Odoo Marketplace Favourite Seller
Use followers as the Stock quality and seller popularity gauge/index on your Odoo marketplace!!
- Let the customers become followers to their favourite seller on the Odoo Marketplace with Odoo Marketplace Favourite Seller Module.
- Customers can add various sellers/vendors as favourite from the product page or seller profile page.
- Customers can follow the sellers for updates about new arrivals.
- Admin can overview and add/remove followers to all the Odoo marketplace sellers.
- Sellers can only manage their followers on Odoo Marketplace.
- Newsletters and updates about the products and website can be sent to the customers.
- Newsletters can be sent to the followers by both the admin and seller.
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Odoo Marketplace Favourite Seller - Filter your favourite sellers among the hundreds on the Odoo Marketplace website and add them to your favourite sellers' list. The customers can follow your favourite sellers on the Odoo Marketplace website and stay notified about the new products and updates.
The customers can add multiple sellers/vendors as favourites through product page or seller’s profile page and manage them from their account. The admin can view and manage followers from all the sellers in the Odoo backend. Mail notifications can be sent by the seller and admin from the Odoo backend to the customers added as followers.
Prerequisites For Odoo Marketplace Favourite Seller Module
Odoo Marketplace Favourite Seller works in conjunction with the following modules:
You would need to install this module for Odoo Marketplace Favourite Seller to work properly.
Odoo Marketplace Favourite Seller Features
Allows to add sellers as a favourite on Odoo Marketplace
- It facilitates the customers to add the seller/vendor as a favourite on the Odoo Marketplace website from the product page or seller profile page.
- The customers can follow their favourite sellers on the Odoo marketplace.
Manage seller’s followers from the backend
- The admin can view and manage the followers of all the sellers in the Odoo backend.
- The sellers can manage or remove their followers from their profile in the Odoo backend.
- The sellers can send mail notifications about new products or other updates to their followers.
View latest products and updates of the sellers
- The customers will be able to see the latest updates and products published by the seller they follow on the Odoo Marketplace
- You can mail notifications when a new product is published by a seller or any discount is available on the Odoo marketplace website.
- You can even send newsletters for latest updates on the Marketplace to the customers.
Send mail notifications to the seller’s followers efficiently
- You can send emails to all the followers from the Odoo backend.
- It allows customers to be informed about the latest discounts and offers on the Odoo Marketplace.
- The admin can configure the backend to automatically send mail notification to the followers.
Add seller in favourite list on the Marketplace
- Customers can select and manage their favourite sellers.
- They just have to click on ‘Add as favourite seller button’ to keep them in their favourite seller’s list.
- You can send emails to all the followers from the Odoo backend.
- It allows customers to be informed about the latest discounts and offers on the Odoo Marketplace.
- The admin can configure the backend to automatically send mail notification to the followers.

Manage seller followers from the backend

- You can view all the followers of different sellers from the Odoo backend.
- You can even remove the followers of your sellers accordingly.
- The customers will be able to see the latest updates and products published by the seller they follow on the Odoo Marketplace
- You can mail notifications when a new product is published by a seller or any discount is available on the Odoo marketplace website.
- You can even send newsletters for latest updates on the Marketplace to the customers.
- The admin can view and manage followers from all the sellers in the Odoo backend.
Seller’s managing the followers from the backend
- Sellers can also manage their followers from the backend of Odoo Marketplace.
- They can remove their followers too as per their wish.
- It facilitates the customers to add the seller/vendor as a favourite on the Odoo Marketplace website from the product page or seller profile page.
- The customers can follow their favourite sellers on the Odoo marketplace.
- The customers can add multiple sellers/vendors as favourites through product page or seller’s profile page and manage them from their account.

Other Odoo Marketplace Modules
- Odoo Marketplace Daily Deals
- Odoo Marketplace Product Tags
- Odoo Marketplace Quote System
- Odoo Marketplace Rental Sale
- Odoo Marketplace RMA
- Odoo Marketplace Theme Inventive
- Odoo Marketplace Cash On Delivery (COD)
- Odoo eLearning Marketplace
- Odoo Marketplace Other Products by Seller On Product Page
- Odoo Marketplace Q&A & FAQ
- Odoo Marketplace Seller Vacation
- Odoo Marketplace SMS Notification
- Odoo Marketplace Supplier As a Seller
Odoo Marketplace Favourite Seller
Webkul's dedicated support provides you with the customizations and troubleshooting solutions for Odoo Marketplace Favourite Seller.
For any query or issue please CREATE A TICKET HERE
You may also check our other top-quality Odoo Extensions.
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