Top Selling Extension Winner
2 times in a row
Magento Marketplace Multi Vendor Module
Magento Marketplace Multi Vendor Module: Webkul Marketplace Extension will convert your Magento store into a multi-vendor marketplace with separate seller product collection, order & shipping management, feedback, support, ratings, and commissions. Webkul Marketplace plugin supports many shipping integrations like - FedEx, UPS, USPS and payment gateways - like PayPal, Stripe, Mangopay, etc.
Similar extension is available for Magento 2 - Magento 2 Marketplace Extension
Top Selling Extension Winner
2 times in a row
- Description
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- Changelog
Magento Marketplace Multi Vendor Module will convert your Magento Shopping cart into an online Marketplace with separate seller /vendor product collection and separate seller with feedback support and rating. Magento Multi vendor marketplace will support various addons from payment split to seller / vendor auction and from vendor shipping management to vendor's eBay shop connection. Magento multi vendor module works very fine in community ( free ) and enterprise version of Magento .
Magento Marketplace Features :
- Working with All the Templates ( Including Responsive Themes) and source code is Open so can be easily customized.
- Separate seller / vendor profile / micro site .
- Seller can add banner , shop logo custom HTML text .
- Seller / Vendor product search in vendor panel .
- Separate seller's product collection.
- Feedback and review system with interactive star rating.
- Contact to seller with captcha support.
- Different seller commission for every seller.
- Back-end admin product assignment for seller account.
- Category and subcategory assignment from seller end.
- Seller Dashboard will display the current status of the product account e.g - pending,complete , processing.
- Multiple category selection in tree node structure.
- Special price , special price from to special price to.
- Stock Availability check .
- Ajax check for vendor / seller shop url .
- Work with all the themes and templates including responsive templates e.g ultimo.
- Review and feedback management for vendors/ sellers.
- Product Preview for product approval at admin.
- Vendor / Seller and Admin moderation and approval.
- Seller / Vendor Enable disable from admin of the store.
- This module provides an attractive landing page with top 4 sellers with their top 3 products.
- Allow to seller to edit shop URL for Profile page, collection page, review page, Location page.
- Option to view the list of all the sellers of the marketplace at one place.
- Allow the seller to select Check boxes for enabling the social media fields on Seller's Profile page.
- Admin will allow the specific Product Image Type for the product images, when seller adds the product.
- Allow seller to add Carrier and Tracking numbers for orders.
- Admin will allow Product Image Type for the product image when seller adds the product.
- Admin can do the Landing page setting.
- Admin can manage the inventory setting.
- Allow admin to create custom templates.
- The seller will be notified by mail when product inventory reaches to the specified minimum level set by the admin.
- Admin can manage the Seller profile page setting.
- Multi Lingual support / All language working including RTL ( hebrew and arabic).
- Product Edit and Delete option on seller panel.
- Interactive view for seller profile and easy to upload seller logo and banner with colors.
- All product type Simple, Downloadable, Virtual, Configurable, Bundle and Group Products (using addons) supported.
- Latest order at vendor dashboard and order management using shipping addons for marketplace .
- Seller / Vendor transaction report at seller panel.
- All Templates working including (ultimo , template monster and theme forest).
- Working fine with all languages .
- All currencies Supported.
- Hint(s) / Guide feature for the fields which will be managed by magento Admin.
- Store Owner or Admin can limit the category(s) for the sellers / vendor i.e . Vendor can add the product on allowed categories only.
- SMS integration with Twilio SMS Addon.
- Automatically generate seller product URL’s like- Profile, Collection, Location & feedback URL.
- Admin can choose and customize 3 different layouts for Landing Page.
- Marketplace sell page (in case of layout 2 and layout 3) works as seller central where seller can separately create his account.
- Admin can choose to auto-approve orders or not.
- The seller can manage the order from the front-end when approved by admin.
- Admin can allow seller to add related products, up-sell products and cross-sell products from seller’s panel.
- Admin can allow seller to add product limit for customer on product purchase.
Magento Top Selling Extension Award Winner
Webkul is very proud and honored to receive Magento Technology Partner Award for "Top Selling Extension" Multi Vendor Marketplace at Imagine 2019 and 2018 events. Yes, we did this twice and we are pleasured to accept the Top Selling Extension award for the two consecutive years of 2017 and 2018. Read more
Magento Marketplace performance and scalability
Marketplace Means you have lots of sellers with lots of sku's and customers that means you will have great amount of traffic in your web store . Magento Multi Vendor marketplace module is coded on top of "magento MVC and ORM system" and following standard way of magento Application Programming . Marketplace Module is as scalable as your magento does , that means it will not affect your existing store performance and will support all your standard magento cache handlers . That means there is no limit at vendor and product level any number of vendor and product can be added in the store .
- Marketplace extension support all type of cache handlers including APC , Memcached , Redis etc .
- Support all kind of rdbms including percona as well (which magento supports).
- Module will support Mysql Replication (Master Slave architecture) where that means it will affect existing mysql replication of your store.
- Reverse proxy supported including nginx , varnish .
- Module is tested well with standard debugger tool including xdebug and memtop and monitored with munin.
- Product collection indexer will work as standard magento indexer does work that means it will work with standard search api's sphnix and solr as well .
- Follows Magento standard two level cache paradigm by default .
- *All the above tools are not included in the module as those tools need to be installed and configured properly at your store and working properly with magento , marketplace module work with those tools .*
All Product Type Supported
Magento Marketplace extension support all product types available in Magento from simple to configurable to virtual to downloadable , also using addons seller / vendor can create grouped and bundle product as well with attribute set
- Magento Simple Product Support
- Magento Downloadable Product Support
- Magento Virtual Product Support
- Magento Configurable Product Support
- Magento Bundle Product Support (using addon)
- Magento Grouped Product Support (using addon)
Flexible Commission Management
Marketplace module provides out of the box commission management for shop owners or store admin . In base marketplace module store owner can set commission on global level as well as vendor / seller level
- Global Commission Management for all vendors / sellers.
- Vendor based commission management.
- Category based commission management ( using addon ).
- Product based commission management ( using addon ).
Product , Order & Seller / Vendor Alert / Notification
Alert and notification are soul of an e-commerce marketplace site and marketplace module handles product , order and sellers alert and notification beautifully . Almost all the notification from product addition to seller approval and from order notification to seller contact us notification are managed by Webkul marketplace module. Here are some example for notification:
- Seller Approval Notification.
- Product Approval Notification.
- Vendor support contact us support alert / notification.
- Order Notification for sellers / admin.
Seller / Vendor Order Notification Email Template
In the magento marketplace module, if an order is placed and it’s invoice has been created then seller will receive product sold notification email with their product details. For an example, if an order is placed with three products (A,B,C) of Seller (x,y,z) respectively. So when order invoice will be created then sellers (X,Y,Z) will receive an email for their products (A,B,C respectively) with order details.
Inventory Setting
With Marketplace Multi Vendor module, admin can also configure the inventory setting. Admin can update the Low notification settings. If “Enable Low Notification” is selected as “Yes”, then seller get notified through their e-mails when their inventory decreases with subsequent orders.
Store owner can enter the Low Stock Quantity, which will allow to send low stock notification mail to sellers when product quantity will be equal or less than this quantity.
- Enable Low Stock Notification.
- Admin can enter low stock quantity.
Marketplace Transactional Emails
In the Marketplace, Admin can create custom transactional emails from the back-end. For creating custom transactional email template, admin will navigate System and then Transactional Email and then create new template. Admin will enter Name of template, locale and enter template information like name , subject, content. After creating the template, they can view those template on grid. At the end, admin will select various Marketplace email from the “Marketplace Transactional Emails” under the System configuration. Admin can select the template for each condition from the drop-down.
- Admin can create custom email template.
Vendor Order Details / History & Invoice Management
Order history and order management are must have feature for any stable marketplace module , All Webkul marketplace shipping module contains order management that means using any of Webkul shipping addon vendor can manage the order and can generate the invoice .
- vendor / seller can view the order details and can filter them out using available filters .
- Vendor /seller can manage the order using any of webkul marketplace shipping plugins (using addon) .
- Vendor / seller can input tracking info and can confirm the order using marketplace shipping plugin (using addon)
- Vendor / Seller can print the invoice and can ship the goods to customers using shipping addons .
Seller / Vendor Review(s) Rating Management
More reviews more sales and that's true , Webkul marketplace module offers review and rating for vendors . buyer can choose the sellers having most positive review . Seller overall review and rating will display at seller / vendor profile , also buyer can check all the review for any particular seller / vendor .
Admin or shop owner can set the option for buyers for posting review including review moderation and only buyer can post the review for seller not any guest user. Admin have all the access to manage the seller review and rating .
Seller / Vendor SEF URLs & SEO Management
Magento multi vendor marketplace module support SEF urls for vendor profile and vendor collection which is super useful for google robots and also human friendly and easy to remember . Every seller / vendor will have a unique url
marketplace module offer meta data like meta description and meta tags for vendors . seller / vendor can add the SEO information under their seller panel
Marketplace Seller Central
The admin can create a Seller Central where users will have a separate Seller Registration page. The users who want to become a seller can register from here only if "Display Seller Registration Block on Customer Registration Page" option is set as ‘No’ from backend. Now default magento registration page will work for buyers only. So now the customers will have a separate seller signup page. Not only this, the best feature is the admin can change the layout of the seller login page as per the requirement.
Marketplace With Attractive Landing Page
A clean and modern landing page always attracts the attention, which helps in increasing the UI/UX and quality experience, thus resulting in conversion of visitors to customers. The module is based upon rwd theme which makes the marketplace landing page more beautiful than before, which is simple, modern and uncluttered and enhances the beauty by incorporating an alluring banner with high quality content to inspire a confidence among your customers.
With landing page you can see the top 4 sellers of the marketplace, with their top selling products, Seller logo, Shop Title, and a button to redirect to view the full collection of the seller.
Seller's Review and Rating at Product Page
Let your customers make an evaluation of the product with a rich 'Review & Ratings', displaying the ratings of the seller and positive review feedback on the basis of specified parameters like Price, Value & Quality etc., on the scale of 5 with star ratings.
- Displays average ratings on a 5 point scale.
- The snippet is placed on the product pages of the seller.
- Shows the ratings and positive review feedback for the sellers.
- Ratings on parameters like Price, Value, Quality.
Edit Seller/Vendor Shop URL Rewrite
The seller can now manage the URLs of various landing pages according to his own needs with Marketplace Module. He needs to mention the 'Profile Page Target URL Path' and then the URL of the requested path, which'll be displayed in the URL of the particular page instead of the actual Target URL Path. The seller can manage the custom shop URL. Various Pages for which URLs can be controlled are: the seller can part of the marketplace
- Profile Page.
- Collection page.
- Review page.
- Location page.
Marketplace- Seller Order Management
If the admin has enabled the function to allow the seller to manage orders from backend, then the seller can manage the orders by checking 'My Order History' section in the Marketplace panel. It will display all the orders of the sellers with the details and status of the order. The seller can manage all the functions related to the order from one page only, like-
- Creating Shipment of the order.
- Create an invoice.
- Send email to customer regarding notification.
- Cancelling the order.
- Print the order.
- Create Credit Memo.
The seller has also the provision to add the Carrier details and Tracking numbers to the orders.
Payment History and Transaction Report
Marketplace module support all type of payment method that means after approval of the product (or auto approval) , products will be the part of magento global catalog and that's is the beauty of the extension . In this way any magento operation will work on magento product . In base marketplace module all the payment goes to admin account and admin make the payment to seller manually . Admin can automate this process by using webkul marketplace payment addons like paypal adaptive addon , stripe marketplace payment api , mangopay marketplace method and many more ,
Marketplace contains the record for every transaction made to vendor / seller and vendor have access to view the details
Marketplace Mobile Application
After creating a major share in the world of e-Commerce software marketplace, Webkul is all set to move into the new arenas of mobile applications and is stepping from the world of e-Commerce to m-Commerce with its new product Mobikul
A product which is going to provide its esteemed customers with lots of features, to relish their shopping experience in a more easy and mobile way in order to provide Ubiquity, Convenience, Interactivity, Personalization, and Localization, which is just some taps and swipes away.
- To attract the attention of the customers anytime anywhere, while they are on a move with their mobiles.
- To Open a New Avenue for increasing the Sales.
- Providing flexibility and ease of connectivity, in learning about customers.
Full Arabic Language Support
Magento Multi-Vendor Marketplace supports many language translations including the Arabic RTL (Right to Left) design. To know how to translate the module language, please visit -
- Compatible with all the RTL theme templates
- Complete Arabic language support
- Easily editable language CSV file
Huge number of supported Addons
Marketplace module support huge list of supported addons that make this module as world's best marketplace module . Multi vendor marketplace support range of supported addons from shipping to payment and from sales promotion to return management , more than 35+ supported addons exist for marketplace . here are few
- marketplace payment addons ( ex - paypal adaptive , stripe , mangopay , wepay , balanced payment)
- marketplace Shipping Addons (ex - UPS , Fedex , USPS , aramex per product , Table rate , country based and canada post)
- Marketplace sales promotion addons ( ex - seller auction , price comparison , deals )
- Inventory management addons (ex - mass upload , custom attribute and options , chat and blogs) .
- Marketplace return management
- Marketplace ebay connectors
- Split Cart / Split Orders based on seller / vendor
Seller / Vendor Dashboard Management
Multi Vendor Marketplace Dashboard - is superb intuitive and easy to understand interface by seller can view their report , income , growth ( with the help of graph ) . Seller Dashboard will contains following features
- Vendor income (weekly , monthly and for the current date)
- Vendor Payout and remaining balance
- Most Recent order (s)
- Latest comment and reviews
- Vendor / seller can view order information as well
Multiple Vendor Product(s) Checkout at Once
Multi vendor B2C marketplace is unbelievable in so many ways and multiple vendor products checkout at once is one of them . buyer / customer can purchase the product from various sellers / vendor at once . At the cart buyer will be able to see the vendor name in the cart as well
Magento Marketplace - Store owner / Admin Benefit
Using marketplace and its addon there is huge Benefit for the store owner and almost big ecommerce site having a marketplace within their store from etsy to asos from eBay to amazon to best buy . Magento marketplace and its addon provide store owners a complete and state of art online marketplace , here are few points by which store owner can benefit a lot
- Store owner can earn huge amount of commission as marketplace module provides very flexible commision system and even by using marketplace advance commision addon admin can set any kind of commision scheme from global to per vendor commision and also based on per product category .
- Using magento marketplace with seller group addon, admin can categorise seller into various range of groups like silver, gold and platinum and many more custom groups .
- Price comparison is very hot and almost a key factor to win the marketplace , marketplace module with addon price comparison provides this feature by which very same product can be added by multiple sellers using different price and quantity like amazon or bestbuy
- Huge Traffic and more sales conversion - you will get huge traffic and more sales conversion after converting your store into marketplace reason is pretty simple as you ( store owner ) will provide space for other merchants to add the product within your store it will increase no of products , more social media share and more options for buyer
Magento Marketplace - Shop Seller / Vendor Benefit -
putting your product in a marketplace is always a plus for vendor / seller or small shop owners so it's huge benefit for them to increase the sales conversion by adding their product into a branded marketplace . Using marketplace like webkul vendor will have all the details for his / her order , shipping and payment also seller have all the access of their product so they can manage their products and inventory either it's a digital marketplace or global marketplace
For any query or issue please create a support ticket here - or send an email to [email protected]
Recent Reviews
Write a reviewExcellent service and support
This product does exactly what it says. Where we encountered technical issues, the Webkul technical support team were excellent and timely in addressing them.
Webkul know what they are doing, and always look after their customers!!!
Webkul have it all; absolutely ONE STOP SHOP. If you need it Webkul have already built it. Great support and dedicated service.
I really enjoyed working with webkul for my website
Really Good Product
Another Really Good Product from WEBKUL.Well done webkul Team.And also supportive and friendly people to work with.
I have recently had dealing with Webkul, a WEB IT solutions provider, and they have delivered an exceptional value as well as performance in integrating their solution to our site.The guys at Webkul are extremely knowledgeable and act quickly to any questions. We asked for a few customisations and they had it completed in a day. Amazing!
100% satisfied.
* 100% satisfied.
Perfect Service
No matter what the problem is, they will answer in detail
Wish: I hope that other extensions can have more
Magento Marketplace Multi Vendor Module FAQ :
or modified version of it . If you found in such activities then there will be direct copyright violation .
order of 100$ commission grid will display 80% for seller and 20% for admin. When you will click on pay link it will display the amount
or you can say clear the amount till date or have been paid till date. It will not transfer any payment to seller “THIS WILL BE FOR
DISPLAY ONLY ” Also commision can be applied on per product as well as on category using addon advance commision
marketplace payment modules payment can be split among to sellers and store owner.
Please have a look here : Magento Marketplace Table Rate Shipping
for payment release .
For this purpose we are using paypal adaptive method also other payment addon are there for this purpose like stripe marketplace addon and many more please check
Please have a look here : Magento Marketplace Custom Attribute
Please have a look here : Magento Marketplace Custom Option
to seller.
send the payment. Admin can assign separate commission % for each seller like A seller has 5% and B seller has 10% and C has 20%.
Please have a look here : Magento Marketplace Paypal Adaptive Payment
they don’t have a PayPal Account?
Magento Marketplace Multi Vendor - Support
For any query or suggestion please visit our ticket support system :
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Get Started with Cloud- + Features
- - Bugs
- + Allowed admin to save seller information by store view.
- + Added functionality for not showing select dropdown of "Attribute Set" and "Product Type" for adding product if admin have only set single attribute set and product type respectively.
- + Allowed seller to add related products, up-sell products and cross-sell products from his dashboard.
- + Allowed seller to add product limit for customer on product purchase.
- + Added 3 types of layout for marketplace landing page that will be configurable from admin config settings.
- + Added Seller Central functionality through which seller can create account from the marketplace sell page.
- + Created seller registration block call on customer registration page configurable.
- + Added Order approval required setting at marketplace configuration settings through which seller can only get order place notification and can manage order after order approval by admin.
- + Allowed seller to create duplicate product from seller panel.
- + Allowed seller to save his/her profile informations by store view.
- - Fixed seller shipping refund issue.
- + Add a column for seller shipping amount in admin seller order grid.
- - Fixed Seller Collection and profile page product count and seller category issue.
- + Allow admin to create custom email templates for marketplace email templates.
- - Fix Log issues.
- + Marketplace Landing Page design changes
- + Seller shop page like profile, collection, feedback, location page design changes
- + Allow admin to configure martketplace landing page options like- banner, banner content, button label, icons etc
- + Display top 4 best sell sellers with their top 3 selling products
- + Allow sellers to manage their orders
- + Allow sellers to refund their order with return quantity to stock option and add comment option.
- + Allow customers to search seller by seller shop name in seller list page
- + Manage seller's total and commission on product refund
- + Change Marketplace Feedback grid collection in admin panel
- + Allow seller to add sample url, link sample url and link url for downloadable products
- + Allow seller to update configurable associate product from seller dashboard
- + Allow sellers to add social media icons on their profile page
- + Low stock notification to sellers if enable by admin.
- + Allow admin to create custom email templates for marketplace email templates.
- + Layout design changes
- + Seller can delete his logo and banner from seller's profile
- + Seller can view hints for fields if enabled and set by admin
- + Seller can add Return and Shipping policy if enabled by admin
- + Category and sub category assignment to seller from admin
- + Product filter by name, date and status in seller's product list
- + Mass delete of product in seller's product list
- + Display total Payout and remaining amount of seller's in seller's dashboard
- + Latest seller's order with filter by order id, date and status in seller's dashboard
- + Seller's order with filter by order id, date and status in seller's orderhistory page
- + Add seller's order view page with commission and total seller's amount details
- + Add seller's transaction report with download record in csv and search filter by transaction id and date
- + TAX management for seller's product from marketplace setting at backend
- + Product update required setting from marketplace setting at backend
- + seller policies(return/shipping) enable/disable setting from marketplace setting at backend
- + Restrict seller to use only some selected categories for adding products from marketplace setting at backend
- + Make a Review on only Order Purchase setting from marketplace setting at backend
- + Hint(s) / Guide feature for the fields(for product and profile page) which will be managed by magento Admin
- + Seller and Product deny from admin panel
- + Massapprove of product and seller at backend
- + Admin can see seller's transaction details of total payout at backend
- + Manage seller's order grid with pay(individual and mass) options for admin at backend.
- + Work with all the themes and templates including responsive templates e.g rwd,ultimo
- First Release