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Magento 2 Marketplace Vendor Sub Accounts
Magento 2 Marketplace Vendor Sub Accounts extension allows sellers to create and manage sub-accounts with specific permissions that help sellers divide their roles and responsibilities with other users.
- The admin and sellers can create multiple sub-accounts.
- The admin or seller can delete or edit an existing sub-account.
- Both the admin and the seller can assign specific roles to sub-account users.
- Sub-account users can only access functionalities assigned to them by the admin/seller.
- Sub-account users can also create other sub-accounts.
- Marketplace Vendor Sub Accounts source code is open for customization.
- Magento 2 Marketplace Vendor Sub Accounts extension supports the Hyva theme.
- The extension supports GraphQL APIs.
Top Selling Extension Winner
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- Description
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- Specifications
- Cloud Hosting
- Changelog
With the help of this Adobe Commerce add-on, the sellers can manage their own sub-accounts. The sellers can set access permissions for these sub-accounts by giving them access to some specific features of their web store. This helps the sellers to divide their roles and responsibilities with the other sub-account holders. For eg: A seller can add agents/users to view orders and products only while other users can manage the orders.
Please Note:
- Multi-Vendor User Account is a Marketplace Add-on. You need to install Webkul Magento 2 Marketplace Module first.
- Also, check out Magento 2 Customer Sub Account extension for creating sub-users for a customer.

Highlighted Features
Sellers can Manage Supervisors
The seller can manage sub-account users' activities.
Create Sub Accounts For the Store
The sellers/admin both can create sub-users from their ends.
What Need Seller/Vendor Sub-Account / Marketplace Sales Rep / Vendor Agents?
Sub-account is used when the vendors themselves are unable to manage their products, order, etc. and want to create users with restricted access who can handle their account and manage their respective tasks. This way the sellers can distribute their jobs and duties to their sub-account users. This Module allows the sellers to manage and complete the web store tasks by the multiple sub-account users. Thus, reducing the store management time.
Allow Sellers to Manage Vendor Sub-Accounts
Multi-Vendor User Account allows sellers to create multiple sub-accounts for themselves. These sub-account users can have various permissions such as - view orders, manage orders, view products, manage products, etc.
The following are the options available to the admin:
- Enable/disable the marketplace sub-accounts functionality.
- Show/hide the Manage Sub-Accounts menu option for the sellers.
- Allows sellers to add and edit their own sub-accounts.
- Allow sellers to set access permissions for their sub-accounts.

Seller Sub-Accounts
The sub-account users can perform various web store functionalities for the sellers such as managing orders, products, profile, order PDF information and so on.
The admin or the sellers can create multiple numbers of sub-account users who can manage the web store efficiently.
They can do various web store activities as per the allowed permissions assigned to them.
- The sub-account users receive an email for setting the password.
- In the email, the sub-account users can view the list of allowed permissions.
- When logged in to their accounts, separate My Account menu options are available.
- The sub-account users can do the various web-store tasks as per the assigned permissions.
- When a new sub-account is created it becomes the customer of the store.

Allowed Permissions - Vendor Agents
The admin or the sellers can grant multiple permissions of the web store to a sub-account user. The allowed permissions include the following functionalities of the web store:
- View Dashboard - view sales statistics, ask a question to admin, latest orders, and reviews.
- Manage Seller Profile - Edit seller information.
- Create Configurable Product Attributes
- Manage Products - Add product or edit or delete products.
- View Products - View sold quantity, stock, revenue earned.
- Manage Transactions - View seller payment transactions.
- Manage Order PDF header information - Edit or change the order pdf header details like name and address.
- Manage Orders - Complete management of orders. Create shipment, invoice, credit memo, or cancel an order.
- My Customer List - List of all the customers of the seller.
- My Review List - Viewing seller reviews.
- Earnings - The sub-account user can also check the earnings of the store.

Admin Management - Marketplace Sales Rep
The admin can also manage the sub-accounts users of each seller. Using the Seller-Sub Account option available in Marketplace Management>Manage Sellers, the admin can view the list of all the sub-account users. Here are the options available to the admin:
- Add new sub-account user for the seller.
- Edit sub-account user information like first name, last name, and email address.
- Select the allowed account permissions - view orders, manage orders, view products, manage products, etc.
- Change sub-account active status to yes or no.
- Delete the existing sub-accounts users of the sellers.
- All customers are classified under group as - general or sub-account.
- The admin has complete control over the seller sub-accounts.

Sub-Account Users as Customers
When a new sub-account user is created, it is automatically added to the existing customer list. The sub-account user can do all the customer activities like a normal customer.
This allows the admin to view and manage the customer, sellers, and sub-account users easily.
Here are the options available to the admin:-
- View the sub-accounts list of the customer.
- Edit the sub-account details of the customer.
- Search sub-account users from the list.

Implemented GraphQL API
The admin using Postman can use the GraphQL queries to fetch the respective data for validation as required.
- The admin can validate the data through GraphQL.
- View the results of the required data.
- Allows the fetch of the list of sub-sellers by customerID.
- Also, fetches the allowed permissions to the seller by admin.
- Support Mutation to create/Update/Delete a seller subaccount

Marketplace Seller Sub-Accounts
The sellers can manage their own sub-accounts from the front end of the web store. Manage Sub-Accounts option will be available under My Account. Here are the options available to the sellers:
- View list of all the sub-account users with details.
- Add multiple sub-account users.
- Edit the sub-account user details such as - first name, last name, and email.
- Select and modify allowed permissions for each sub-account user.
- Change sub-account active status - yes or no.
- Reset sub-account user details.
- Delete existing sub-account user(s).
- Use filter option to search any sub-account user from the list.
- View sub-account activation date & time.
- View sub-account user ID.

Features of Seller Sub-Accounts
- The admin can enable/disable the “Manage Sub-Accounts” for the sellers.
- The admin/seller can create/add sub-account.
- Admin/seller can delete/edit existing sub-accounts.
- Both, the admin and the seller can assign specific roles to the sub-account holders.
- Sub-account users can access only assigned functionalities by the admin/seller.
- Allow the sub-account holders to perform the actions on the web-store according to their defined roles.
- Helps admin/seller to distribute their roles and responsibilities to the other sub-account users.
- The module source code is open for customization.
- Supports multiple language translations.
- The admin can also provide permission to access the customer list and review list.
LabX - Laboratory Equipment Marketplace
LabX - LabX Media Group is a leading B2B science media company from Canada that delivers award-winning editorial, essential industry news, analysis, and insights for scientific research and life science community members.
LabX was founded in 1995, with the sole focus on laboratory equipment. Over time, the site has evolved from simple classified listings to an online auction platform.
Now a premier B2B marketplace where professionals shop for instruments, accessories, consumables, and supplies.

For any query or issue please create a support ticket here http://webkul.uvdesk.com/.
You may also check our quality Adobe Commerce Extensions.
Recent Reviews
Write a reviewExcellent Service
One of the greatest companies and service providers we ever had business with.
The support team is extremely professional and very quick in their response not to mention how professional they are in assisting to solve any issue.

Great service and support
Excellent technical support for all levels of customers; technical and non technical
Frequently Asked Questions - Marketplace Multi Vendor User Account for Magento 2
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Get Started with Cloud- + Features
- - Bugs
- - Bugs Fixed
- - Minor Bugs Fixed
- + Compatible with Magento 2.4.5 and Marketplace 5.*.*
- - Fixed Bugs
- + Implemented graphQl
- + Compatible with Magento 2.4.* and Marketplace 5.*.*
- - Fixed Bugs
- + Compatible with Magento 2.4.* and Marketplace 5.0.x
- + Compatible with php ^8.3
- - Fixed PHPStan and PHPcs issues
- - Fixed the Sub Seller grid issues
- + Compatible with Magento 2.4.5
- + Compatible with EE and Marketplace version 4.*.*
- + Implemented GraphQl
- + Compatible with Magento 2.4.*
- + Compatible with EE and Marketplace version 4.*.*
- + Compatible with EE and Marketplace version 4.0.x
- + Compatible with Magento version 2.3.3 or greater version.
- + Compatible with Marketplace version 3.0.1
- + Compatible with Magento version 2.3.*
- + Compatible with Marketplace version 3.0.*
- + Compatible with Marketplace version 2.2.*
- + Compatible with Magento version 2.3.*
- + Allow admin to give permissions for sub seller account by Admin Configuration
- + Allow admin to give individual seller permission for sub seller account by customer panel
- + Compatible with Marketplace version 2.1.5 or greater version.
- + Compatible with Marketplace 2.1.x.
- + Compatible with Magento 2.2.0.
- + Allow sellers to add sub accounts to manage their accounts.
- + Allow seller to provide account permissions to sub accounts to manage seller's accounts.
- + Allow admin to manage seller's sub accounts.