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    Magento 2 Submit Offer and Price Negotiation

    Magento 2 Submit Offer and Price Negotiation module allows the admin to enable “Make an Offer” for their products and get the request quotes from the customers.

    • Request for an offer from the front end.

    • The offer is restricted to a single product based on price and quantity.

    • The admin will get the option to accept, decline, or counter the offer.

    • Option to view the list of offers with all recent estimate requests sent to the offer page of the registered user.

    • A separate section of the discussion panel is provided to both admin and users where they can haggle related to the offer.

    • Magento 2 Make an Offer add-on supports the Hyva theme.

    • The extension also supports GraphQL APIs.

    Technology Partner Awards.
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    2 times in a row
    Magento 2 Submit Offer and Price Negotiation Magento 2 Submit Offer and Price Negotiation Magento 2 Submit Offer and Price Negotiation Magento 2 Submit Offer and Price Negotiation Magento 2 Submit Offer and Price Negotiation Magento 2 Submit Offer and Price Negotiation Magento 2 Submit Offer and Price Negotiation Magento 2 Submit Offer and Price Negotiation Magento 2 Submit Offer and Price Negotiation Magento 2 Submit Offer and Price Negotiation
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    Magento 2 Submit Offer and Price Negotiation allows the admin to enable “Make an Offer” for their products and get the request quotes from the customers. And as you have all the details of your customers, you can easily contact them and motivate them for the purchase.

    On the product detail page, the user can enter and submit a new price as per the quantity of their choice for the respective product. The admin can generate an offer in the manage offer section. The admin can accept, decline, or discuss any offer based on the quotation.

    The admin and user can discuss and continue to negotiate via the discussion panel provided. When the offer gets accepted the customer gets notified via mail and the sales go on.

    This module will also help you to increase the conversion rate as well as reduce the abandoned cart in your store. You can avoid losing sales and help to convert your store visitors to customers by providing them amazing offers through this module.

    Note - This module supports only Simple, Configurable, Virtual, and Downloadable product types.

    Magento 2 Submit Offer and Price Negotiation

    Highlighted Features of Magento 2 Submit Offer and Price Negotiation

     Individual Price Suggestion

    A user can provide his price for a single product.

     Auto Promotion Link Generation

    A promotion link will be auto-generated once the admin accepts the offer.

     Make an Offer for Specific Products and Categories

    Admin can enable make an offer for a specific product and category as well.

     Email Notification for Offers

    The customer will be notified of the respective offers.

     Manage Offers with an Expiry Date

    The admin can provide an expiry date as well while accepting the offer.

     Admin can Accept, Decline or Counter the Offer

    After getting the offer request the admin can accept, decline, or counter the customer’s offer.

     Offer Discussion with Admin

    A customer can have a discussion with the admin regarding the provided offer quote.

     Block a User from the Discussion

    The admin can block a user from the discussion to prevent spam users.

     Supports GraphQL APIs

    Use the GraphQL queries to fetch the respective data for validation as you require.

     Supports Hyva theme

    Magento 2 Make Offer and Price Negotiation is compatible with the Hyva theme.

    Why do we need Magento 2 Submit Offer and Price Negotiation?

    Pricing of a product is one of the main factors towards the purchase of a product. It will give a possibility to the customers to get a special discount they want and keep up with the pricing of your competitors.

    You can grab price suggestions from people who are genuinely interested in purchasing your product and motivate them to buy it with a custom discount. With the help of huge suggestions from the customers, you can improve your promos.

    There are some items left from the seasonal sales, or from the last season collections. You are restocking with new products, the old ones get forgotten somewhere on the back of the store. With the right tool, you can give an opportunity both for you and your customers to cooperate on getting rid of leftovers.

    Enable make an offer for a product or category

    The admin can enable make an offer for a product or category. Once enabled a user can place an offer from the front-end.

    • Make an offer can be enabled for a single product.
    • It can be enabled for single or multiple categories.
    • The product will get a higher priority than a category.
    • If a product exists in multiple categories then make an offer will be enabled if any of the categories allowed for the offer.
    Enable make an offer for a product or category

    Invite your customers to offer their price

    This extension adds a single button with “Make an Offer” text on every product page on your storefront which leads to a form. The admin can configure how a customer can interact with the make an offer. Providing an option to get an offer price will reduce the cart’s abundance as well.

    • The admin can enable the popup form or in product form for the customer.
    • Button title, where you can customize what the button says to the customer.
    • Admin can enable the make an offer for the guest user as well.
    • Popup titles can be provided by the admin to display the same to the customer on the front-end.
    • The admin can configure the success message as well which will be displayed to the customer after submitting the request.
    Invite your customers to offer their price

    Make an offer form

    In make an offer form, there are four fields that include customer email, the price per product, quantity, and request message. Here, a customer can provide a message as well along with the offer request. This way, you can get a better idea about your pricing policy and can go ahead with the new data.

    • In the provided make an offer form, the customer can provide their mail address.
    • A customer can provide the number of quantities in which he is looking for the purchase.
    • The customer can provide the offer price on which he is looking to purchase the product.
    • The request message can also be provided by the customer along with the offer request.
    • A customer can provide an offer request for a single product only at a time.
    • The customer needs to verify the reCAPTCHA in order to submit the make an offer form.
    Make an offer form

    Discussion for an offer

    The customer can chat with the admin regarding an offer. The discussion can be initiated by any of them.

    • After accepting an offer the admin can initiate the discussion regarding an offer if required.
    • The customer can also initiate the discussion regarding an offer to the admin.
    • It will help to get an optimum offer value for both the admin and the customer.
    • The admin can block a customer from the discussion as well. It prevents the spam as well.
    • The admin can modify an earlier accepted offer as well.
    Discussion for an offer

    Manage offers

    A customer can make an offer from the front-end and can manage all the requests in their account panel under the offer section.

    • All the requests placed by the customer will be displayed in the offers section.
    • A customer can view a respective offer request and can manage the same accordingly.
    • A customer can initiate the discussion as well in this section. And it will reduce the chances of the return requests as well.
    • All the offers provided by the admin will be displayed here.
    • If admin modifies an offer then the promotion will expire and new promotion will be generated.
    • An expired promotion can also be viewed by the customer.
    Manage offers


    • Request for an offer from the front-end.
    • The offer is restricted to a single product based on price and quantity.
    • Option to view the list of offers with all recent estimate request sent in the offer page of the registered user.
    • A separate section of discussion panel is provided to both admin and users where they can haggle related to the offer.
    • The admin will get the option to accept, decline, or counter the offer.
    • Redirect users that accept quotes to the checkout page via reference link provided by mail. Manage offers with expiration dates.
    • Option to block discussion at the admin end for an offer.
    • Option to re-create and manage quote requests from the admin end against the response of an offer.
    • Admin can accept rejected offers in the future as well.
    • Ajax based process ensures the user cannot place multiple offers for the same product simultaneously.
    • If an offer gets accepted by the admin, the user will be notified by the mail.
    • Auto promotion link creation upon accepting the offer.
    • Email sent to the customer on successfully placing an offer.


    For any query or issue please create a support ticket here

    You may also check our quality Magento 2 Extensions.


    Product Version4.0.6
    Released4 years ago
    Last UpdatedSeptember 13, 2024 (5 months ago)
    Supported VersionsMagento  2.0.x  2.1.x  2.2.x  2.3.x  2.4.x  
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    Frequently Asked Questions

     Does it support all product types?
    Magento 2 Make An Offer module supports only Simple, Configurable, Virtual, and Downloadable product types.
      What if a product assigned to multiple categories?
    If a product exists in multiple categories and Allow Offer enabled on any of the categories, Make An Offer will be enabled for that product.
     What if Allow Offer enabled on category and disabled for a product?
    Allow Offer on a product will get higher priority than Allow Offer on category.
     Can the admin modify an accepted offer?
    Yes, admin can make changes in the offer after accepting the same as well.
     What if the admin gets spam discussion requests on offers?
    The admin has the option to disable the discussion for a particular offer.
     Does the admin need to create the offer link manually?
    The offer link will be auto-created after accepting the offer. And the customer can purchase the product on the basis of the provided offer.
     Can a guest user request for an offer?
    Yes, this module supports guest users as well. Guest users can also request for an offer.
     Can a user request for an offer for multiple products at a time?
    No, a user can request for an offer for a single product only.

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    • + Features
    • - Bugs
    Version 4.0.6
    • - Optimised module performace.
    • + Compatible with Magento ^2.4.7
    Version 4.0.5
    • - Fixed module menu visible when module is disabled from config.
    • + Compatible with Magento ^2.4.6-p4
    Version 4.0.4
    • + Compatible with Magento 2.4.6^ and PHP 8.2
    • + Enhancement of reCaptcha on the Make An Offer page
    Version 4.0.3
    • + Compatible with Magento ^2.4.5 and PHP 8.2
    • - Fixed translation issues.
    • - Fixed GraphQl issues
    Version 4.0.2
    • - Compatible with Magento ^2.4.3
    Version 4.0.1
    • + Customer can apply multiple offers on the same products.
    • + Added offer display type "Button" and "Product Tab" in admin system configuration to show on the frontend.
    Version 4.0.0
    • + compatible with Magento 2.4.x
    • - Fixed when Guest is not allowed and offer display type is product tab then the form is not showing.
    • - Fixed reset button issue in the grid ( frontend ).
    • - Fixed product quantity should not be allowed in decimal.
    Version 3.0.0
    • + Compatible with Magento 2.3.x
    • + Request for an offer from the frontend.
    • + The offer is restricted to single product based on price and quantity.
    • + Option to view the list of offers with all recent estimate request sent in the “offer” page of registered user.
    • + A separate section of discussion panel is provided to both admin and users where they can haggle related to offer.
    • + The option to accept, reject or counter the offer is provided to admin.
    • + Redirect users that accepts quotes to checkout page via reference link/promotion code provided by mail.
    • + Manage offers with expiration dates.
    • + Option to disable communication tab at admin end accordingly.
    • + Option to re-create and manage quote requests from admin end against the response of an offer.
    • + Ajax base process ensures user cannot place multiple offer for same product simultaneously.
    • + Email sent to admin each time user makes an offer.
    • + Email sent to users who made offers when it get accepted/rejected or countered.
    • + Auto promotion code/link creation upon accepting offer.
    Version 1.0.0
    • + MakeAnOffer module compatability with Hyva-Theme