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    Magento 2 Order Attributes

    Magento 2 Order Attributes allows the admin to add multiple attributes to the order. The admin can set the position for displaying those created order attributes on the checkout page.

    • Add additional fields at checkout for an order to collect the order-related data from a customer.

    • Attribute types - Text Field, Text Area, Date, Yes/No, Multiple Select, Dropdown, HTML, Page Builder, Static Block, and Attachments.

    • The customer can use the order attribute if they want to add additional information to an order.

    • Admin can create and display as many order attributes as required.

    • Input validate feature for input from a customer based on validation values.

    • Enable the option to view the order attributes on the admin order view.

    • Decide the attribute labels according to the different store views.

    • Set the position of the order attributes during the checkout.

    • Compatible with One Step Checkout for Magento 2.

    • It supports multi-address checkout.

    Technology Partner Awards.
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    2 times in a row
    Magento 2 Order Attributes Magento 2 Order Attributes Magento 2 Order Attributes Magento 2 Order Attributes Magento 2 Order Attributes Magento 2 Order Attributes Magento 2 Order Attributes Magento 2 Order Attributes Magento 2 Order Attributes
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    Magento 2 Order Attributes will allow the admin to add multiple custom order attributes for the customers during the checkout. The admin can set the position of those custom-created order attributes on the checkout page. This will help the admin to collect more information from the customer regarding their order.

    With Magento 2 custom order attributes, the admin can use the Text Field, Text Area, Date, Yes/No, Multiple Select, Dropdown, HTML, and Static Block as input fields to collect the data from the customers. This module is compatible with One Step Checkout for Magento 2. Furthermore, the admin and the customer can also view the custom order attributes from their order history of the particular order.

    Note: Order attributes Magento 2 module supports multi-address checkout.

    Magento 2 Order Attributes

    Highlighted Features of Magento 2 Order Attributes

     Create Multiple Custom Order Attributes

    The admin can create multiple custom order attributes to display to the customers.

     Use Different Types of Form Elements

    The admin can use the Text Field, Text Area, Date, Yes/No, Multiple Select, Dropdown, HTML, and Static Block to collect the data from the customers.

     Validate the Data in the Input Fields

    Multiple input validations are available based on the input types. The admin can use these values to validate the input type.

     Use Static Blocks as a Custom Order Attributes

    The admin can use the static blocks as a custom order attribute to display on position on checkout.

     Multi Store View

    The admin can use the module for the multi store view.

     Availability on Order History Page

    The admin and the customer can view the custom order attributes on the order page for a particular order.

    Why use Adobe Commerce Order Attributes Extension?

    Magento 2 Order Attributes lets the admin to allow the customers to enter the extra details with their orders. The eCommerce industry is competing day by day. Standing out from thousands of eCommerce store is the way to get success. For this, providing the extra features to the customer is a key point to grow business. Using Magento 2 Order Attributes the admin can allow the customers to enter the extra details with their orders.

    Order attributes Magento 2 will help the admin to collect more details about the order of a customer. Moreover, the admin can use the different types of input fields to collect information from a customer regarding their order.

    Order Attributes and its Properties

    The admin can create and manage the custom order attributes to display at the front end to the customers.

    • The admin can create multiple custom order attributes from the admin dashboard and these attributes can be displayed to the customers.
    • The admin has a lot of options to create different types of custom order fields.
    • The admin can use Text Field, Text Area, Date, Yes/No, Multiple Select, Dropdown, HTML, Page Builder, Static Block, and Attachments.
    • Moreover, the admin can validate the input fields using the advanced attribute properties.
    • Select the customer groups to whom the order attributes are visible.
    • Select the attachment type for the attachment attribute type that can be uploaded by the customers.
    • The admin can also decide the label name of the attribute according to the store view.
    • Even, the admin can decide the storefront properties of the custom order attributes along with the position on the checkout page.
    Order Attributes and its Properties

    Displaying Magento 2 custom order attributes on Different Positions During the Checkout

    Multiple options are available to set the position of the order attributes during the checkout.

    • The admin can decide whether to display the created custom order at the storefront or not.
    • It can be enabled for the order view to display to the customer.
    • The admin can sort the multiple created order attributes as per their requirements.
    • Moreover, the admin can decide the position of the custom order attribute during the checkout from the available options.
    Displaying Magento 2 Order Attributes on Different Positions During the Checkout

    Display Order Attributes at Storefront

    The customer can use the custom order attribute fields to provide more details about the order.

    • The customer can use the custom order attribute fields to provide more details regarding an order.
    • The customer can use the fields to let the admin know when he actually wants to receive the order on a certain date or if the customer has other requirements.
    • The customer can also validate the input fields based on the validation applied by the admin.
    • The customer can add the comments within the input fields in the custom order attributes so that the admin can process further with the requirement of the customer.
    Display Order Attributes on Storefront

    Display Custom Attribute on Sales Order View

    The admin can decide whether to display the custom order attributes on the sales order view or not.

    • The admin can decide if the created custom order attribute should display to the admin on the sales order view or not
    • Furthermore, the admin can also decide if the custom order attribute should also be displayed on the customer end order view or not
    • The admin and the customer can view the custom order attributes on their order for future references.
    Display Custom Attribute on Sales Order View

    Magento 2 Order Attributes Extension Features

    • Admin can add the additional fields during the checkout of an order to collect the order related data from a customer.
    • The admin can use the Text Field, Text Area, Date, Yes/No, Multiple Select, Dropdown, HTML, and Static Block as input fields for the customers.
    • Admin can create and display as many as order attributes as per their needs.
    • The admin can also configure the module for the advanced attribute properties.
    • The admin can also use the input validate feature to validate the input from a customer based on validation values.
    • Admin can also enable the option to view the order attributes on the admin order view.
    • The admin can decide the labels according to the different-different store view.
    • The admin can also decide the position of the order attributes during the checkout.
    • The customer can use the order attribute if they want to add additional information along with the order.

    Support for Magento 2 Order Attributes Extension

    For any query or issue please create a support ticket here

    You may also check our quality Adobe Commerce Extensions.


    Product Version4.0.4
    Released4 years ago
    Last UpdatedOctober 1, 2024 (4 months ago)
    Supported VersionsMagento  2.0.x  2.1.x  2.2.x  2.3.x  2.4.x  
    Rating 5.0
    based on 2 reviews

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    Professional Developer Team

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    Webkul is an excellent option

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    Frequently Asked Questions

     How many types of fields the admin can use to create the Custom Order Attribute?
    The admin can use Text Field, Text Area, Date, Yes/No, Multiple Select, Dropdown, HTML, and Static Block to create the custom order attributes for the customers.
     Is Magento 2 Order Attribute is compatible with One Step Checkout?
    Yes, this module is compatible with the Webkul’s One Step Checkout for Magento 2.
     Does it support different Store Views?
    Yes, it supports store views as well. The admin can manage the title according to the store views from the admin panel easily.
     How many Order Attributes the admin can create?
    The admin can create multiple custom order attributes as per the need.
     Can the admin set the display position of the Custom Created Order Attributes on the checkout page?
    Yes, The admin can decide and set the display position of the custom created Order attributes on the checkout page.

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    • + Features
    • - Bugs
    Version 4.0.4
    • + Attribute showing for all product if category is not mapped.
    Version 4.0.3-p1
    • - Required attribute showing in order summary
    Version 4.0.3
    • - Added attribute type attachment while product add to cart.
    Version 4.0.2
    • + Added custom order attribute for orders placed with multi-address checkout.
    Version 4.0.1
    • + Added Category Mapping while creating order attribute.
    Version 4.0.0
    • + Magento 2.4.x compatible.
    Version 3.0.1
    • + Added Category Mapping while creating order attribute.
    Version 3.0.0
    • + The admin can create order attributes.
    • + The admin can create HTML and static block type attribute.
    • + The admin can decide where attributes will be visible on checkout.
    • + The admin hide or show attribute on order view.
    • + Customer is able to see the attributes on the checkout page.
    • + Customer will see the saved value on the order view if admin allowed it.