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    Laravel Marketplace Advanced Commission

    Laravel Marketplace Advanced Commission module gives the ability to the admin to set commission for products, categories, and seller categories.

    • The admin can set commission on products and categories.

    • The admin can set commission on categories specific to the seller.

    • The admin can set commission on products and categories together.

    • The admin can decide the type of commission as a percentage or fixed for categories.

    • The commission on the product will get higher priority.

    • The admin can add new commission rules.

    • The admin can delete/edit the commission rule.

    Laravel Marketplace Advanced Commission Laravel Marketplace Advanced Commission Laravel Marketplace Advanced Commission Laravel Marketplace Advanced Commission Laravel Marketplace Advanced Commission Laravel Marketplace Advanced Commission Laravel Marketplace Advanced Commission
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    Laravel Marketplace Advanced Commission: This module gives the ability to the admin to set commission for products, categories, and seller categories. The admin can also use commission rule. If any product lies under various categories on which the admin has set the commission, then, in this case, the highest commission will apply to the product.

    Important Note - This is a marketplace add-on, so you need to install Webkul's Laravel Multi Vendor Marketplace first.

    Highlighted Features of Laravel Marketplace Advanced Commission

     Add New Commission Rules

    Using this the admin can set a new commission rule for the products.

     Category Commission

    Using this module the admin can set different commission rates for every category.

     Set Commission

    This module allows setting commission for both products and categories together.

     Commission Type

    Using this module the admin can select the commission type between the fixed and percentage.

    Manage Advanced Commission Rules

    Once the module has been successfully installed the admin can manage the commission rules under the admin panel where the admin can configure the following settings.

    • The admin can select between "Yes" or "No" to use the commission rules.
    • The admin can select the commission type as "fixed".
    • The admin can select the commission type as a "percentage"
    Manage Advanced Commission Rules

    Commission per Category

    In Laravel Marketplace Advanced Commission the admin can put the commission on each category.

    The admin can put a different commission rate on different categories from the back-end.

    • The admin can set the commission in each category according to the requirement.
    • The commission type can be fixed or percentage.
    • The admin can set the commission amount for each category.
    Commission per Category

    Seller's Categories Commission

    Using this module the admin can also set the commission on per seller category, the admin can set the commission on each category of each seller.

    If the admin has set the commission on a per-category and per seller category then the commission for the per seller category will apply first.

    • The admin can set the commission on each category of the seller.
    • The admin can set category commission for every seller.
    • The per seller per category commission will have high priority than the commission per category.
    Seller's Categories Commission

    Add Commission Rules

    Once the admin has set "Yes" in use commission rules under the configure setting the admin can add the commission rules as per the requirements for the products.

    Under manage commission rules section where the admin just needs to click on the Add Commission button.

    • The admin can select the commission type between the "fixed" and "Percentage".
    • The admin can set the price range of the product for the commission.
    • The admin can set the amount for the commission.
    • This will have more priority from per category commission and per seller category commission.
    Add Commission Rules


    For any issue related to this module, please create a support ticket here at - or send an email to [email protected]

    You may also check our quality Bagisto Extensions.


    Product Version2.2.2
    Released4 years ago
    Last UpdatedJanuary 13, 2025 (26 days ago)
    Supported VersionsBagisto  2.2.2  
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    Frequently Asked Questions

     What is the basic need of this module?
    With the help of this module, the admin can set the commission according to the category.
     This module is supported by which version of Bagisto?
    This module is supported by Bagisto version 0.1.8 or higher.
     If a product falls in two categories then which commission will apply?
    The category has the highest commission will apply first in this case.
     Can we run this module without installing the Marketplace module?
    No before using this module the admin also needs to install the multivendor marketplace module.
     Which will apply first if the admin has set the commission for both per category and per seller category?
    In this case, the "per seller category" commission will apply first.

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    • + Features
    • - Bugs
    Version 2.2.2
    • + Module is compatible with Bagisto V2.2.2.
    • + Module is compatible with Marketplace V2.2.2.
    • + We have added a feature where categories not assigned to a seller will not be displayed in the 'Seller Category Commission' section.
    • + We have added a feature where categories not assigned to seller will not be displayed in 'Set Per Category Commission'.
    • - We have fixed the issue related to using the 'Exclusive' & 'Inclusive' tax for the seller's product.
    • - We have fixed the issue and added the appropriate validation messages for creating a commission in the 'Manage Commission Rule' section.
    • - Issues related to flow and functionality of the mp-advance-commission process have been resolved.
    • - Multiple critical bugs have been fixed.
    • - UI-related issues have been fixed.
    Version 1.4.5
    • + Compatible With Bagisto v1.4.5.
    • + Mass Delete options to be added.
    Version 1.3.3
    • + Compatible With Bagisto v1.3.3.
    Version 1.3.2
    • + Compatible With Bagisto v1.3.2.
    Version 1.3.1
    • + The admin can set commission on products and categories.
    • + The admin can set commission on categories specific to Seller.
    • + The admin can set commission on products and categories together.
    • + The admin can decide the type of commission as a percentage or fixed for categories.
    • + The commission on the product will get higher priority.
    • + The admin can add new commission rules.
    • + The admin can delete/edit the commission rule.
    Version 1.2.0
    • - All categories should be aligned from admin.
    • - Exception on seller category commission from admin.
    v0.1.4 (15th of April, 2020)
    • * [bug] If the manage commission rule is enabled then also seller category commission gets applied.
    • * [bug] Seller total mismatch in Marketplace Order section and seller Transaction.
    • * [bug] Getting an incorrect invoiced amount if the commission of one category is greater than the product price. In this case commission of another category should get apply if that product is not assigned in any other category then the mp default category should apply.
    • * [bug] Getting incorrect seller total.
    • * [bug] Getting incorrect commission amount if the order is placed from two different categories of the same seller, and commission for one category is saved from "Set Per Category Commission" and for other categories, the commission is saved from "Seller Category Commission.
    • * [bug] Incorrect commission in case if buyer purchase product of two different categories of same seller and commission assigned to both categories is different.
    • * [bug] Getting issue when commission amount is more than the product price.
    v0.1.3 (14th of Feb, 2020)
    • * [bug] Exception during adding product to multiple category from admin.
    v0.1.2 (5th of Feb, 2020)
    • * [bug] Not able to remove commission for particular seller per category commission.
    • * [suggestion] Add marketplace required version in read me file.
    • * [bug] If use commission rule is set as no from Advance Commission section, then marketplace default commission also not working.
    • * [bug] If product range lies between the given range then also Marketplace default global commission rate gets applied for assigned seller product, if product range lies between the given range.
    • * [bug] Wrong commission rate is showing if the commission rate is set as yes, and commission is the rate for product range 100-300.
    • * [bug] Getting issue when commission amount is more than product price.
    • * [documentation] Add marketplace required version in read me file.
    v0.1.1 (23rd of Jan, 2020)
    • * [bug] UI issue.
    • * [suggestion] Add marketplace required version in read me file.
    • * [bug] Getting exception on Set Per Category Commission.
    • * [bug] Not able to place order for seller product, getting error message "Something went wrong".Getting this issue when use commission rule is set as "Yes" and No commission rule is created.
    • * [bug] If use commission rule is set as "No", and commission is not saved for seller then customer is not able to checkout for the product of that seller.
    • * [bug] Getting issue when commission amount is more than product price.
    • * [bug] Not able to place order for product in case of assigned product, if the commission is not saved for that particular seller.
    • * [bug] Incorrect commission in case if buyer purchase product of two different category of same seller and commission assigned to both category is different.
    • * [bug]Getting incorrect commission amount if order is placed from two different category of same seller, and commission for one category is saved from "Set Per Category Commission" and for other category commission is save from "Seller Category Commission.
    v0.1.0 (9th of Jan, 2020)
    • * [feature] The admin can set commission on products and categories.
    • * [feature] The admin can set commission on categories specific to Seller.
    • * [feature] The admin can set commission on products and categories together.
    • * [feature] The admin can decide the type of commission as a percentage or fixed for categories.
    • * [feature] The commission on the product will get higher priority.
    • * [feature] The admin can add new commission rules.
    • * [feature] The admin can delete/edit the commission rule.