen for imports and exports?
    The admin maps various Etsy categories to the Magento categories in order to make the proper way to share details.
     What should be the order status of orders to import from the Etsy store?
    No, the admin can import the orders with different statuses like Active, Cancel pending, Inactive, process, Cancelled, and Complete.
     Will the admin have to update the Etsy product each time the product is revised or edited in Magento 2?
    No, the admin can choose to automatically update the revisions done on the products in Magento 2.

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    • + Features
    • - Bugs
    Version 4.0.2
    • + Added custom email where the buyer_email is not present in Etsy orders to prevent errors during customer creation.
    • + Compatible with Magento ^2.4.7
    Version 4.0.1
    • + Removed deprecated methods of Etsy API.
    • + Implemented Etsy Open API v3
    Version 4.0.0
    • + Compatible with magento 2.4.*
    Version 3.0.0
    • + Compatible with Magento 2.3.*
    • + Declarative schema added.
    • + Mapped order tracking information sync from magento to Etsy.
    Version 2.0.2
    • + Compatible with Magento 2.2.*
    Version 2.0.1
    • + Removed deprecated methods of Etsy API.
    Version 2.0.0
    • + Compatible with Magento 2.1.*
    • + Admin can get products from Etsy.
    • + Synchronized Etsy product work like the same as the Magento product.
    • + Product can sync with Specification and Variation.