Marketplace Point of Sale System WooCommerce
WooCommerce Marketplace Point of Sale System allows marketplace sellers to sell their WooCommerce products in the retail stores and the respective orders will be created in the WooCommerce store.
- The admin and sellers can create multiple store outlets for online stores.
- The admin and sellers can create agents for the outlets to manage sales and customers at their end.
- Quick addition of new customers by POS agent for their panel.
- Barcode readers can be used to add products to the cart.
- Hassle-free payment via cash, card, or split method and checkout system.
- The cart can be put on hold for future processing.
- The admin can set up the POS theme in the OS Default, dark, and light mode.
This module is now compatible with WooCommerce’s new High-Performance Order Storage (HPOS) feature.
- Description
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- Specifications
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- Changelog
WooCommerce Marketplace Point of Sale System enables the marketplace sellers to sell their WooCommerce products in the retail stores and the respective orders will be created in the WooCommerce store. The marketplace sellers can even create multiple salespersons/cashiers for their outlets.
WooCommmerce Marketplace POS system can manage all the physical stores with the online store. It provides an attractive and user-friendly POS front-end by enhancing speed, it improves POS performance as well.
- The POS system will work with devices having a 1280px screen resolution or above. Currently, we are working on to make the POS work with up to 768px screen resolution and above.
- POS will not work in the Mozilla Firefox private window.
- To use the WooCommerce Marketplace Point of Sale System module you must have WooCommerce Marketplace, as well as WooCommerce POS, & also this module supports Marketplace version: 5.5.1

Highlighted Features
Cash Drawer
In order to view & calculate the daily cash flow, the module features a cash drawer option that can be selected in order to view the daily transactions.
Add To Cart
Products can be added to the cart by clicking on the specific product.
On-Hold Cart
The cart can be put on hold for future processing.
Manage Cashier
Admin/Seller can easily manage i.e (Add/Enable/Disable/Delete) cashiers
Create Customers
New customers can be added easily from the Sales agent POS panel.
Split Payment
Supports split payment via cash and card payment options.
Coupon & Discount
Apply a coupon and discount to the cart while checkout.
Shortcut Key
The seller can have keyboard shortcut keys available in the POS panel.
Why do we need the WooCommerce Marketplace Point of Sale System module?
WooCommerce Marketplace Point of Sale System module provides help to brick-and-mortar businesses for managing and selling store products online. Store owner can manage their physical store on their system. The organization can manage the physical store on its eCommerce website with manageable options for the store.
They can print the barcode and paste it onto the products. They can manage products and order online through barcodes. Store owners can create customers, outlets, orders, POS users, and payment options and also manage all functionality.
Thus it provides POS services to the marketplace sellers for managing their physical stores through an e-commerce store.
Multiple Sell Points
Now the WooCommerce marketplace sellers can easily expand the revenue generation scope for their business by using WooCommerce Marketplace Point of Sale module
- If you are having a brick-and-mortar business and also selling products online. Then, POS is a must-have feature for your e-commerce business.
- The point of Sale (POS) refers to a system where the seller can create the order from his physical store using the POS and the order will be generated in the e-commerce store.
- The module enables the seller to sell the e-commerce products in the retail stores.
- The seller can create multiple outlets for the store and can manage them by creating a POS salesperson.
- Multiple sale cashier can be created for each outlet.

POS User Management
POS users are the helping force of any point of the sales system. But their working also needs to be managed and monitored for having a success Point Of Sales System. The seller can:
- Create multiple POS user account using easy configurations of the module.
- Manage the outlets by assigning POS users to the outlet.
- Create a login id and password for respective POS user accounts using which the POS user can log in to the POS accounts.
- Check the cash drawer to know the sales of POS users.

Customer Management
At the time of checkout, the POS user can choose/add customer for which the order has to be made
- The POS user can choose a customer from the registered customer list. And can even search registered customers by name or email.
- If a customer is not registered to the store, the POS user can add the customer.
- Additional addresses can be added and previous addresses can be edited in the existing customer's details.
- The added customer will be seen on the registered customer list.

POS Products
There is a separate section to view and manage all the POS products.
- The sellers can assign their store products to the outlets as per their choice.
- Can even print the barcode of the products easily.
- The module supports simple and virtual product types only.
- Sellers can view the POS product view on the outlet.
- Sellers can also select the printer type for the POS product.

Process Cart
The POS users can complete the purchase process by adding products to the cart and can perform various actions on the cart -
- Add Product -The POS user can simply click on the product to add them to the cart. The clicks on the product will increase the quantity of the product in the cart.
- Cart-On Hold -The cart can be put on hold for future processing.
- Discount &Coupon -Apply a coupon and discount to the cart while checkout.
- Payment - Easy payment via cash, card, or split methods.

Hardware Support
WooCommerce Marketplace POS System is a Web-based POS, so it is flexible and supports multiple peripherals such as barcode scanner, printer.
- POS Device - A device such as - iPad, Tablet, Laptop, Mac, Desktop PC which is capable of running a web browser and has at least a 7.5-inch screen size with 1280x800 pixel (minimum) resolution will work. To communicate with other POS peripherals, Bluetooth, and USB (2.0 and above) connection is also required.
- Web Browser - Various web browsers are supported such as - Opera 15+, Android web client 4+, Internet Explorer 10+ desktop/mobile, Firefox 10+, Chrome 4+, Safari 11+.
- Barcode Scanner - To use a barcode scanner, it needs to be connected with your POS Device via Bluetooth, Bluetooth Dongle, USB, OTG, or any other port.
- Receipt Printer - A printer needs to be connected with your POS Device via USB port or any other wireless connection such as Bluetooth/Wi-fi. Thermal printers are recommended for printing sales receipts.

For any query or issue, please create a support ticket here http://webkul.uvdesk.com/
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Recent Reviews
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Excellent Customer /tech Support, well recommended.
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Excellent support, I will definitely recommend.
Frequently Asked Questions
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Get Started with Cloud- + Features
- - Bugs
- 1.Added seller dashboard for pos
- 2.Sellers can have their individual pos users
- 3. Sellers can have their own outlets for their pos users
- 4. Sellers can have their own invoice template
- 5. Admin can now assign sellers to different pos user
- 6. Admin can now assign different seller oulets to different pos user.
- 7. Seller can now manage all orders of his pos user.
- 8. Added report section for seller too.
- 9. Admin can Filter the report using different sellers
- 10. Admin can Filter the report using different outlets.
- 11. Added compatibility with the comission set on Marketplace.
- 12. Fixed minor and major issues related to products visibility for seller.
- 13. Added payment specific methods for the seller end.
- 14. Hpos compatibility with latest woocommerce.
- 1. Added compatibility with point of sale.
- 2. Added point of sale addons compatibility.
- 3. Improved Outlet list and add\edit form ui.
- 4. Improved Payment list and add\edit form ui.
- 5. Improved POS manager list and add\edit form ui.
- 6. Improved POS orders list ui.
- 7. Added form submition without reload feature by fetch.
- 8. Added auto barcode generate feature.
- 9. Improved barcode print synario and echanced to 5000+ barcode generate in one time print.
- 10. Improved outlet manage section and added product enable/disable feature by one button.
- 11. Added seller column at admin end order, users, outlet and payment list.
- 12. Fixed outlet product search issue.
- 1. Improve admin UI.
- 2. Add Extensions menu for Marketplace POS addons.
- 3. Add few settings for customer usablity like:
- #1. Admin end: a. Enable POS Logo to POS screen header b. Change Inventory order.
- #2. Seller end.
- a. Seller can add payment gateways from it's end for POS.
- b. Seller can change the Barcode print preview.
- c. Sync offline orders automatically.
- d. Select Default Printer Type.
- 4. Add button for sync offline order mannually.
- 5. Resolve offline order sync issue when inclusive tax enable.
- 6. Resolve customer delete issue at POS end.
- 7. Resolve catagories css issue at pos end.
- 8. Add shop name in header instead of web name.
- 9. Add Seller column in user, outlet, products, orders WP List table.
- 10. Fix few UI issue in MPPOS last update.
- 1. Update the Complete UI of Marketplace point of sale.
- 2. Used Code Splitting feature for improving performance of application.
- 3. Use Scss remove less as per woocommerce for stylesheet.
- 4. Resolved various bugs:
- #1 - postcode issue can't save alpha-numeric and alphabetical post code,
- #2 - No categories in pos - category API has issue,
- #3 - Sale history wrong dates are coming - on create sales history api has issue with current date.
- #4 - fixed reciept issue.
- #5 - Fixed quantity issue.
- #6 - fixed hold cart issue.
- #7 - fixed order view issue.
- 5. reduced unused CSS and JS in application.
- 6. Enqueue woocommerce packages for wc-navigation, wc-track etc.
- 7. POS Full Screen Feature
- 8. Add Icon or webname on POS screen from POS settings.
- 1. Fixed Issues and compatible with Woocommerce MarketPlace version 5.0.
- 2. Fixed pos orders issue at seller end
- 3. Add seller column in user menu at admin end to identify which pos manager is related to which seller.
- 4. Resolved user image add issue at seller end
- 1. Added centralized inventory feature.
- 2. Added unit price at pos feature.
- 3. Added inline price discount at pos end.
- 4. Added support for PWA at pos end.
- 5. Added service worker for offline support.
- 6. Added routing at pos-end.
- 7. Added option in settings to enable/disable mails at pos-end.
- 8. Added 404 page for wrong URLS at pos-end.
- 9. Added feature to enable/disable offline order even if system is online for fast process.
- 10. Added translations with i18n in JavaScript.
- 11. Added customer based discount feature.
- 12. Fixed security issues.
- + Initial release