Warehouse Management System (WMS) Mobile App for WooCommerce
Using this module, the warehouse managers can easily manage the orders arrived at various warehouses for delivery. This module provides an android and iOS application at the warehouse manager’s end to manage and verify the orders arrived at the warehouse. The admin can create various warehouses and assign warehouse managers to those warehouses. Please connect with sales team after the purchase with your order ID.
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As managing orders manually is quite a tough and tedious task so the WooCommerce WMS Flutter Mobile App helps the admin and the warehouse manager to manage orders easily.
This module allows the admin to create multiple warehouses and warehouse managers. The admin can then assign the warehouse managers to warehouses. The admin can also assign the warehouse manager and warehouse to the particular order.
Also, the module provides both Android and iOS mobile applications for warehouse managers to manage and verify the order easily, which surely reduces the paperwork done earlier.
Highlighted Features
CSV Upload
The admin can assign products to warehouses by uploading the CSV file.
Creating managers
The admin can create multiple warehouse managers and assign them to the warehouses.
Assign locations
The admin can assign locations to the products in the warehouse architecture. The admin can assign product location to any rack, shelve, row and column of the warehouse.
Print Tote/Basket
The admin can print barcodes of tote/baskets both in bulk and individually.
Order assignment
The admin can assign warehouse and warehouse managers for the orders arrived at the store.
Efficient Order Management
The Warehouse manager can easily manage orders with the help of mobile applications.
Why do we you need WooCommerce WMS Flutter Mobile App?
In today's era, everyone needs ease and efficiency in managing their tasks so the warehouse management module allows ease for both the admin and the warehouse manager to manage orders.
This will help the warehouse manager to have accuracy while delivering the order to their exact locations by verifying the order before actually delivering it with the help of a mobile application.
The warehouse manager needs to scan the tote to associate it with the order and to add the products into it. The Warehouse manager can add multiple totes for a single order and verify the order at last.
Assigning products through CSV
The admin will have to enter API credentials and can assign the location to the products by uploading the CSV file under the configuration section.
- The admin will need to create the CSV file to upload.
- The admin will have to choose the created CSV file.
- The admin will need to upload the CSV file.
- The admin will need to map the CSV file fields with the product's location fields.
- The admin will have to click on Run the Importer and the products will be imported.
Manage Warehouse Manager
The admin can search, edit, add and can also delete the multiple created warehouse managers. The admin will have to enter multiple details as given below:
- Enter the Username of the warehouse manager.
- The admin will enter the First name, Last name of the warehouse manager.
- The admin will need to enter the email address of the warehouse manager.
- Enable or disable the created warehouse managers.
- Enter the contact number, Date of birth.
- Select Gender and enter the address of the warehouse manager.
Manage Warehouses
The admin can search, edit, add new, delete and can manage various warehouses. The admin can click on ”Add New” to create new warehouses and architecture structure for those warehouses. The admin will have to enter multiple details as listed below:
- The admin will have to enter the Name of the warehouse.
- Assign the warehouse manager to that particular warehouse.
- Select the country and state where the warehouse is located.
- Enter the city and address of the warehouse.
- Enter the low stock threshold quantity.
- Enable or disable the status of the warehouse.
- Enter the number of rows, columns, shelves, racks, and totes/baskets for creating the architecture.
Warehouse Architecture
The admin will need to create a warehouse structure while creating warehouses. Once after creating warehouse architecture, the admin can assign the locations to various products.
- The admin can enter the number of rows and columns that are needed in the warehouse.
- The admin can enter the number of shelves and racks that will be needed for the warehouse.
- The admin can set the number of tote/baskets needed.
- By clicking on Manage the admin can view the details of warehouses under the detail section.
- The admin can assign quantities to various products under the products section.
- The admin can un-assign and also edit the products under the product section.
- The admin can select a particular row, column, shelves for products and then assign those products to racks.
- The admin can also de-allocate and revise the quantity of products placed in the rack.
- The color of the shelves will also be changed according to the allotments of products on various shelves.
Manage Orders
Once the order has arrived at the store, the admin can manage various orders arrived at the store.
- The admin can assign the warehouse manager to the orders.
- The admin can also assign the warehouse to the order.
- Assigning the warehouse to the orders will define that the order will be placed and shipped from that particular warehouse.
- Managing order helps in keeping proper track of orders placed.
Warehouse Application
The warehouse manager can manage the orders arrived at warehouses with the help of Android or iOS mobile application.
- The warehouse manager can click on an order list to view the orders and order status.
- The warehouse manager can scan the barcode of the tote to assign tote to the products.
- The warehouse manager can verify the order before shipping the order by clicking on the verify.
- To verify the order the warehouse manager will have to scan the tote.
View Other locations
This application facilitates the warehouse manager to check the order status for different stages such as started(will show in orange color), initiated(will show in red color), picked(will show in orange blue), pack(will show in green color).
This mobile application also shows the other location of the picked product in a pop window, if it has.
Admin End Features
- The admin can create multiple managers and warehouses.
- Print barcodes for multiple totes/bags at a time.
- The admin can assign multiple warehouse managers to a single warehouse.
- By uploading a CSV file, the admin can assign multiple products to a warehouse in a particular desired location
- The admin can also create a warehouse structure (number of rows, columns, Shelves Per Cluster, and racks per shelves).
- The admin can assign multiple products to a warehouse. Admin can also assign products to multiple locations.
- Also, the admin can manage the warehouse architecture by assigning the products to a particular rack of a shelve created.
- Assign warehouse managers and warehouses to various orders.
Warehouse Manager Features
- The warehouse manager can log-in by using the application.
- Check the status of the order. Scan the product barcode and tote barcode.
- The warehouse manager can see the location of a particular product.
- Verify the order by scanning the tote.
- The warehouse manager can see the orders which are assigned by the admin.
- Add multiple totes for a single order.
- The warehouse manager will receive notifications when an order is assigned to them.
WooCommerce WMS Flutter Mobile App - Support
For any query or issue, please create a support ticket here http://webkul.uvdesk.com/
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Recent Reviews
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Real professionals, I greatly appreciate the follow-up of the operations and tasks entrusted, I recommend Webkul
The service is very excellent
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In our default configuration we will provide tremendous configuration for your eCommerce Website which is fast to load and response.
Default Configuration Details of Server
- 1 GB RAM
- 1 Core Processor
- 30 GB Hard Disk
- DB with 1 GB RAM and 1 Core Processor
* Server Configuration may vary as per application requirements.
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