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    Laravel Marketplace Delivery Time Slot

    Laravel Marketplace Delivery Time Slot: The extension allows the customers to select the preferred delivery date and time for the order. Multiple delivery slots can be created for different days, mentioning slot wise orders, allowed days, and minimum time to process.

    Laravel Marketplace Delivery Time Slot Laravel Marketplace Delivery Time Slot Laravel Marketplace Delivery Time Slot Laravel Marketplace Delivery Time Slot Laravel Marketplace Delivery Time Slot Laravel Marketplace Delivery Time Slot Laravel Marketplace Delivery Time Slot Laravel Marketplace Delivery Time Slot Laravel Marketplace Delivery Time Slot Laravel Marketplace Delivery Time Slot Laravel Marketplace Delivery Time Slot
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    Laravel Marketplace Delivery Time Slot: The extension allows the customers to select the preferred delivery date and time for the order. Multiple delivery slots can be created for different days, mentioning slot wise orders, allowed days, and minimum time to process.

    Please Note - To use this extension, you must purchase and install Laravel Multi Vendor Marketplace, first.

    Highlighted Features

     Select Prefered Day and Time

    Customers can choose their preferred day and time for delivery at the time of checkout.

     Default Allowed Days

    The admin can select the default allowed days.

     Set Number of Days

    Admin and Sellers can also set the total number of days to display.

     Minimum Required Time

    The admin can set the minimum required time for order processing in days.

     Error Message

    The admin can set the error message that will be visible at the time of checkout if no slot is available.

     Delivery Order History

    Admin and Sellers can check the delivery order history in their dashboards.

    why do we need this module?

    The delivery is one of the most important features of any eCommerce system. A better delivery system can help to increase the purchase if the customer is satisfied. With the help of this module, the sellers can create delivery time slots according to the days. This gives the ability to the customers to select the delivery date and time according to their feasibility. The seller and admin can set the minimum number of days for the order processing.

    Sellers Benefit

    • With the help of this module, the sellers can offer the customers to select the delivery time and date according to the customer's requirement.
    • The seller can easily manage the delivery for the product according to the date and time that is selected by the customer.
    • The seller can manage the delivery time according to the days, The seller can even set how many deliveries are allowed for a particular delivery time, this will help in the smooth flow of the delivery.
    • The seller can enter the minimum required time to process the order, this can also lead to customer satisfaction and may increase the sales.

    Allowed Days and Error Message

    After the successful installation of the Laravel Marketplace Delivery Time Slot module, the admin can configure the module from the admin panel. The admin can perform the following actions under the admin panel:

    • The admin can select the default allowed days.
    • Enter the total number of days to display at the checkout time.
    • Enter the message that will be visible if there is no time slot available.
    Allowed Days and Error Message

    Admin Access

    Once the module has been set by the admin, The admin can also create the delivery time slots and minimum time required to process the order under the marketplace section. Under the marketplace section, the admin can access the following things:

    • Set the minimum required days to process an order.
    • Set the default delivery time slots.
    • Can find all the orders that have made by the customers.
    • Check all the delivery slots that the marketplace sellers have created.
    Admin Access

    Create Delivery Slots

    In the seller's profile the sellers will get two menu options under their account menu - Time Slots Configuration(To create and delete) and Delivery Order History. Using these two menu options the seller will be able to perform the following actions.

    • Enter the minimum required time in days to process an order.
    • Add/delete the delivery time slots.
    • Can check the delivery order history with delivery date and time.
    Create Delivery Slots

    Create Shipment and Invoice

    The admin can manage all the orders that have placed in the Bagisto marketplace. The admin can create the invoice and shipment for the orders and if the admin has allowed the seller to create invoice and shipment for orders then the sellers can also create invoice and shipment for their orders.

    • The delivery time slot is visible in the invoice.
    • The delivery time slot is visible in shipment.
    • Delivery Day is also visible in the shipment and invoice.
    Create Shipment and Invoice

    Customer Checkout Process

    The buyer will add his products to the cart and at the time of checkout, he will be able to see the available delivery days and time slots available. The customer can select any of the slots that are available for the respective product. After selecting the slot the customer can proceed for the checkout process.

    • Customers can select the delivery time slot at the time of checkout.
    • Delivery slots will be displayed according to the sellers.
    • Customers can find the details of the delivery time slots in their order history.
    Customer Checkout Process

    Features List

    • Customers can choose their preferred day and time for delivery at the time of checkout.
    • Sellers can set the number of orders that can be fulfilled within the specified time slot.
    • The admin can select the default allowed days.
    • Admin can set the total number of days to display.
    • The admin can set the minimum required time for order processing in days.
    • Admin can set the error message that will be visible at the time of checkout if no slot is available.
    • Admin can turn off the Laravel Marketplace Delivery Time Slot from the Admin panel.


    For any issue related to this module, please create a support ticket here at - or send an email to [email protected]

    You may also check our quality Bagisto Extensions.


    Product Version1.3.1
    Released4 years ago
    Last UpdatedSeptember 28, 2021 (3 years ago)
    Supported VersionsBagisto  1.3.1  
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    Frequently Asked Questions

     Can sellers create different time slots according to different days?
    Yes, sellers can create different time slots according to the different days.
     Can admin manage or edit the delivery slots created by the sellers?
    No the admin cannot edit or manage the delivery slots created by the sellers. The admin can only view the delivery slots that are created by the sellers.
     Can seller see the delivery date and time in invoice and shipment?
    Yes seller can see the order date and time in the invoice and shipment.
     Can seller and customer see the delivery time and date in order details?
    Yes, the seller and customer can see the delivery time and date in order details.
     Can admin define the minimum days required for order processing?
    Yes the admin can define the minimum number of days for order processing.
     Can seller defines the number of order that customer can place for each day?
    Yes seller can define the number of order that the customer can place for each day.

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    • + Features
    • - Bugs
    Version 1.3.1
    • [feature] Compatible with bagisto version 1.3.1.
    Version 1.2.0 (5th of Oct, 2020)
    • * [feature] compatible with bagisto v1.2.0
    • * [bug] Delivery slots should not visible for the product type which don't have shipping(downloadable,virtual,booking).
    • * [bug] Layout issue when add multiple array of delivery time slot.
    • * [bug] Fix the layout when warning message display at seller end.
    • * [bug] Negative value should not accept in input field
    • * [bug] Delivery slots should not visible for the product type which don't have shipping(downloadable,virtual,booking).
    • * [bug] Getting exception when place order for virtual product in which shipping address doesn't exist.
    • * [bug] Getting exception when select address at onepage checkout when time slot exist.
    • * [bug] Fix the slots design in onepage checkout.
    • * [bug] Update order grid column in seller delivery order history.
    Version 0.1.1 (23rd of April, 2020) - Release
    • [Bug] Allowed total days configuration is not working.
    • [Bug] Display total days functionality is not working.
    • [Bug] Getting exception when filter delivery time slot list by seller name in admin panel.
    • [Bug] Search field is not working in delivery slot list at admin end.
    • [Bug] Check the delivery order filters and search is not working
    • [Bug] Delivery information is not visible to seller in order details when click on order from transaction list.
    • [Bug] If Time slot configuration is deleted from configuration then Delivery order history also gets deleted.
    • [Bug] Not getting time slot information in Seller Order information.
    • [Bug] issue in order sequence.
    • [Bug] ALLOWED ORDER filter in delivery time slot should be an integer type.
    • [Bug] When seller delete time slot configuration, then at admin end new delivery time slot added
    • [Bug] Current day timeslots are not visible even current time is not expired
    • [Bug] Remove filter for end time or start time
    • [Bug] slot start time is less end date, still warning is not remove at seller end
    • [Bug] Add Hint title just below the allowed days or Display total days.
    • [Bug] End time should always be greater than start time.
    • [Bug] Redirect to 404 page when click on order link.
    • [Bug] Delivery date information gets deleted from customer order if seller delete his time slots later.
    • [Bug] Tuesday delivery slots are showing in checkout page
    • [Bug] Issue when seller and admin have not configured delivery time slots, it should display that seller/admin does not have time delivery slots.
    • [Bug] Correct the button size of Add time slot and save.
    • [Bug] Not able to save "Minimum Required Time in Order Process" as zero from seller end.
    • [Bug] Time picker length should be equal to Start time and End time field size.
    • [Bug] Not getting Time delivery slot information in invoice and shipment.
    • [Bug] UI issue.
    • [Documentation] Update the Readme file.
    • [Bug] Not getting Time Delivery slot in orders if order is placed through PayPal.
    • [Bug] Success message should display after saving the Delivery time slot.
    • [Bug] Getting exception on checkout.
    Version 0.1.0 (22nd of April, 2020) - Release
    • [feature] Customers can choose their preferred day and time for delivery at the time of checkout.
    • [feature] Sellers can set the number of orders that can be fulfilled within the specified time slot.
    • [feature] The admin can select the default allowed days.
    • [feature] Admin can set the total number of days to display.
    • [feature] The admin can set the minimum required time for order processing in days.
    • [feature] Admin can set the error message that will be visible at the time of checkout if no slot is available.
    • [feature] Admin can turn off the Laravel Marketplace Delivery Time Slot from the Admin panel.