Top Selling Extension Winner
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Multi Vendor Point of Sale for Magento 2
Magento 2 Multi Vendor POS: Enables the marketplace sellers to sell their products in the retail stores and the respective orders will be created in the Magento store. The marketplace sellers can even create multiple salespersons/cashiers for their outlets. The system works in an online and offline mode both. All the orders and transactions are saved locally in offline mode. The salesperson can easily synchronize the offline data to the online data in the presence of the internet.
Top Selling Extension Winner
2 times in a row
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Multi-Vendor Point of Sale for Magento 2: Magento 2 Multi-Vendor Point of Sale module enables the marketplace sellers to sell their Magento products in the retail stores and the respective orders will be created in the Magento store. The marketplace sellers can even create multiple salespersons/cashiers for their outlet.
For a better understanding of Multivendor Point of Sale, you can refer Multi Vendor POS.
The marketplace sellers can even create multiple salespersons/cashiers for their outlet. The system works in online and offline mode both. All the orders and transaction are saved locally in offline mode. The salesperson can easily synchronize the offline data to the online data in the presence of the internet.
And if you want a Portable POS System without having POS Machines then you can opt for our Mobikul POS Module that will provide you the functionality of the mobile application without having an online website, that is it does not use any server to extract the data.
Please Note:
- To use this module you need to have Magento 2 POS & Magento 2 Multi Vendor installed first.
- Magento 2 POS System connects only to the printer and barcode reader via USB or Bluetooth wireless connection. Whereas it does not connect directly with the cash drawer and card swipe machine.
- As this is a Web-based POS system so it requires a web browser to work on it.
- POS System device (tablet, iPad, computer, laptop, PC, Mac, laptop) should have at least a 7.5-inch screen size minimum.
Highlighted Features
Easy Real time Synchronisation
Orders get automatically synced with the back end as soon as order is placed from cashier end & if it is in offline state then data will be synced as POS System connects with internet.
Cash Drawer
In order to view & calculate the daily cash flow,Module features a Cash drawer option which can be selected in order to view the daily transactions.
Refresh Stocks
Easy options under dashboard on the frontend to refresh the product as well as category available after making changes in products & categories on the outlet.
Upload Bulk inventory
Seller can easily Update inventory for bulk products just by uploading a CSV file containing Product id, Inventory & Product Status & easy inventory management.
Full screen mode
This module also provide a full screen option by which POS System on browser gives the feel of native POS System and help the cashiers to do hassle free business.
Add to Cart
Products can be added to cart by clicking on specific product,through its SKU & by Barcode Reader.
Manage Cashier
Admin/Seller can easily manage i.e (Add/Enable/Disable/Delete) cashiers
Create Customers
New customer can be added easily from the Sales agent POS panel.
Showcased at Magento Innovations Lab & Magento Imagine Adobe Summit 2020
Webkul again confirmed to become a benchmark in the e-commerce industry for its ability to stay attuned with the latest technologies. We have been showcased because of our top-notch innovations and ideas.
- It is again a pleasure that Webkul is selected by the Magento Innovation Lab for its superclass technology that is PWA POS with MSI.
- Webkul POS was also showcased at the Magento Imagine in Adobe Summit 2020 digital experience.
- This time we have created a POS that is based on MSI and PWA which works with a Magento 2 website.
- Neither first nor second, Webkul is the winner for this Magento Innovation Lab from last Five times in a row.
- Webkul is still dedicated to leveraging the cutting edge technologies as done in the previous years.

Multiple Sell Points
- Now you can easily expand the revenue generation scope for your business by using Magento 2 Marketplace Point of Sale module.
- If you are having a brick-and-mortar business and also selling products online. Then, POS is a must-have feature for your e-commerce business.
- The point of Sale (POS) refers to a system where the store owner can create the order from his physical store using the POS and the order will be generated in the e-commerce store.
- The module enables store owner to sell the e-commerce products in the retail stores.
- The admin can create multiple outlets for the store and can manage them by creating POS salesperson.
- Multiple sale cashier can be created for each outlet.
- The sales agent can log in the POS from frontend to manage the outlet.

POS Sales Cashiers
Sales cashiers are the helping force of any point of sales system, but their working also needs to be managed and monitored for having a success Point Of Sales System. The admin can:
- Create multiple sales cashiers account using easy configurations of the module.
- Manage the outlets by assigning sales cashiers to the outlet.
- Create a login id and password for respective sales cashiers accounts using which the sales cashier can log in to the POS accounts.
- Check the cash drawer to know sales of sales cashier.

Customer End Workflow
- At the time of checkout, the salesperson can choose/add customer for which the order has to be made.
- The salesperson can choose a customer from the registered customer list. And can search registered customers by name.
- If a customer is not registered to the store, the salesperson can add the customer.
- Additional addresses can be added and previous addresses can be edited in the existing customer's details.
- The added customer will be seen in the registered customer list.

POS Products
- There is a separate section to view and manage all the POS products.
- The sellers can assign their store products to the outlets as per the choice.
- The seller can also define the product quantity assigned to the outlet.
- It can even print the barcode of the products easily.

Inventory Manipulation
- The module has a separate inventory management feature for your POS products and Magento products.
- Basically, the seller can reflect the separate inventory of the same product for Magento store and outlets.
- This enables the easy tracking of inventory of same product when sold on Magento store and physical store.
- While assigning the Magento products to the outlet, the seller can define the product quantity assigned.
- The admin can even set either update main inventory or the outlet inventory whenever an order is placed from POS outlet.

Add Product To Cart
The sales agent can complete the purchase process by adding products to the cart. The sales agent can add products using the following three methods:-
- Click On Product- The sales agent can simply click on the product to add them to cart. The clicks on the product will increase the quantity of product in the cart.
- Scan Barcode- The product can be added to the cart via a barcode reader device which scans the barcode on the product. It makes the product search easy as sales agent need not scroll through the whole list of product.
- Enter Product SKU- The product can be added to cart via SKU, which is entered in the pop-up screen appearing on POS system.

POS Offline/Online Mode
- The module is important for businesses that combine offline and online presence in their operations. Because the system can work on both online as well as offline mode.
- Online is the general mode when the store has an internet connection. The agents can complete orders for the customers by adding the product to the cart.
- When the store is having poor or no internet connection then the POS panel can work offline too. In offline mode, all the orders, and transaction are saved locally.
- And when the internet is available for use, the agent can easily synchronize the offline data to the online data.

Hardware Support
Magento 2 Multi Vendor POS System is a Web-based POS, so it is flexible and supports multiple peripherals such as barcode scanner, printer, cash drawer.
- POS Device - A device such as - iPad, Tablet, Laptop, Mac, Desktop PC which is capable of running a web browser and have at least 7.5-inch screen size with 1280x800 pixel (minimum) resolution will work. To communicate with other POS peripherals, Bluetooth and USB (2.0 and above) connection is also required.
- Web Browser - Various web browsers are supported such as - Opera 15+, Android web client 4+, Internet Explorer 10+ desktop/mobile, Firefox 10+, Chrome 4+, Safari 11+.
- Barcode Scanner - To use a barcode scanner, it needs to be connected with your POS Device via Bluetooth, Bluetooth Dongle, USB, OTG, or any other port.
- Receipt Printer - A printer needs to be connected with your POS Device via USB port or any other wireless connection such as Bluetooth/Wi-fi. Thermal printers are recommended for printing sales receipts. In case you want to use a cash drawer, please ensure your printer should be able to connect with the cash drawer. Such as via RJ11/RJ12 port or other connection. Cash drawer will open after printing the receipt.
- Cash Drawer - To use a cash drawer machine, it needs to be connected with your thermal printer via RJ11/RJ12 or some other connection. Please note - Cash drawer machine is not directly connected with the POS Device, instead it is connected with your thermal printer.

Complete Features List
- The marketplace sellers can create multiple salespersons/cashiers for their outlets.
- Default address assignment to the outlet.
- Optimized catalog search functionality.
- Works with configurable, and downloadable products.
- The cashier can refresh individual products.
- Cash drawer print option.
- The cashier will get Login credentials via email.
- The admin can create multiple physical outlets for his/her online store and associate products with them.
- Seller will have an outlet which can be accessed from his seller panel.
- Separate Panel for a sales agent for sales management.
- Admin/Seller can Print Barcode Slip.
- Seller/Admin can create multiple cashiers.
- New customers can be added from the Sales agent POS panel.
- Easy real-time synchronization of sales and transactions.
- The products can be added to cart in three ways- on clicking the product, through SKU and through Barcode Reader.
- The agent can Put the POS in Fullscreen mode.
- The Product list and Category list can be refreshed from the frontend.
- Hassle-free payment and checkout process.
- The sales agent can hold an order for later check-out processes.
- The sales agent can view the cash drawer for computing the profit generated in a day or days by them.
- The sales agent can even file the return and generate a cash memo for the product (s).
For any query or issue please create a support ticket here http://webkul.uvdesk.com/.
You may also check our quality Magento 2 Extensions.
Frequently Asked Questions - Multi-Vendor Point of Sale for Magento 2
USB Barcode Reader
- https://www.amazon.in/TVSE-101-Ultrascan-Decoding-Technology/dp/B00HWOU0IO/
- https://www.amazon.in/iBall-Laser-Barcode-Scanners-LS-392/dp/B01C6R07P2/
- https://www.amazon.in/Cost2Cost1-Laser-Wired-Barcode-Scanner/dp/B07CVWHSC5/
Bluetooth Barcode Reader
- https://www.amazon.in/PEGASUS-PS3260-AAAAA-Wireless-Barcode-Warranty/dp/B07KZNFJJ6/
- https://www.amazon.in/Generic-Wireless-Bluetooth-Handheld-Barcode/dp/B075LM28VX/
- https://www.amazon.in/Syga-Wireless-Barcode-Scanner-Storage/dp/B012Z04CLU/
- https://www.amazon.in/Atoz-prime-Wireless-Bluetooth-Handheld/dp/B076BSYRKF/
Thermal Printer
- https://www.amazon.in/Epson-TM-T82II-USB-Parallel-Printer/dp/B01ETKSH92/
- https://www.amazon.in/Epson-TM-T82-USB-Box-Printer/dp/B07GF6LLS4/
- https://www.amazon.in/dp/B0769LQNR3/
- https://www.amazon.in/dp/B010Q2IG84/
Cash Drawer
- https://www.amazon.in/GRANDSE-Cash-Coin-Metal-Drawer/dp/B01MSFH5F6/
- https://www.amazon.in/Grandse-Metal-Cash-Drawer-Black/dp/B01MSFH5F5/
- https://www.amazon.in/Koohi-Cash-Drawer-Ech-410/dp/B011BWMBPW/
- https://www.amazon.in/EasyBuy-India-Adjustable-Removable-Cabinet/dp/B077GTYZF4/
Micro USB OTG Cable
- https://www.amazon.in/OTG-BZ-OTG-BL-Micro-USB-Cable/dp/B00G5AI1RS/
- https://www.amazon.in/Rhobos-Attach-Pendrive-Keyboard-Reader/dp/B07GLWPJB9/
USB-C Type OTG Cable
- https://www.amazon.in/Amegon-Type-USB-Cable-Devices/dp/B078J5BX2N/
- https://www.amazon.in/FASHIONISTA-Male-Female-Compatible-Supported-Smartphone/dp/B07KTXBQ6Y/
Lightning OTG Cable
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Default Configuration Details of Server
- 1 GB RAM
- 1 Core Processor
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Get Started with Cloud- + Features
- - Bugs
- + Compatible with Magento 2.4.
- + Compatible with POS 5.0.
- + Compatible with Marketplace 5.0.
- - Fix critical Bugs/Issues
- + Compatible with Magento 2.3.x and POS 2.1.x
- + Cashier can refresh the individual products.
- + Works with the configurable and downloadable products as well.
- + Seller Can create multiple outlets
- + Default address assignment to the outlet.
- + Mass inventory assignment to the outlet / All inventory assignment to the outlet.
- + Optimized catalog search functionality.
- + Cash drawer print option.
- + Cashier will get Login credentials via email.
- + Pos Payment included.
- + Pos Shipping included.
- + Works with simple and virtual products.
- + Tax calculation included.
- + Works with the custom options.
- + Seller Can add their cashier
- + Seller Can manage their outlet