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    B2B Sales Representative for Magento 2

    Magento 2 B2B Sales Representative enables the creation of sales rep users, assigning customers, products, categories, and quotes.

    • The admin can create multiple sales representatives.

    • The admin has the authority to assign a sales representative to a team.

    • The admin has the ability to monitor the sales rep's actions.

    • Admin and sales representatives each have their dedicated sales representative dashboard.

    • The admin is responsible for assigning sales representatives to handle quote requests.

    • Customers can create easily quote requests for a product.

    • The customer can communicate with a sales rep regarding quote requests.

    • Sales Representatives can assign order quotations to another representative.

    • This extension is compatible with the Hyva Theme.

    Technology Partner Awards.
    Top Selling Extension Winner
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    B2B Sales Representative for Magento 2 B2B Sales Representative for Magento 2 B2B Sales Representative for Magento 2 B2B Sales Representative for Magento 2 B2B Sales Representative for Magento 2 B2B Sales Representative for Magento 2 B2B Sales Representative for Magento 2 B2B Sales Representative for Magento 2 B2B Sales Representative for Magento 2 B2B Sales Representative for Magento 2
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    B2B Sales Representative for Magento 2: As the marketplaces grow, managing a store becomes quite challenging. Therefore, the admin needs a helping hand, so as to take care of the increasing customer crowd. For this purpose, the admin needs a helping hand in selling products and handling the customers’ quote requests so as to offer better services to the customers.

    Sales Representative Extension for Magento 2 is one such extension which facilitates the admin of a store to create sales reps which handle the customers’ quote requests and messages. If need be, the sales rep can create a response for the customers’ quote request.

    This way it becomes easier for the admin of a store to manage the customers and through sales rep strategy the admin shall generate happy customers.

    Note:- This module is dependent on our Magento 2 Pricelist module. One must need to install the pricelist module so as to avail its functionalities.

    B2B Sales Representative for Magento 2

    Highlighted Features

     Creating Sales Reps

    The admin can create sales representatives and assign them to respective quote requests.

     Acknowledging Quote Requests

    The Sales Reps can send responses for the quote requests which the customers generate.

     Assigning Roles to Sales Reps

    The admin can allocate roles of Managers, Administrator, Sub Admin etc. to the Sales Representatives.

     Manage Quotes Requests

    The sales rep, as assigned by the admin for quote requests, shall manage their quotes and messages.

    Incorporating Sales Rep with Magento2

    With the use of Sales Representative Extension for Magento 2, the admin of a B2B store can create and provide access to sales reps. Using the module the admin can create sales rep and provide them different roles. The admin can assign customer quotes, orders, etc which can be managed by sales reps.

    • The admin can create sales representatives and assign the sales rep to the quotes requested by the customer.
    • The admin can assign sales rep manually or automatically, under Dedicated Sales Rep tab.
    • The admin may assign dedicated sales rep for products.
    • The dedicated sales rep may also be assigned for categories by the admin.
    • The admin can define the maximum number of sales rep managers.
    • The maximum number of team members may be defined by the admin.
    • The admin configures the default email for the sales rep.
    • The default order and quote emails are defined for the sales reps.
     1) Incorporating Sales Rep with Magento2

    Interactive Dashboard for Sales Rep

    The Magento 2 Sales Rep B2B module provides a very interactive dashboard for sales reps. On the dashboard, the sales reps can see there total sales, quotes, orders, etc. Also, the sales rep can see new messages, quotes, and sales report.

    • The sales rep can see the sales report in a graphical view on the dashboard.
    • The sales rep can see the total sales value on the dashboard.
    • The total number of customers are visible on the dashboard of the sales rep.
    • The sales rep can see the total number of quotes on the dashboard.
    • The sales rep can see the total number of messages on the dashboard.
    • New messages are visible on the dashboard of the sales rep.
    • New messages are visible on the dashboard of the sales rep.
    • The sales rep can also see the average sales per order, average discount per order and average quote per order on the dashboard
     Interactive Dashboard for Sales Rep

    Sales Representative Options for Admin

    The admin can completely manage the Sales Representative for Magento 2. The admin can see all the orders, quotes, customers, etc assigned to a sales rep. Also, admin can manage them and make changes to them.

    • The Sales Representative activities can be managed under sales rep dashboard options.
    • The sales rep dashboard displays the totals of sales, customers, messages, quotes, orders, etc.
    • The graphical representation of the sales is displayed in the sales rep dashboard.
    • The sales representatives reports display under Reports option.
    • The orders and details of the respective orders display under Orders option.
    • Under Request for Quotes option, the quote requests generated by the customer, display.
    • The conversation threads regarding the quote requests display under Messages option.
    • The Sales Rep can view the list of customers is visible under the customers option.
    • The admin can view the list of the sales rep and add a new sales rep under Sales Rep option.
     Sales Representative Options for Admin

    Sales Reps and their Roles:

    A Sales Rep is an important aspect of any e-commerce industry. It is the responsibility of the vend products to the customers on behalf of the store owner. It the prime job of the Sales Rep to market the business in such a way that real sales are generated which leads to higher conversion rates.

    • The Sales Reps option displays the list of sales representatives created.
    • The admin may create a new sales representative.
    • The Sales Rep Info tab displays the account information of the Sales Representative.
    • Under Sales Rep Role the admin may assign roles to the sales representative.
    • The User Role displays all the roles which the admin can assign to the sales representative.
    • The Sales Rep Managers tab displays a table displaying the sales rep’s name and the role assigned to him.
    • The Sales Rep Team defines a table displaying the members of the sales rep team and their details.
     Sales Reps and their Roles:

    Placing Quote Requests

    The customer is the most important part of any business, be it small scale or large scale. The customers may tend to buy products and make a pocket-friendly deal with the store owner. This is made easy as customers can place quote requests and these quote requests are looked after by the sales representatives.

    • The customers can log in to the frontend and place a quote request for products.
    • Customers can create a new quote for products.
    • The customer can choose a product from the given list and its required quantity.
    • The customer has to enter the expected price or the quoted price for the product chosen.
    • As the customers submit the quote, they are notified through a success message which displays at the top of the Quote Requests page.
    • The Quote Requests page displays a list of quote requests created.
     Placing Quote Requests

     Complete Features List

    • The admin can create a sales representative.
    • The admin can set default sales rep for category and product.
    • If no sales rep is created, then admin, himself is the sales rep.
    • The admin can assign roles such as Manager, sales rep, administrator etc to the sales reps.
    • A team can be allocated to a sales rep by the admin.
    • The admin may assign permissions to the sales rep.
    • The sales rep's activities can be viewed by the admin.
    • Admin and sales reps have their own sales rep dashboard.
    • The admin assigns sales reps to the quote requests.
    • Dedicated sale rep can be assigned manually or automatically.
    • The Sales Reps are visible on category & product pages.
    • Sales Representative have the leverage to manage their quotes and messages.
    • Also, the Sales Rep can create quote responses for customer quotes.
    • The report for each Sales Rep is generated.
    • Customers can create quotes requests for a product(s).
    • The customers can have a dedicated sales rep.
    • The customer can message a sales rep regarding quotes requests.


    For any query or issue please create a support ticket here

    You may also check our quality Magento 2 Extensions.


    Product Version5.0.1-p2
    Released6 years ago
    Last UpdatedMarch 12, 2024 (10 months ago)
    Supported VersionsMagento  2.0.x  2.1.x  2.2.x  2.3.x  2.4.x  
    Rating 5.0
    based on 1 reviews

    Recent Reviews

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    The support was pro reactive and excellent Work

    Posted On - June 6, 2024

    The support was pro reactive and explain to us clearly about the issue. Good job

     Frequently Asked Questions

     Which is the best B2B Sales Rep extension to manage the customers’ quote requests?
    Sales Representative Extension for Magento 2 is one of the best sales rep extensions where the admin creates a sale rep who takes care of the quote requests.
     What is the functionality of Sales Representative Extension for Magento 2?
    It facilitates the customers to place quote requests and the admin assigns these quote requests to the sales representatives. The sales reps manage the respective quote requests. This way, it becomes easier for the admin of a store to entertain the customers of the store.
     Where is the Sales Rep visible to the customer in the frontend?
    The Name of the Sales Rep is visible on the Product as well as the category pages in the frontend.
     What benefit does Sales Representative Extension for Magento 2 offer the customers?
    The customers can directly contact the sales rep for any product related query without having to contact the admin of the store for the issues.
      What is the main motive of the Sales Representative?
    A Sales Representative is solely responsible for meeting the sales targets and marketing the products and services. The sales rep achieves this by reaching out to the right crowd.

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    • + Features
    • - Bugs
    Version 5.0.1-p2
    • - Fixed bugs
    Version 5.0.1-p1
    • + Compatible with Magento 2.4.x
    • + Now sales representatives can assign orders to other sales representatives and manage them.
    • - Fixed bugs
    Version 5.0.1
    • + Allow customers to add a discount on the quote price.
    Version 5.0.0
    • + Compatible with Magento 2.4.x version
    • - Fixed bugs
    Version 4.0.1-p2
    • - Fixed bugs
    Version 4.0.1-p1
    • + Compatible with Magento 2.4.x
    • + Now sales representatives can assign orders to other sales representatives and manage them.
    • - Fixed bugs
    Version 4.0.1
    • + Compatible with Magento 2.4.x.
    • + Allow customers to add a discount on the quote price.
    • - Fixed bugs
    Version 4.0.0
    • + Compatible with Magento 2.4.x version
    • - Fixed bugs
    Version 3.0.0
    • + Admin can assign a dedicated sales rep to any customer.
    Version 2.1.0
    • + Compatible with Magento 2.3.x version
    • + Updated composer.json as per Magento 2.3.x version
    Version 2.0.0
    • + Allow customers to create quotes.
    • + Allow customer to message sales rep.
    • + Allow customer to message on the quote.
    • + Sales Rep visible on category & product page.
    • + Customer can have a dedicated sales rep.
    • + Admin able to create sales reps users.
    • + Sales Rep is an admin user.
    • + Sales Rep user has a role like Sales rep, Manager.
    • + Admin able to assign the products & categories to sales rep role.
    • + Admin able to assign the managers to the sales rep.
    • + Admin able to assign the team members to the sales rep.
    • + Admin able to assign the sales rep permissions in the role.
    • + Admin able to see all the sales rep users activity.
    • + Admin and sales rep users have their own sales rep dashboard.
    • + Sales Rep manage their own quotes.
    • + Sales Rep manage their own messages.
    • + Sales Rep is able to create a quote response.
    • + Display reports according to sales rep users.
    • + Admin able to assign a sales rep to quote.
    • + Admin can set default sales rep for category and product.
    • + Dedicated sales rep can be assigned automatically or manually.